My life


Walking in the Tama area (No. 18).

2017-03-28 13:50:10 | ウォーキング

We went to the Tonogayato garden, the Otaka no Michi, the Masugata no Ike, the Musashi Kokubunji, the Musashi Kokubun-niji site and the Musashi Kokubunji Park on the 19th of March.

We started out from Kokubunji Station at 9:10 in the morning.

We arrived at Nishi Kokubunji Station at 1:00 in the afternoon on the Chuo Line.

This time we were 7 people.

It was a warm and fine day.

We visited the Tonogayato garden first.

It is on the left side as soon as you leave the station.

The Tonogayato garden was built as a part of a villa for the Manchurian Railway vice-president at the beginning of the Taisho era and afterwards it was in an annex of the Iwasaki family of the old Mitsubishi financial combine and was completed as a strolling garden with a natural spring.








Next, we walked along the Otaka-no-michi path.

The Otaka-no-michi path is a promenade made along an irrigation canal in which the spring water of the Kokubunji cliff line flows.

This area is said to have this name because it was a falconry for the Tokugawa family.





The Masugata-no ike.



The Musashi Kokubunji.



The Musashi Kokubun-niji site.



The Musashi Kokubunji Park.



 We arrived at Nishi Kokubunji station at 1:00 in the afternoon.

And as usual we went to a restaurant.

The Japanese restaurant “Yume An” is about 8 minutes from the station.



We had a good time.

The number of steps we walked today was 17,038 steps.       

That’s it.

These are the questions & Answers from last week.

2017-03-26 17:19:45 | 

Q1.  Some months have 30 days and some months have 31 days.

Which months have 28 days?

A.  All the months have 28 days.


Q2.  What flowers are there on your face?

A.  Two lips.   Tulips and two lips are similar in pronunciation.


Q3.  Why is 6 afraid of 7?

A.  Because 7, 8, 9 (7 ate 9).    Eight and ate are similar in pronunciation.


Q4.  What comes twice in a moment, once in a minute and never in a hundred years?

A.  The letter “m”.


Q5.  When does Friday come before Thursday? 

A.  In the dictionary.


Q6.  Three people walked under one small umbrella.   But they didn’t get wet.  Why?

A.  It wasn’t raining.


Q7.  A woman shot her husband.  Then she held him under water for over 5 minutes.

Finally, she hung him.

But 5 minutes later they both went out together and enjoyed a wonderful dinner.

How could this be?

A.  The woman was a photographer.   She shot a picture of her husband, developed it and hung it up to dry.


That's it.





I’ll give you some riddles.

2017-03-20 18:40:23 | 

I have no topics this week.

So, I will give you some riddles.


Some months have 30 days and some months have 31 days.

Which months have 28 days?


What flowers are there on your face?


Why is 6 afraid of 7?


What comes twice in a moment, once in a minute and never in a hundred years?


When does Friday come before Thursday? 


Three people walked under one small umbrella.   But they didn’t get wet.  Why?


A woman shot her husband.  Then she held him under water for over 5 minutes.

Finally, she hung him.

But 5 minutes later they both went out together and enjoyed a wonderful dinner.

How could this be?


The answers will be in next week's blog.

Filing income tax return.

2017-03-13 19:11:31 | その他

I feel very relaxed now, because I finished filing my income tax return last Friday.

In front of the tax office was a very long line.

It took 30 minutes to file the documents.

I would like my taxes earlier this year.  

I think that every year.

That why this year I will try to keep up with my monthly account.


That’s it.

About “Premium Friday”

2017-03-06 09:23:56 | Weblog

INTAGE Co., Ltd. conducted a post-project survey on "Premium Friday" which started on Friday, February 24, 2017.

INTAGE interviewed 2,235 people who live in Tokyo, Saitama, Kanagawa, Chiba.

Those who actually returned home early were 3.7% of the workers.

Those people left the office at 3pm.

The rate of implementation is proportional to the size of the company.

In companies of "less than 500 people" more than 90% did not take part.

That day most people who left early spent their free time "at home".

The initiative, which was drawn up by the industry ministry and the Japan Business Federation, or Keidanren, calls for finishing work early on the last Friday of every month and enjoying dining, shopping and weekend trips.

But, workers get time only and I think that it will not lead to consumption unless they raise wages.

I think it will take more than 10 years for this initiative to be realized.


That’s it.