

【年末最終週の札幌、雪かき本格化かなぁ 🎵】

2023-12-27 05:04:10 | 日記

 写真は12/27 午前4時前に撮影したものですが、道路除雪の様子からは降雪はたぶん昨日の夜になってからのようで市の除雪車が入ってその後はあんまり降っていない様子であります。その下のように天気状況図を確認してみると、わが家周辺には昨晩20時以降、活発な雪雲が出張ってきていることが確認できた。

これらは15年くらい前にドップラーレーダーに換装され、雨雲の位置の他に移動速度もわかるようになった。このため、気象庁の降水予想は高精度となり、数kmのオーダーの分単位の細かい予想が可能になっている。リモートセンシング技術と解析技術は、10年単位で革新され、われわれは知らず知らずのうちにその恩恵にあずかっている。 by Shigeru Narabeさん。〜

English version⬇
Sapporo, the last week of the year, is the snow shoveling in full swing 🎵.
The winter general of semi-"Boomerang snow" has arrived. I have been living in a detached house in snow country for more than 50 years. When it snows, it turns on my DNA. The roar of the snow removal warriors! ・・・

When I woke up early this morning, the view in front of my house was as you can see.
 I had been plowing since the beginning of December, but finally I had to start shoveling snow in earnest.
 The photo was taken before 4:00 a.m. on 12/27, and from the look of the street plows, it seems that the snow probably started falling last night, and not much has fallen since the city's snowplows arrived. Checking the weather map below, I could see that there was an active snow cloud around our house after 8 pm last night.
 It was a semi "heavy" snowfall. It was the kind of snowfall that came suddenly and ended up falling without lingering. The forecast also shows a chance of snowfall until mid-morning today, followed by clear skies.
 Well, General Winter, I guess you could say I have a light greeting for you.
 Recently, I have been indulging in a series of visits to the Kusado-Senken site in Fukuyama City, Hiroshima Prefecture, a warm climate area. Many of you seem to have taken a new interest in the site and have responded favorably to my posts, but I am going to take a break for now.
 Although I have strong family ties to this area, I myself am a native Hokkaidoan. When the snow falls, there is a part of me that naturally turns on inside of me. I have been living in a detached house for more than 50 years, and although there are differences among people, I think we all share the same sense of "destiny" for snow removal work as people from snow country.
 So, since I will probably spend about an hour or so immersed in the snow removal work, I'm going to lighten up on my blog writing today due to time constraints. Let's do it, shall we?

P.S.: I finished removing snow from 3 areas (in front of my house and office, and 2 parking lots) in about 1.5 hours. While I was relaxing, a reader posted a wonderful "explanation/explanation. It is easy to understand and scientific, so I am reprinting it here with your permission.
〜The city of Sapporo basically waits until the snowfall is over before going out to remove it. For this purpose, a weather radar located at Mt. In addition to these radars in Hokkaido, there are also weather radars at Yokotsudake in Hakodate and Kombumori in Kushiro Town, which allow real-time monitoring of precipitation and future estimates of a few hours to be viewed at any time from the JMA website.
These radars were converted to Doppler radar about 15 years ago, and now provide information on the location of rain clouds as well as their speed of movement. As a result, the JMA's precipitation forecasts have become highly accurate, and minute-by-minute detailed forecasts on the order of several kilometers are now possible. Remote sensing and analysis technology has been revolutionized over the past decade, and we are unknowingly reaping the benefits of these innovations. by Shigeru Narabe. ~


