My life



2014-11-24 11:54:12 | 季節

I memorized next year’s calendar.

There is a way to memorize the calendar.

This method was taught to me from my mathematics teacher, when I was a junior high school student.

This is a very unique method.

You move your thumb and memorize these months and days.





2014-11-15 16:56:09 | 色々な行事


Two big Christmas trees were put up in front of the company where I used to work.

The company is JRC(Japan Radio Co., Ltd) in Japanese 日本無線(NIHON MUSEN).

The illumination uses 20,000 white LED light bulbs.

The company will move to Nagano Prefecture next year.

Therefore, it will be the last time that these Christmas trees can be seen in Mitaka.

I am very sad that JRC is moving, because, JRC is the place where I spent my youth.  

I had workplace marriage and we brought up two children.

It is regrettable that the place where my pleasant recollections of JRC will be gone.




That's it. 




2014-11-11 16:26:43 | 男の料理


Chicken over rice.

Time : 30minutes

Calorie : 674kcal ( per serving )

Salt : 1.9g ( per serving )

★ Ingredients for two people

  • Two chicken thighs ● ½ clove of garlic ● 2 tbsp. White wine
  • 1 tsp each of.  Curry powder, Garam masala  ● 1 tbsp. Salad oil
  • 350g.  Rice  ● 20g.  Butter   ● As appropriate.  Flour

● A ( 3tbsp. plain yogurt,  2tbsp. mayonnaise )

★ Procedure 

    1.  Open thick portion of chicken with a kitchen knife, cut sinews, shake with salt, pepper and curry powder, and coat with flour.

    2. Mix ingredients in A and season with salt & pepper.

  3. Pour salad oil in to the frying pan and add garlic,  heat over a medium flame, and sauté the chicken skin down.

  4. When the skin is well browned, turn the chicken over and sauté until thoroughly cooked, wipe the excess fat from the pan and add wine and baste the chicken with the wine .  Remove chicken and cut in slices about 2cm thick.  . 

  5. In the frying pan 4 put butter and boiled rice and stir-fry, add garam masala and mix, season with salt & pepper and arrange on a plate.        Put the chicken on the rice and pour the sauce 2 over the chicken just before serving.






This taste was good.

That's it.