My life


Highlights in Autumn Ⅱ.

2015-11-21 22:29:45 | 山歩き

The day before yesterday we went hiking in Mt. Takao.

Many people were there.

I thought, “It’s a weekday so the mountain won’t so crowded”, but it was terribly crowded.

I was a little worried because it was the first time for me to go mountain climbing after my lower back surgery.

The orthopedics was put taping on my foot.

We walked from Mt. Takao to the Kobotoke pass.

When we passed the top of Mt. Takao it was not crowded and the colored leaves were beautiful.

That’s it. 













Highlight in Autumn.

2015-11-15 11:07:00 | ウォーキング

October 28 was a comfortable day when the sky was clear and windless and the temperature was just right.

We went to the Shinjuku Gyoen National Garden.

We had lunch in the Yurinoki restaurant in the garden.

I ate a Hamburg steak and my wife ate Spaghetti with Demi Glace Sauce.  My wife said “ The spaghetti tastes really good ” .

We walked around the garden after lunch.

There were many beautiful roses.

That’s it.