

ChatGPTの『日本書紀』英訳 允恭天皇 13

『日本書紀』允恭天皇 13




In the fourteenth year of his reign, on the twelfth day of the ninth month in autumn, the Emperor went hunting on Awaji Island. At that time, many deer, monkeys, and boars were swarming in the mountains and valleys, appearing like flames or flies, but he did not catch a single animal all day.

After giving up the hunt, he performed a divination. The island god revealed, "The reason you cannot catch any animals is because of my displeasure. There are pearls at the bottom of the Akashi Sea. If you offer those pearls to me as a sacrifice, you will catch all the game you desire."

The Emperor gathered various fishermen and had them dive to the bottom of the Akashi Sea. The sea was so deep that they could not reach the bottom. Among them was a fisherman named Okishi from Nagamura in Awa Province. He was the best among the many fishermen.

Okishi tied a rope around his waist and dived to the seabed. After a while, he surfaced and reported, "There is a large abalone at the bottom of the sea, and it is glowing." The people said, "The pearl that the island god desires must be inside that abalone."

Okishi dived again and retrieved the large abalone. However, he died while floating on the surface of the sea. When they measured the depth of the sea with a rope, it was sixty fathoms (about 110 meters).






男狭磯は再び潜り、大アワビを抱えて浮上しました。しかし、海上で息絶えて死んでしまいました。縄を下ろして海の深さを測ると、六十尋(ひろ 約110 m)ありました。


令和6年6月13日(木) 2024

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