

ChatGPTさんの『古事記』英訳 景行天皇 2 ≪改訂版≫

『古事記』景行天皇 2  ≪改訂版≫




The Emperor instructed Ousu no Mikoto, saying, “Why doesn’t your brother appear at the feasts in the morning and evening? Take charge and teach him.” However, even after five days had passed since receiving the order, he still hadn’t come out. So, the Emperor asked Ousu no Mikoto, “Why is your brother not showing up for such a long time? Haven’t you taught him yet?” He replied, “I have already taught him.” Then, the Emperor asked, “How did you teach him?” Ousu no Mikoto answered, “I ambushed him when he entered the toilet in the morning , captured him, broke his limbs, wrapped him in a straw mat, and threw him away.”

Upon hearing this, the Emperor feared his son’s violent nature and said, “In the western region, there are two rude individuals called Kumaso Takeru. They refuse to submit. Therefore, eliminate them.” At that moment, the Emperor tied his hair at the forehead. Ousu no Mikoto received the attire and clothing of Princess Yamato, his maternal aunt, and carried a sword in his bosom as he went on the mission. 




*「天皇は髪を額で結んだ」という記述については、髪を額で結ぶことで、天皇が彼らを討伐する決意を固めたことを表しているのではないかと考えられています。また、髪を額で結ぶことは、古代日本では戦闘の前に行われる儀式の一つであり、天皇が戦いに臨む準備をしたことを示す可能性もあります。ただし、「古事記」にはこのような解釈が明確に書かれているわけではなく、諸説あるようです。〈Bing に訊いた応え〉

令和5年7月31日(月) 2023

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