

a little journy

2005-11-12 01:10:46 | オーストラリア
I went to Ipswich to have a look at accommodation during the holiday today. It was far from here... I went there by bus and train. From St.Lucia(where I live now) to Ipswich, it takes about one hour. But it took me 1&1/2hour to get there. cos i missed the train. It was partly my fault, but bus didn't come on time!

the journy was good, and the family there was also nice. I loved the house so much except the location. The place was a bit far from shops, so if i live there, i might get bored in a few weeks.
And i don't think i can get job there.
But the family was kind enough,,,or toooooo kind. they showed me around Ipswich station and then took me to the park where's like free zoo. We saw baby wallabie in pouch(it was so cute!), cocktails, kangaroos and...lots of animals.
So now im sooooo wondering,,,

Is this desteny?

yes. i should think about it seriously!

I came back to College before dinner. after dinner Ky* and Mo* and me went for a walk. I like chatting with them so much. fun. these days i think i laugh too much,,,
even after coming back to IH, we talked outside the dining hall.

and till just then, Mi** and R*o played a game (word guessing game..?) so i joined. it was difficult for me, but good practice!?
Mi** came to B3th half way through. Seeing Mi** and Cla** teasing each other is funny...

Anyway, today was really full day. a bit tiring day, too.


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Unknown (ジョニー)
2005-11-14 00:02:40

>『 I like chatting with them so much.』

