cubbycafe -the record-


本当に使い方が分かりました。 I really understood how to use.

2006-07-28 | English Diary

Recently, I paste this icon  in my blog. Maybe I still don't understand all of the system, but I understand this is the ranking of one's record of English conversation. This is beneficial for all of people who are interested in English. You can learn how to practice English directly from the practitioners. My purpose is not only the record of my English practice but also the communication with the other oractitinoners so I decided to join in it.

In this site, we get charged to link with it. So, I did it. Also, because I found how to paste the icon with link, I am so gratified. .However, I realized this way was wrong yesterday! I did linked with

wrong address!!

So, maybe if you may click till the day before yesterday, I am afraid but it couldn't be reflected. I am so sorry! But, I swear you that it is all right now! 


practitinoner 練習生

be gratified 満足する

get charged with ~を課せられる


2 コメント

コメント日が  古い順  |   新しい順
Unknown (ぺんぎん)
2006-07-28 14:37:21

|ω・`) ・・・



・・・・ってことは (kaimu)
2006-07-28 14:39:24



