神海(シンカイ)‐ハルノウミナナキソナキソ…arena8order 慧會隴

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亂盂洒靈 and 亂紆煦吁魁(剴)…

2012-12-02 15:58:35 | 日記


Tweet of Twitter / Mitelettrica

亂盂洒靈 and 亂紆煦吁魁 (剴) become 將皇繻. Eal.ev.ear(earom.) Eleonora de' Medici. is Nojima (徳保-Tokubo, Yokohama) 榮五郎 (遠山榮太樓) grandchild of the second son of Hata Shi Huangdi.

I seem to be ケケ-Keke (けーすけ-Keisuke) のねーちゃんのえり-Eri で celebrity next to the Kato seal shop next to Tada who was a daughter and a friend of "a Bonn co-rose(Bonkobara) of eaves trough original apartment Hihara 303".

The Nojima collar (Yokohama collar of 織田繪璃奈, Microsoft co.USA) of ... 啓北商業 out of the "啓右-Keisuke のねーちゃん" 殊北九条小 - polestar seems to be celebrity in Ereoana de'mediti( 亂盂洒靈) of Italy nationality having a surname of Toyama Alcaponelig.

A terrorist of the Yokosuka Nojimakoen Philippines nationality and a large number of boat people that the thief corps went ashore from Minato Mirai.

Please confirm a hostage imprisoning now now any place other than Japan. A coup d'etat and the cyberterrorism are Filipinos. Both the Liberal Democratic Party and the Federation of All Democratic Koreans in Japan are imprisoned in hostages. Stop a microwave.

The pain that the acute pain last night was attacked regularly from elementary school days.

Anemia and a cold sweat were earlier last night. I fell down at the time of pneumonia three years ago in a corridor.

Of the Philippine nationality "恥謂瓜婀" (a crime of チーカー, Tiikaa).)

It was the childhood friend whom I mistook for a net of the Federation of All Democratic Koreans in Japan.

The cyberterrorism is a Filipino.

Please confirm it about a siege case of Yokosuka any place other than Japan.

As for the wiring, the communication and the Internet of all the antennas, the Filipino terrorist clan holds Jack.

In the case of a Filipino called "the Canaanite" who it is a coup d'etat to go for a report, and was gathered, there is it.


2012-12-02 15:48:25 | 日記


Twitter / Mitelettricaさんのツイート

亂盂洒靈と亂紆煦吁魁(剴)は將皇繻となります。Eal.ev.ear(earom.) Eleonora de' Medici.は 秦始皇帝の次男の野島(徳保・横濱)榮五郎(遠山榮太樓)孫。

私は『樋原マンション303のボンコバラさん』の娘さんと友達だった 多田の隣の加藤印章店の隣のケケ(けーすけ)のねーちゃんのえりで有名らしい。

『啓右のねーちゃん』殊 北九条小~北辰中~啓北商業の野島えり(織田繪璃奈・Microsoft co.USAの横濱えり)とは Toyama Alcaponeligの名字が付く、イタリア国籍のEreoana de'mediti(亂盂洒靈)で有名らしい。

横須賀 野島公園 フィリピン国籍のテロリストと窃盗団は みなとみらいから上陸した多数のボートピープル。



昨夜は貧血と冷や汗が いつもより早かった。3年前の肺炎の時には廊下で倒れた。





配線、アンテナ 全ての通信やインターネットはフィリピン人テロリスト一族がジャックしています。
