My life


About Rainier cherries.

2016-07-21 21:40:31 | 

I looked up the word Rainier.

Rainier is a mountain’s name.

It is the highest mountain in the Cascade Mountains, in the State of Washington.

I saw Mt. Rainier from the Seattle airport, when I went to Alaska.

We call it the Tacoma Fuji because it is similar to Mt. Fuji.

By the way, Rainier cherries hang from trees in the Yakima Valley at Olmstead Orchards.     

                    These are Rainier cherries.



I think Rainier cherries look like Japanese Sato-nishiki cherries.


                          These are the Sato-nishiki.


I love the Sato-nishiki.  That’s why, I'd like to try Rainier chreeies and compare the teste.

But Rainier cherries and Sato-nishiki are very expensive.

Someone give them to me please.

That’s it.


3 コメント

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Unknown (Eric Yu)
2016-08-02 15:56:12
Dear Mr.Endoh:
Yes.The Mt.Rainier is very similar to Mt.Fuji.

While I was back from Canada to Taiwan via Hongknog,our plain accrossed above Japanese airspace,we saw the peak of Mt.Fuji,very beautiful is.
I was so wish could be take a rest to Tokyo for while.
Unknown (Eric Yu)
2016-08-02 16:02:37
By the way,this year the cherry's selling price is very higher in Taiwan,so I never buy this on this year,but this time while we went to Canada,because very cheaper here,so we did enjoy eatting cherry and strawberry everydays .
From My life. (To Mr. Yu)
2016-08-03 17:28:31
Dear Mr. Yu.
Your family went to Canada.
I like Canada.
I want to go to Canada again.
You ate a lot of cherry and strawberry.
How I envy you!
Thank you.
See you!
