happiness comes!!

As you see beyond.

2007-10-02 09:55:42 | Weblog
On those many pieces of words descrives 'うた' or Whole An address.

She expressed.
Finally, We are going to be married soon.

This post concludes the hilight of my this own site.
thank you for interesting for my cheep stuff.

Best wishes.

To "a beloved person."

2007-10-02 09:46:12 | Weblog
I stood at the pinpoint in selfishness
Doubt all without deciding the place to leave

You will shake me in why so much
For hard reality and past so straight
I realize it so as to say that I am unpleasant
Do not give breath even in time to arrive
Because I do not want to lose sight of you anymore

I did not look so far all the time from now on either
I let wind blow and will approach than anyone
At the side of the thought as it cannot move

I laugh
By the smile that seems to be oneself most

。 。

I send for a beautiful ripple to the heart why your words calmed down
Your cheeks and a sound of the beating to hug
I play the nocturne that only two people surely understand
Hey, what kind of うたが do you hear?
Teach it sometime

I will watch a thing about all of you which does not stop tears
Strongly pull a hand from me from this time
I acquire a color before the life that you make exchange

It is pizazza and a dream of lovers like a rainbow
Madder red can be dyed, and to convey みせるよ passion
I lie to pubic hair and talk about an empty color every day

Like that
I yearn for you

。 。 。 。 。 。 。 。 。 。 。 。 。 。 。 。 。 。 。 。 。 。 。 。 。

I am うたを for you
I can go and continue writing it as eternal <in>

After 10000 のはなびらを brought it

。 。 。 。 。 。 。 。 。 。 。 。 。 。 。 。 。 。 。 。 。 。 。 。 。 。 。

To you.

10000 のはなびら poetry
A contributor: yohane

I "thought in drowsiness"

2007-10-02 09:44:42 | Weblog
With the room where I wanted you to find it and hid in
I looked for words to shake a heart in a sound to echo
As for each evening me as for you

Now じゃわからないよ
How did you spend it?
To be so lonely at one night

Like the light of the lantern which I do not want to run out of
It is dissolved, and be overcome
I pursue the silhouette which is dim with warmth
As the feeling that a hand of the protection is full of
Only at the night when I was relieved when I grew a hand and caught it
We who are allowed to sleep

I dream of the future now

。 。

In time of the long time when I struggled in a small box
If I knew how much love
Did not you injure you?

Naked, and the thing which I save it, and was crowded surprises it
Your smile looks into eyes under the mask
I make an excuse for a sound of beating becoming early

I who become too selfish whenever I can be dyed
A person stopping it someday
I know love in greed, and it is the reveal きあおうよ bare skin
Of the genre there is not it
I take you out from the world without the impact

10000 のはなびら poetry
A contributor: yohane


2007-10-02 08:20:22 | Weblog
FUCK OFF you are all so ugly.

so I dicided to close this fucking site away from fucking your discustin' spammers. I exhausted to play alound you.
