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Prince Charles Tours Flood-Hit Somerset チャールズ皇太子洪水被災地訪問

2014年02月04日 | 日記

The Prince of Wales has arrived in Somerset to meet residents and workers battling to cope with major flood damage.

Prince Charles is visiting residents in the village of Muchelney - which has been cut off by floodwater for a month - and farmers at Langport.

The Somerset Levels have seen some of the worst flooding in recent weeks, with villages surrounded by water and hundreds of homes and businesses affected.

The area has also seen growing anger from residents who say they have been let down by the Government and the Environment Agency (EA).

The Prince's trip to Somerset comes a day after the head of the EA admitted his organisation has not done enough to prevent flooding in Somerset.

Lord Smith told Sky News he regretted the agency's response. He also repeated his insistence that the dredging of rivers in Somerset was not a complete solution to the crisis.

"We probably haven't done as much as we should have done up to now and I regret that - but we've had very difficult choices to make," he said.

Many severe flood warnings remain in place for parts of Britain. Two severe flood warnings are in place along the River Severn.

There are also 91 flood warnings and 208 flood alerts across England and Wales. The EA has also warned of strong winds and large waves for today in coastal areas.

The agency says parts of Somerset continue to be at risk of both river and groundwater flooding.





