English Collection



2012年05月02日 | 英語学習

次に引用する文はBreakfast at Tiffany's でHollyが語り手であるFredに話をしているところです。
Of course people couldn't help but think I must be a bit of a dyke myself. And of course I am. Everyone is: a bit. So what? That never discouraged a man yet, in fact it seems to goad them on. Look at the Lone Ranger, married twice. Usually dykes only get married once, just for the name. It seems to carry such cachet later on to be called Mrs. Something Another.
この中に出てきた "goad" と "cachet" が今日覚えたい単語ですが、 "goad" はThe Japan Times Onlineの記事でも見掛けたばかりなので、この単語は明日取り上げます。 さて、 "cachet" の意味を辞書で見ます。
・Cambridge English Dictionary: a quality which marks someone or something as special and worth respect and admiration: This type of jacket used to have a certain cachet.
・Merriam-Webster's Online Dictionary: a. seal used especially as a mark of official approval b. prestige: being rich … doesn't have the cachet it used to - Truman Capote
・Vocabulary.com: an indication of approved or superior status: Certain high-end brands have a particular cachet, or respectability. People just know they are the finest of their kind.
The word cachet comes from the French cachet meaning "seal affixed to a letter or document," and if something has cachet, it's as if it has a seal of approval from society. If you start a design company selling cachets for people to seal their letters with fancy wax, try getting some celebrities to endorse it. Then your cachets will have cachet - and that's fancy.
Vocabulary.comの説明にある様に "cachet" はフランス語由来なので "t" は発音されません。

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