
katorikku jyohou

SSPX脱会司祭の公開書簡 600人中もう100人脱会か?

2016-06-07 | 伝統派 レジスタンス

For several years already the authorities of the Society - they no longer cloak themselves - have been organizing a reunification with Apostate Rome. Is it legitimate to place oneself under authorities who do not have our Faith, or to accept from them a recognition, so long as they demand “no compromise”?


Archbishop Lefebvre not write in his Spiritual Journey, his testament to his priests, “It is the strictduty of every priest and layman wishing to remain Catholic to separate himself clearly from the Conciliar Church, for so long as she does not profess the tradition of the Church’s Magisterium and of the Catholic Faith,”


The new direction of our Society is imposed on priests, on many priests who have never desired it. Enforced silences, transfers, promotions, trials, threats, promises, exclusions, all become justifiable when they work do defend the “position of the Society,” which is in fact - as always in a revolution - the position of a minority which has taken power and which deftly manipulates the passive majority.


Many clear-sighted priests do not dare for now to act against the imposition. I believe the principal reason restraining them is the fear of breaking the unity of the institutions that have with such difficulty been built up. How accept that in dividing the faithful, we risk contributing to the closure of a chapel? The reply is that faithful priests are not the origin of the division brewing in our ranks, but the very authorities of the Society, who would have us believe that we are participating in a turning point in the situation of the Church, when in fact it is not the situation that has changed, but only their minds. Dear brothers, if the directors of the Society continue to sow distrust and confusion by their mistaken ideas, the division will swell, and it may become necessary to burst it open in our region for the common good.



