

Issue of Akira Amari Cash Bribery

2018-10-02 10:05:20 | 国際

甘利明 収賄
The issue of Akira Amari cash bribery

Most of nations thought that Akira Amari who took bribe of
cash should resign as a member of the Diet, and thought that
he should be arrested by the prosecutors.
Most of nations stared at his bribery case. However, Prime
Minister Abe has appointed Akira Amari (who performed
criminal acts) chairperson of the election committee this time.
Prime Minister Abe who caused Moritomo Kake crime case
(森友加計学園問題) will have the circumstances that
Abe cannot but use Akira Amari for.
It is regrettable misappropriation for the nation
It is a disappointing event, again.
Will Ministers in the Abe cabinet get in bribes without trouble?

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