

Noam Lubell International Law Report

2006-05-20 09:53:07 | Weblog

Roughly speaking, it is a interesting and consise report to me.
The book list is comprehensive except failing ILM of ASIL relating Protocol redeployment from West Bank during Clinton Adminisration.
But ,I point out theree points to rewind a more excellent paper.
Firstly,Inadequate use of abbreviation would eliminate the value of excellent work.
For example, International Lawyers  do not abbriviate the First Additional Protocol to the Geneva Convention as "First Protocol to the Geneva Convention",often abbreviate "API".The same is the case of use "the Four Geneva Convention" ,often usually abbreviating "GC IV"
Secondly the definition of IHL is very vague. Each Party defines "IHL" differently.Therefore the diffenrence is very important.The tough basis of IHL the author intended is challenged to allow divese interpretation.
The thrid point is that the relationship between IHL and IHRL is not clear.People could not understand what kind principle in IHRL embeded in IHL (GC IV or API) 

Conference is to beheld timely .http://www.icrc.org/Web/eng/siteeng0.nsf/htmlall/israel-conference-210506/$File/May%20Conference%20Program.pdf

