ひろひろの生活日記(LIFE Of HIROHIRO)

パソコン講習とソフト開発をしています。自作小説も掲載しています。ネット情報発信基地(上野博隆)Hirotaka Ueno

Lotus Sutra(I would also like to talk. )

2013年07月11日 10時34分57秒 | 法華経の一説〔解)
This Spirit is started.

They gathered at night.

Ten Saints.
It is the beginning of the space.
There was a Fantasy light.

There are voice and a gate.
All are this law.
The life of God and Buddha.

Good justice.
We turn to a Face and live.
I speak the Fantasy law.
It is under own spirit.
I would also like to talk.
The heart is in the body.

God and Buddha.Demon's king.
Spirit is in agreement with the good.
do that.
I would like to live.
And it asks.
Would you speak about law?
A do and the heart are wanted.
The three worlds appear.
It is not the same.

God which sits on the own heart.
Buddha which sits on the own heart.
Demon's king which sits on the own heart.
Good justice which sits on the own heart.
We hear the name usually.
The first name of the Buddha.
The first name of the Allah.
The first name of the Jesus.
The first name of the Demon.

The king of the God and the Buddha.

The king who sits on the own heart.
The eternal whole life.
in heart of everybody.
At all Society.

The heart to love.
The Lord who leads people.
The heart is turned in the good direction.
Now and long.
Pray joined with your hand to God.
Pray joined with your hand to Buddha.
Pray joined with your hand to a priest.
Pray joined with your hand to people.
All the law differs.
All the law is the same.
Pray Good luckily.
And it asks also for own happiness.

Act as a heavenly angel.
Respect a teacher.

The Buddha raises the seed of the flower of a lotus.

Reality is dreamlike.
The king is in society.
Workers are in society.

Everybody declare and recite.
Talk to Allah.
Talk to Jesus Christ.

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