ニュース news 24h


新年一般参賀 天皇陛下「わが国と世界の人々の幸せを祈ります」

2018-01-02 13:26:11 | 日記
新年一般参賀 天皇陛下「わが国と世界の人々の幸せを祈ります」
New Years Naga Emperor Emperor 'I wish for the happiness of our people and the people of the world'





On the 2nd of the New Year 2, the general public was held at the Imperial Palace, and the Emperor greeted 'I wish for the happiness of our people and the people of the world'. Tokyo on 2nd was a calm weather with fine weather, at the main gate of the Imperial Palace, nearly 20,000 people nearly doubled last year at the time before the opening gate. Because of this, the gate was opened 15 minutes earlier than scheduled at 9:15 am, and the people waiting went to the front of the palace through the double bridge.

Emperor Empress and Empress, along with the royal family such as the crown prince and his wife stood in the balcony of the palace three times in the morning, and was shaken by hand with smile to those who visited. In November, Mr. Akishinomiya 's eldest daughter, Mako, who got married and left the Imperial Family, also faced the last general public.

Emperor said, 'Happy New Year. I am truly delighted to celebrate the New Year with you.I hope this year will be a calm and hearty year for as many people as possible.In the beginning of the year, I wish for the happiness of the people of the world. ' According to the

Imperial Household Agency, more than 62,000 people visited us by 11:30 am for the general embarkation that the emperor 's abdication next year will not be decided next year, That is to say that it is pace. The Emperor 's family will be in the veranda twice afternoon at around 1:30 and around 2:20

東名でワゴン車が追突 2人死傷 上りは一時通行止め

2018-01-02 13:25:35 | 日記
東名でワゴン車が追突 2人死傷 上りは一時通行止め
Wagon car collided in Tomei 2 people dead wound up temporarily closed






On the morning of January 1, a wagon car collided with a light passenger car on the Tomei highway of Kanagawa prefecture, and an 82-year-old woman who was on a mini passenger died, a 53-year-old son who was driving was injured Did. The police arrested a man driving a wagon car and is investigating the detailed situation of the accident. Around 9:20 am on Saturday, a wagon car collided with a mini passenger car on the upstream line of the Tomei Expressway in Yamakita-cho, Kanagawa Prefecture.

Yoshiko Sugiyama (82) in Numazu City, Shizuoka Prefecture, who had been aboard a light passenger car in the accident, died soon after strongly hitting his head and another 53-year-old son of Sugiyama who was driving was injured .

The police arrested Kosuke Wakabayashi (30), a company employee in Shinjuku-ku, Tokyo, who was driving a wagon car, on the spot on suspicion of negligence driving injury. According to the police, the wagon car which was running in the middle lane protruded to the left lane and it is seen that it struck a light car. According to the

investigation, he inscribed 'I was not looking at the front well', so the police switched charges to negligence driving injuries and investigated the situation of the accident.

Under the influence of the accident, the upstream line of the Tomei highway was closed for 3 and half hours in some sections between Shizuoka and Kanagawa prefectures

元日に一足早い成人式 岐阜 高山

2018-01-02 13:25:23 | 日記
元日に一足早い成人式 岐阜 高山
Adult ceremony Gifu Takayama a couple of days early on New Year's Day





An early adult ceremony was held in Takayama city, Gifu prefecture.
New Year's Day ceremony was held in Kamiho · Okuhida Onsenkyo District in mountainous area of ​​Takayama city, and 29 new adults who graduated from local junior high school participated. Takayama city mayor Yoshiaki Kunishima, mayor of the city of Takayama said, 'From now on, I will realize each dream and have high mind, I will make efforts for my hometown Takayama for my family as well I want you ', greeted. On the other hand, on behalf of new adults, Mr. Hisakuni Arai and Mr. Lake Saki Nakada stated 'I will challenge with courage, though I think there are things that are hindered by various walls' .

