

ChatGPTの『日本書紀』英訳 仁徳天皇 29

『日本書紀』仁徳天皇 29





In the fifty-fifth year of his reign, the Emishi rebelled. Emperor Keikō sent Tajima to subdue them. However, Tajima was defeated by the Emishi and died at the water gate of Iji (Ishinomaki).

A follower took a jade that was wrapped around Tajima's hand and gave it to his wife. She embraced it and committed suicide by hanging. People of that time heard this and were deeply saddened.

After this, the Emishi attacked again and plundered the people. They also dug up Tajima's grave. 
And then, a large snake with furious eyes emerged from the grave and bit the Emishi. All of the Emishi were struck by the snake's venom and many died, and only one or two barely escaped. People of that time said, "Even though Tajima is dead, he has avenged himself. The dead are indeed aware of things."

In the fifty-eighth year, during the summer month of May, two oak trees suddenly grew on the southern road of the Arahaka pine forest. The tops of the trees joined together across the road.

In the winter month of October of the same year, envoys from the countries of Wu(呉) and Koguryeo(高麗) came to pay tribute.

In the sixtieth year, in the winter month of October, it was proposed to exempt the guardians of Prince Yamato Takeru's White Bird Mausoleum from miscellaneous duties. The emperor himself visited the site of their duties. The guards of the tombs were abolished, and new officials were conscripted to guard the tombs.

Suddenly, Meki, the guardian of the mausoleum, transformed into a white deer and fled. The emperor proclaimed, "This mausoleum has always been uninhabited. I intended to relieve the guardian of his duties and appoint him to another task. But seeing this strange occurrence, it is exceedingly awe-inspiring. The guardian should not be moved." Thus, the guardianship was once again entrusted to the Haji clan.


(在位)五十五年に、蝦夷(えみし)が反乱を起こしました。天皇は田道(たじ)を送り、彼らを討たせました。しかし、田道は蝦夷に敗れ、伊峙水門(いじのみと 石巻)で亡くなりました。


在位五十八年の夏の五月に、荒陵(あらはか)の松林の南の道に突然二本の歴木(櫟 くぬぎ)が生えました。その木の先は道を挟んで一本に繋がっていました。



令和6年5月16日(木) 2024

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