

Terrible Massacre, June Fourth

2017-06-04 16:57:52 | 国際

Today is June Fourth.
When it is June Fourth, I remember “Tiananmen”.
We must remember “ 64 Tiananmen Square
Incident” occurred on June 4, 1989.
The Tiananmen (天安門) Square protests of 1989,
known as '89 Democracy Movement in Chinese,
were student-led popular demonstrations in Beijing,
and received broad support from city residents,
exposing deep splits within China's political leadership.
The protests were triggered in April 1989 by
the death of former Communist Party General Secretary,
Hu Yaobang (胡耀邦) a liberal reformer. University
students marched and gathered in Tiananmen Square
to mourn. Hu (胡耀邦) had voiced grievances against
inflation, limited career prospects, and corruption of
the party elite. The protesters called for government
accountability, freedom of the press, freedom of speech,
and the restoration of workers' control over industry.
At the height of the protests, about a million people
assembled in the Square.
The protests were forcibly suppressed by some
leaders who ordered the military to enforce martial law
in the capital. Troops with assault rifles and tanks
inflicted casualties on unarmed noble civilians.
Every year on June Fourth, I remember Hu Yaobang.
You must remember ’89 Democracy Movement
and Terrible Massacre.
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