

ChatGPTの『日本書紀』英訳 仁徳天皇 30

『日本書紀』仁徳天皇 30



In the 62nd year of his reign, in the summer, in the fifth month, the governor of Tōtōmi Province reported: "A large tree has flowed down from the Ōi River and has stopped at a bend in the river. Its circumference is ten 'i' (one 'i' is equivalent to three feet). The trunk is single, but it splits into two branches at the top."

The Yamato-no-Atai Agoko was dispatched to make a boat from this tree. The boat was taken from the southern seas and brought to Naniwa Port, where it was used as an imperial vessel.

That year, Prince Nukata no Ōnakatsuhiko went hunting in Tsuge (located in present-day Tsuge, Nara Prefecture). He climbed to the top of a mountain and looked out over the fields, where he saw something that looked like a hut. When he sent someone to investigate, they reported, "It is a cave."

Prince Nukata then called for Tsuge's local chief, Ōyama-nushi, and asked, "What is that cave in the middle of the field?" The chief replied, "It is an icehouse."

The prince asked, "What is stored there and what is it used for?" The chief explained, "We dig a hole over one jō (about ten feet) deep, cover it with thatch, place thick layers of reeds inside, and fill it with ice. The ice does not melt even through the summer. In the hot season, we soak it in water sake for use."

The prince brought some of this ice back to the palace and presented it to the Emperor, who was delighted. From that time onward, every year in the month of Shiwasu (December), ice was stored in the icehouse, and at the time of the spring equinox, ice was distributed.


(在位)六十二年の夏の五月、遠江国(とおとうみのくに)の国司(こくし)が報告しました。「大きな木が大井川(おおいがわ)から流れてきて、川の曲がり角に引っかかりました。その大きさは一周が十囲(一囲は三尺相当 約三メートル)でございます。根元は一本ですが、先端は二股に分かれております」。


その年、額田大中彦皇子(ぬかたのおおなかつひこのみこ)が闘鶏(つげ 現在の奈良県都祁)に狩りに出かけられました。山の頂上に登り、野原を見渡されると、廬(いお 庵,小屋)のようなものがありました。使者に調べさせると「窟(いわや)でございます」と報告があった。




令和6年5月17日(金) 2024

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