Dr. WAKASAGI at HEI-RIVER(閉伊川ワカサギ博士)


Talking about Aquatic Marine Environmental Education at Japan Society of Oceanography

2016-09-12 | 水圏環境教育

Today, I have a presentation about Aquatic Marine Environmental Education Progress in Society of oceanography in Kagoshima University.
At first, I introduced huge typhoon damage in Miyako area. Because I was thinking the information about typhoon was caused sea change. As a scientist, what we make people understand and act is crucial important. That is a reason why the theory of AMEE is important.
Next, I introduced learning cycle theory. LC is basic knowledge to conduct AMEE. I think many researcher agreed with the AMEE theory, but they could not realize the difficulties to educate using AMEE theory.
And third is introduction of AMEE research. Most important research recently is relationship between LC and Self determination theory SDT.
Finally, Dr. Umezawa, Nagasaki University talked final greeting and evaluate our program.
But, most researcher could not understand how to collaborate with general public, industry, government. And facilitation ability also is needed. But very long term must be acquired to master the ability.
And also I introduced AMEA promoting ocean literacy. In the future, as a member of AMEA, collaboration among many stakeholders as researchers, educators, fisherman, industry, students and families will be successfully done to promote ocean literacy society.