cubbycafe -the record-



2006-07-31 | 英語学習日記


講演   1時間
映画“Flight Plan” ”Haunted mansion” 
radio AFM
                             計 1日2時間×10日=20時間

TOEIC問題集                    6問









2006-07-30 | 英語学習日記



フラット化する世界 The World Is Flat

2006-07-28 | English Diary

I bought a new book. The title is "The World Is Flat."

I have read many Engilsh books but I realized all of them are fiction. Because I like the stories like SF, fantasy, crime fiction and so on, they are easier to read than newspaper. However, you know, my purpose to practice English is to use it in my life so that I need practice to read those expository writing fluently.

Fortunately for me, I found such a book easily thanked for Hearing Marathon. I found a book in the "English Journal." It reccomended it for long summer vacation. This title is "The World Is Flat."

I don't know much about it now, but I definitely conclude that this book is not only good for learning English but also recognizing what things happens in the world now. I am glad to read it!

 For reading it, I should finish reading "Da Vinci Code" as soon as possible. I have to read the rest half of this book.

expository writing 説明文



本当に使い方が分かりました。 I really understood how to use.

2006-07-28 | English Diary

Recently, I paste this icon  in my blog. Maybe I still don't understand all of the system, but I understand this is the ranking of one's record of English conversation. This is beneficial for all of people who are interested in English. You can learn how to practice English directly from the practitioners. My purpose is not only the record of my English practice but also the communication with the other oractitinoners so I decided to join in it.

In this site, we get charged to link with it. So, I did it. Also, because I found how to paste the icon with link, I am so gratified. .However, I realized this way was wrong yesterday! I did linked with

wrong address!!

So, maybe if you may click till the day before yesterday, I am afraid but it couldn't be reflected. I am so sorry! But, I swear you that it is all right now! 


practitinoner 練習生

be gratified 満足する

get charged with ~を課せられる


掃除 cleaning room

2006-07-27 | English Diary

Today, we cleaned our laboratory. It is very hard because there are many machines and dangerous substances.

I cleaned almost all "the synthesis room." I cleaned the floor 3 times (at first, wiped with water, second, wiped with flooring cleaner, third, wiped with water again,)diligently. After that, the floor has a good shine! Furthermore, I washed the sink, cleaned the special experimental desk with fume hood, and cleaned the racks.I think I was good at washing floor because I have worked at a cafe and I was used to clean the floor every day.

After finishing all of the cleaning, I felt too be tired. I think I should do some exercise.


fume hood ドラフト:有毒ガスを扱うための実験設備



パイレーツオブカリビアン Pirates of the Caribbean

2006-07-26 | English Diary

I watched the movie "Pirates of the Caribbean 2" today.

Of corse, it's a usual day today so I have to do my work at my university. However, because we will clean up our lab tomorrow, I couldn't do any experience which takes long time to be done and to matters worse, my all works take long time . For this reason, I could have the chance to see the movie (though it was secret!!). I went to see it with my jinior at my laboratory because she asked me to do so yesterday. I had no reason to say no, for I am a big fan of Jonny Depp!

Though it was so good, I thought the 2nd one is not better than the 1st one. The reason is that the 1st is more exciting than the 2nd. I wanted to see much more adventures on the Blackpearl. But, anyway, The actors were also good. They looked animated and, especially,Jonny Depp was so cool!

I have been fan of him since I was a high school student. Watching the movie entitled "Sleepy Hollow" marked the beginning of my fan life of Jonny. One reason why I like him is that he is so talented actor. I mean he can act as everything. His imagination is incredible!

Another reason is that he is so kind person. For example, yeasterday, a program "Gakko he ikou (Go to the school)" was broadcasted and Jonny Depp was interviewed in this program. It was interesting because the interviewers were elementary school students, who can speak English so so. Furtermore, the purpose of this interview was "to get a laugh of him!" because he rarely laughs in front of media. And the result was...... he laughed! So, this plan was success!! In addition, he said that he haven't take such a wonderful interview ever before. Oh, What a nice person he was!!

Anyway, it was worth seeing! You can feel happy after watching it! I promise!

be a big fan of~ ~の大ファンである

get a laugh of ~を笑わせる

glance off 話がそれる



2006-07-25 | 英語学習日記






楽しく英語を学ぶ為に To practice English with joy

2006-07-22 | English Diary

I don't like studyin, especially English because learning English is just my hobby.

Recently I took TOEIC and studied (a little). However, after taking it, I considered the best way to brush English skill up is not "studying" but "using."
For this reason, today I came up with the idea how I can naturally use English without studying and the answer is simple, "singing a song"!

Singing a song is my another hobby. I like Karaoke and I can sing many kinds of songs. To tell the truth, I'm proud of  myself that I can sing with 3 octaves though the other my family member just sing with a octave. So, I have the opportunity to enjoy English even with songs!

Today, I sang "A whole new world,""Beauty and the beast," and "Under the sea." Yes, all of these songs are Disney's! The reason why I chose these is that I thought the pronunciation of these songs are so clear in order that Disney movies are for children. In addition, especially "under the sea" is good for practicing the mouth. It contains tongue twister. It was good challege for me! When I sang them, I was very careful my pronunciation expressly "l" and "r." I'm not good at distinguish "l" and "r." After singing one of the songs, I listened the recording voice that I sang just now. Though I was embrrassed, it is precious not to fail speaking in front of people. And at last, I sang without being careful for my sound production and listened it again. I thought my tongue chaged better!

If you are interestend in it, please try it! Or if you have the favorite other songs, you should try it! As for me, I want to try "Avril Lagvine" next time since I think her pronounciation is good.

octave オクターブ

toungue twister 早口言葉


2006-07-20 | 英語学習日記













2006-07-19 | 英語学習日記


HM Rumers and Borders            1時間   
講演(昨日とは別物。今日は寝てませんw)   1時間
HM 3ラウンドウォーミングアップ        30分
TOEICリスニング教材              30分        
                             計 3時間

TOEIC問題集                    1問




