ロバートヒルキ !Welcome to our BLOG!



2012-04-05 | 日記
Hi! I’m Robert Hilke and I’m excited about opening this blog

I hope this will be a place where people can share information
about culture and language learning. I won’t be able to check
the blog every day, but I will certainly monitor it often and
contribute my comments whenever I can. I’m very interested
in TOEIC, of course, having written many TOEIC books and
having conducted many TOEIC seminars throughout Japan. I
may be able to offer some advice about how to take the
TOEIC test so that you can get the score you deserve to get.
At the same time, only getting a high TOEIC score is not the
final target. The ability to communicate in English
comfortably is the real goal. TOEIC is simply a “driver’s
license” that will help you achieve that final goal

But even if a person has a high TOEIC score, that is no
guarantee that he or she will be able to communicate
successfully in the diverse, global business environment we
live in today. Having a good understanding of how other
people think is absolutely necessary. That’s why I also will
offer my comments related to intercultural communication.
And I your comments, too

With everyone’s contribution, I am sure that together we can
create a useful blog that will serve as a forum for sharing
information about topics related to successfully navigating our
lives, both professional and personal, in the 21st century.


4 コメント

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COMMUNIQADO KK (Steve Godfrey)
2015-04-25 15:51:58
Mr Hilke

Is there any chance of seeing a response to my questions.

If you would prefer to email me your answer, my email address is on my website at http://www.communiqado.com/p/e8.html

Thanks in advance.

Steve Godfrey
COMMUNIQADO KK (Steve Godfrey)
2015-04-14 18:06:01
Mr Hilke

Thank you for your considered response. It's much appreciated. If I can impinge on your time, I would like to ask 4 questions.

A: You assert the following:
"TOEIC provides a reasonably accurate assessment of a person's English ability";
"Actual communication ability may be positively correlated with TOEIC".

1: What are your definitions of "communication ability" and "English ability"?
2: These assertions go to the question of validity. Can you please show me support for these claims? For example, is there any 3rd party research that verifies these claims?

B: You also state, "organizations need some kind of standard measure". I understand that. However, the fact that there is a standard measure being used extensively does not mean it is inherently valid.

3: So, what inherent validity does TOEIC have that makes it the best standard measure for organizations?

C: Finally, in the above copy, you state, "TOEIC is simply a “driver’s license". The analogy appears defective because having a driver's license is a legal requirement for driving. Nobody is permitted to drive without one. Are you suggesting that a "TOEIC License" is a requirement for communication? Or to put it another way,

4: is it possible to become an effective communicator in the English Speaking Economy without ever going near TOEIC?

I would be grateful for your answers to these 4 questions. Thank you in advance for your responses.

Steve Godfrey
CEO COMMUNIQADO KK (robert-hilke0013)
2015-04-14 12:10:14
A fair comment and an interesting question. The answer, at least for me, is that organizations need some kind of standard measure. TOEIC may not be perfect (it is, after all, a 2-skills test), but for something as reasonably priced, widely available, and commonly accepted as it is, TOEIC provides a reasonably accurate assessment of a person's English ability. Actual communication ability may be positively correlated with TOEIC, but the person most likely to succeed in a diverse, global business environment is the one with the necessary language skills, business skills, and intercultural communication skills. That's the combination we constantly try to persuade HRD people is necessary these days.
2015-04-12 10:26:01
You state: "even if a person has a high TOEIC score, that is no
guarantee that he or she will be able to communicate

This being the case, what's the point in people/organizations spending time and money on TOEIC?
