one shot, a piece of cake and a glass of beer @ Tokyo


I'm too sad to write an article now.

2012-02-25 19:55:32 | Aujoud'hui(日録)
On the last Sunday, my friend Ms. Unni Skaaland Ellingsen passed away.
I'm too sad to write an article.
Today , her husband and her daughters held the funeral in Norway.

So I ask all of my friends to give me some days to cheer myself up.
I will come back here in the end of this week.
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柳色づく les osiers

2012-02-14 17:12:37 | Plants(植物)

The soft swindling branches of willows are getting green slightly.

(京浜運河緑道、八潮、Yashio, Shinagawa ward)
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鳥見小屋から fenêtre

2012-02-14 17:11:22 | Tokyo view(東京神奈川千葉埼玉散歩)

I can only find a plover, ducks, a little grebe, several cormorant and a gray heron.

(大井埠頭中央海浜公園、八潮四丁目、 Yashio, Shinagawa ward)
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アオサギ le heron

2012-02-14 17:10:11 | birds, fish and others(生物)

With telescope in the watching hut, I can enjoy watching this gray heron catching and eating fish.

(大井埠頭中央海浜公園、八潮四丁目、 Yashio, Shinagawa ward)
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モノレイルには慣れている le monorail et le heron

2012-02-14 17:07:56 | birds, fish and others(生物)

The running sound of monorail train is so big. But birds take a smallest concern for it.

(大井埠頭中央海浜公園、八潮四丁目、 Yashio, Shinagawa ward)
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人は入れまい le droit des chats

2012-02-14 17:06:54 | cats(猫)

Human being is forbidden to enter the waterside area, but cats can walk into and out freely.

(大井埠頭中央海浜公園、八潮四丁目、 Yashio, Shinagawa ward
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首なしの群れ les canards sans têtes

2012-02-14 17:05:24 | birds, fish and others(生物)

What do ducks have in the water? Clams? Mussels?

(大井埠頭中央海浜公園、八潮四丁目、 Yashio, Shinagawa ward)
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猫嫌いはいない le monde pour les chats

2012-02-14 17:04:23 | cats(猫)

In the park beside the Keihin canal no cats hater live or come to.

(大井埠頭中央海浜公園、八潮四丁目、 Yashio, Shinagawa ward)
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ベンチ猫 les chats aiment les bancs

2012-02-14 17:02:53 | cats(猫)

They looks so comfortable on these benches. The strolling old couples wouldn't bother them. The number of kids whom I watch is very few.

(大井埠頭中央海浜公園、八潮四丁目、 Yashio, Shinagawa ward)
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ダンボール猫 les chats aiment le carton ondulé

2012-02-14 17:01:55 | cats(猫)

Many homeless men live in the park. One of them might give this cat a used corrugated cardboard.

(大井埠頭中央海浜公園、八潮四丁目、 Yashio, Shinagawa ward)
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