

雪につつまれた 赤い梅

2017-02-09 16:47:10 | 日記
Beauty and the brisk

A plum tree covered in snow is seen at Kodokan Park in the Ibaraki Prefecture capital of Mito, on Feb. 9, 2017. The city was hit by a strong wave of wintry atmospheric pressure overnight and was covered with a bright-white blanket of snow by early morning. 12 centimeters of snow was observed in the city as of 10 a.m. that day.


brisk 冷たい風
plum   梅
prefecture   県
capital   中心地
wave    波
atmospheric  大気の
pressure    気圧
blanket    毛布
observe   観測する
as of   ~の時点で






「Beauty and the brisk」

「A plum tree covered in snow」


「is seen at Kodokan Park」

「in the Ibaraki Prefecture capital of Mito」

「on Feb. 9, 2017」

「The city was hit」

「by a strong wave of wintry atmospheric pressure overnight」

「and was covered with a bright-white blanket of snow by early morning」

「12 centimeters of snow was observed in the city」

「as of 10 a.m. that day」