


2016-09-22 19:35:58 | 国際

Galaxy Note 7 of Samsung causes an explosion accident.
This type of accident is a nightmare for a maker. It crushes
the brand power, consumer’s trust, and sales. Samsung recalled
2,500,000 terminals with the fear of the ignition. This problem,
however, has a lasting influence in many ways. This problem
has spread anxiety all over the country.
Airlines and aviation authorities around the world have
warned strongly against people who bring in Note 7 of
Samsung on board. It is not easy to wipe out bad reputation.
It is impossible to distinguish Note 7 after the recall from
Note 7 before the recall.
In addition, the appearance of the Note 7 is very similar
to the Samsung Galaxy S7. If airport security personnel
and staff look at the Note7 and Galaxy7 of Samsung, they
must check it by all means. 7 of Samsung is explosive
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