ひろひろの生活日記(LIFE Of HIROHIRO)

パソコン講習とソフト開発をしています。自作小説も掲載しています。ネット情報発信基地(上野博隆)Hirotaka Ueno

人間の生命と宇宙。The life and the universe.

2019年02月04日 13時24分39秒 | 学術研究
人間の生命と宇宙。The life and the universe.


In a principal image of the look of the life Mr. Nichiren publicized.
"Nitten, Gatutten, Myojyotten" are indicated on that.
I explain this directly.
Because that is having an influence on the life which lives in the earth, the sun, the moon and Venus are indicated on that.
Than this argument, "The life and the universe are a natural self.", I learned.
But this has the meaning different actually.I imagine "The universe equal to the life of the person exists.".And Nitten, Gatutten and Myojyotten are a space component.Those are also person's space component.
When those are written by the kind of stars easily, it's "fixed star, planet and satellite".A fixed star is issuing the energy at the center of the gravity.An organ is a planet.Skin and a cell are an asteroid and trash.
This is ordinary, for, the idea which is to the extent it can't be imagined.
But I wouldn't like to say that the Buddhism which does this idea is excellent.The christianity and the other religion are also excellent.A religion makes "the person who respects the world where belief is the body" the purpose of a prayer.When everyone's knowing right, they get a fruit.The purpose of a prayer is a body.Or that's the universe.That's the host(Lord) who has an activist in you.You feel the effects of the life naturally.
My pet theory is included, but please read and trace everyone.

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