New adults all went up to the stage and chorused the school songs of the middle school which they graduated. In Takayama city, there will be a celebration celebrating 938 new adults in 12 places until the beginning of this month of the new year

ことしの政局 自民総裁選が焦点

2018-01-02 13:25:13 | 日記
ことしの政局 自民総裁選が焦点
Government politicians LDP presidential election focus






This year's political bureau will focus on whether the Prime Minister of Japan, the president of the Liberal Democratic Party in the prospects to be held in September, will be elected three and whether the further long-term administration can be built with the view of the longest tenure as the prime minister as a prime minister. In the election of the Liberal - Democratic presidential election in September, Prime Minister Abe could run for the third term with the amendment of the Party Rules. If Prime Minister Abe fulfills the three elections, in the next November it will reach the longest tenure as president as Prime Minister. Prime Minister Shinzo Abe presented the idea of ​​promoting reforms aimed at 2020 and further ahead as a result of the year's announcement announced on New Year 's Day, and motivated the 3 elections in the presidential election. Within the party, the secretary general of the second floor repeatedly thought repeatedly the idea of ​​supporting Prime Minister Abe's visit in Beijing in the past week, and Deputy Prime Minister and finance minister who led the second party faction in the party also supports the Abe administration In addition to that, Prime Minister Shinzo Abe is the faction of the party's biggest 'Hosoda school' and is expected to support, at the moment, he is in the superior position. On the other hand, Former Secretary General Shinkisho Ishihara who surpassed Prime Minister Abe 's 'party vote' in the presidential election six years before last time said, 'On the 1st day,' There is no policy debate in the presidential election this time this time It is never a good thing for the party and the country of Japan. 'He repeatedly shows his willingness to run for the presidential election. Unlike last time, Mr. Ishiro caught the president's election by putting emphasis on local tours in the future, based on the fact that the system revision was made with the same number of 'parliamentary assembly votes' and 'party party votes' It is a policy to make full-scale activities.

Also, Mr. Noda, Minister for Internal Affairs and Communications, who was seeking candidacy in the presidential election three years ago, aims to become a candidate for 'women's success' as a flag. Meanwhile, Kishida political investigation chairman is advancing consolidating the foundation for 'post Abe', such as starting a study group one after another within the party, but he has supported the prime minister of Abe as foreign minister and party leader until now Based on that, it is a policy to decide whether to run for candidacy or not by judging the political situation just before. Besides this, there are opinions from the party that we expect from Foreign Minister Kono. Within the Liberal Democratic Party so far, there has been no spread in the move against rival Prime Minister Abe, but the fact that the circumstances surrounding the presidential election will change depending on the trend of the Cabinet approval rate, and the fact that the high profile of Koizumi There is also a view that trends in deputy secretary general may affect the election campaign. Will Prime Minister Abe fulfill 3 elections and build a further long-term administration? Or, the political situation that has been said to be 'strong Abe 1 strongly' will change greatly, and whether the new prime minister or president will be born is the focus of the current political situation.

「香港守れ」民主派がデモ 駅に中国管理の施設設置に反発

2018-01-02 13:25:04 | 日記
「香港守れ」民主派がデモ 駅に中国管理の施設設置に反発
'Defend the Hong Kong' Democratic repulsed installing facility in China to demonstration station







In Hong Kong, where advanced autonomy was approved in 1 country 2 system, the Chinese government is planning to establish a facility for managing access to mainland China at a high-speed railway station, the democracy critical to the Chinese government Citizen groups of the factions made a demonstration march and appealed 'Protect Hong Kong'.
In the center of Hong Kong, a New Year 's demonstration march by a democratic citizen body critical to the Chinese government was held, about 10,000 people participated in the announcement of the organizer, and more than 6000 people participated in the presentation by the police.

In Hong Kong, a high-speed rail linking Guangdong Province in the southern part of China will be opened in the latter half of the year, but the Chinese government will set up a facility to manage entry and exit to Mainland China at Hong Kong's station It is. Under the
2 nation 2 system, Hong Kong does not allow law enforcement by the Chinese government, but from the democratic side Chinese staff at the Hong Kong station will manage entry and exit based on Chinese law 'It is the same as censoring Hong Kong again', and the rebound has spread. In the

demo, participants appealed that 'burning a banner or rising sprung calls in the main street of the downtown area' protect Hong Kong 'and so on.
The 30-year-old man who participated said 'Hong Kong will be destroyed as it is'. There were also scenes such as dozens of prominent factions taking a position closer to China on the same street tightening such as raising the Chinese flag and protesting the democratic protest. The

high-speed railway facility is expected to be discussed later in the Legislative Assembly which is the legislature of Hong Kong parliament, and the conflict between the democratic and the fathers is likely to deepen