

漢字検定(小学校)Test of Kanji skill.(elementary school)

2020-09-11 | 幼稚園・学校の様子
First Kanji skill test this year.
We used 1st grade classrooms.
On today's blog, I would like to share the impressions of the PTA's who supervised today's test.
Seeing the lively facial expressions of children made me feel very energetic.
Thank you so much. It is wonderful to challenge in something. I thought that the Kanji test is good oppotunity for anyone to challenge their own potencial.
They looked nervous before the test, It was wonderful to see them working hard untill the end.

The children doing their best despite the spread of the virus are like shining stars. Some of them studied with friends for this day.
Children working hard despite the spread of the virus, gave me power. It is important for both adults an children to take on challenges.
◎”チャレンジする喜び” よーい!スタートの合図で始まった漢字検定。緊張した様子の子ども達、一生懸命な姿に感動しました。チャレンジすることに意味がある。素晴らしい光景でした。
The joy of the challenge. Get ready and go!  The test started with the signal. I was moved by their hard  work. Taking on challenges are meaningfull. It was wanderful sights. 
I hope everyone will pass.
Thank you to all PTAs for supervising.
