

Many many thanks

2017年11月26日 20時00分41秒 | 日記


Yesterday, I went to my parents house. Because my mother caught a cold, I went to help shopping. But my mother told me "I will get seven times as many points as I can at a supermarket tomorrow. So I'd like to go to the store tomorrow." I came back to Sukagawa to arrange renovation of my parents' house , alone. And I went to help with shopping today again.

They say that a person who will go back to their childhood when he is older. And people will forget about their own childhood. But I can't forget with the love my parents gave me.

Today, I took my father with foot disorders to go shopping. My father's face was very lively whether I felt shopping when I walked around the supermarket while pushing the wheelchair.

When a person gets old, the Buddha will stay. They say selfishness, I think I will express my gratitude to my parents with something.

