
katorikku jyohou

沈黙無関心臆病背教のなまぬる司教への主の御言葉 聖クリゾストム「地獄の床は司教の骸骨で敷き詰められている」←見ちゃったんだろうか

2020-08-04 | 預言

Chrysostom said – he wanted souls to be saved –“The floor of Hell with bishops’ skulls is paved.”

December 3, 71 But the greatest pain to My Heart was given by those who should be shepherding the faithful – and these are the bishops, who have become silent, indifferent and cowardly. Not only a few, but many of them, are afraid of men and are far from the fear of God. This is the reason why the wolves were able to break into the flock, bringing such confusion and devastation and destruction upon the Church. Indeed, they try to wreck and smash the rock of My Church, but millions of souls, of immortal souls, are being lost. For these souls, those apostate shepherds and tepid bishops must render an account before My eternal Judgment! 


