cubbycafe -the record-


年を取るのと勇気の話。Advance in Age and Brave Atory

2006-06-26 | English Diary

It is my brithday today.
I had wondered how I spent time between the day before my birthday and my birthday. The result is veru simple. I only read a book.

At first, I want to think about coming a year on that moment, but I couldn't because this book is interesting. The title is "Brave Story" written by Mikuki Miyabe.

You know, this book is very famous in Japan ,for it becomes the movie of same title. Also, Miyuki Miyabe is known as the autor of Japanese famous horror or mystery and history novel such like "Mohouhann (Copycat criminal in English)."

I read the first volume about 10:00 P.M and finish it at 1:00 now. So, I overlooked the moment I became new age.  It is my fault, but I can say this book is so interesting that I forgot time.

The contents are pretty simple. I think the author wants to be read by children. But, there are some criticals for our world, for example about war or the familiy relationship. As for me, though this is not the main story but only an itroduction chapter, I cried when I read the leading character faced the problem about his parents and furthermore when I felt the friendship between the leading character and his friend.

I have to reand the rest two volumes. I would like to read them soon.

(I wonder I was O.K or not because I have to prepare for my TOEIC and a seminar.)

明日 The importance of my mother

2006-06-21 | English Diary

Recently, I am keenly aware of the importance of my mother.

You know, I live with my parents and my little brother.  From Last week, my parents have been to Hokkaido for visiting my mother's home. Actually, my father got back home early because he has to work, but my mother is still in there.

It is natural for the persion who live with their parents that I don't need to cook. My mother always does for us. It means we have to eat outside or buy some food during her absence . Maybe you think I should cook but I don't have enough time to do as a beginner of cooking that because I , to my shame, rarely cook and go to my university early and get back home late.

Though ,at first, I enjoyed eating out, but now I want to eat some Japanese food which we have to pay a lot. Of course, I ate some of them in the restaurant or my house, but I want to eat usual meal I've always had.

Furthermore, this life style isn't good for health. I have light stomachache now!

My mother gets back home tomorrow. I am very very looking forward to meet herAnd I think I should study cooking like yesterday.

be keenly aware of  痛感させられる

absence 不在

like yesterday すぐにでも

ほんわかひと時 Relax time

2006-06-21 | English Diary

I borrowed some CDs in a rental shop and now I am listening in music that is Vossa Nova. The title is "The best of VossaNova."

I like Bossa Nova even though I don't know much about this kind of music. I feel happy and am relaxed when listening this. I imagine the sunny day and there are many sunflowers and confortable windon the prairie. I think I can easy to sleep today.

Good night

prairie 大草原.


2006-06-20 | 英語学習日記


HMCD聞き流し                    1時間          
TOEIC 860点攻略本 リスニングP.21-34    30分

                             計 1時間30分

TOEIC 860点攻略本 
リーディングP.166-177  30分 
英語論文読み+探し                   2時間

TOEIC 860点攻略本単語問題 P.108-119    20分



2006-06-19 | 英語学習日記


EJ Safia Minney のインタビュー         30分
EJ The BBC news and BBC                         20分           
TOEIC 860点攻略本 リスニングP.10-20    20分

                             計 1時間10分




2006-06-18 | 英語学習日記



HM ディクテーションコンテスト(5月号&6月号)      1時間
HM CDリスニング集中                   30分
映画 恋愛小説家(オール字幕無しで挑戦)     2時間18分
映画 ユーガットメール                    2時間29分

                             計 6時間強

理系テキスト                       5ページ                              






ラーメン屋での惨事 The tragedy at Chanise noodle restaurant

2006-06-17 | English Diary

Because I suddenly wanted to eat Chinese noodle, I went the Chinese noodle shop near my house. It was Saturday, so this shop was so crowded.

I ordered a miso Chinese noodle. It contained many vegitables and the noodle was thick. It was definitely tasty!
But....... My precious time was suddenly ended. I found....

a small fly in the noodle!


I was so surprised and then I reconsidered that perhaps it was inevitable because recently you can find bugs everywhere. Also, because it was so crowded, I thought it wasn't good to call the waitperson and get onto it. It might be OK to remove this bug with vegitable. But, to matters worse, I found


other two bugs in the noodle!!!

I only looked the surface of the miso soup, so there were big possibility to find the other bugs! And also it was big possibility that the kitchen was so dirty or the cook didn't wash vegitables very well. I felt certain that I couldn't put up with it any longer.

I called the waitperson and said I found three bugs in the noodle in a secret voice. At first, she couldn't understand what I said, so I pointed where the bugs were. After that, she was surprised and went back to the kitchen room. I thougt she wanted to ask the cook what she should do, but he had never turned to her (I could watched everything from my seat)and didn't seem to say nothing. After waitng his reply and realized he didn't say nothing (I thought that), she was returend to me and said "We apologize. We cooked new one as soon as possible."

But, I was worried about next noodle because of the cook's attitude (it gave me an idea that he was used to treat the customers who complain about noodle with bugs. He was too settled to find his miss!) I told her a lie that I had no time to eat any longer so I would like to draw out of the shop. I think she realized I told her a lie. But, it is OK because I never go there again


get onto 文句をつける
be settle 落ち着いている
draw out of ~から出る

リラックスタイム Relax time

2006-06-16 | English Diary

What is your relax time?

Recently, as for me, this is handmade facial mask. It is very difference the face bofore using the facial mask and after that. You can easily get the transparent face skin. Also, I use aromatic oil, so I can easily relaxed. Today, I would like to write the recipe about it.

What you need?
a motar and a pestle
2 drops essential oil (I use geranium)
2 teaspoons clay (I use chaina clay)
1 tablespoon career oil (I use avocado oil)
1 teaspoon purified water

At first, in a motar with clay, combine purified water and then mixed until the content looks like paste.
Next, add career oil and stir until it is well-mixed.
At last, add some drops of aroma oil.
Use it just after making it. If you use long after making it, it may be dried.
When use this facial mask, put on your face without around your eyes, brees, and mouth. After 10minutes, wash your face. That's all!

How do you think? Is it easy, isn't it?
Some useful facial mask are so exopensive, but this method is cheaper than these kinds of product and also it is the most conveniet point that is you can create to suit for your own skin! My skin trouble is it is easy to dry so that I make it for solve this trouble.  Actually, now my skin is really rehydrate and fell easy because of the scent of geranium which scent is like rose.

If you are interested in it, please challenge it! I also write this information in Japanese in my HP. So, If it is difficult to understand, please go and see this page. Or if you think some expression are different from the Japanese one, it means I mistake the English expression, so please tell me

facial mask パック(美容)
transparent 透き通るような
aromatic oir アロマオイル
mortar 乳鉢
pestle 乳棒
rehydrate 潤いを取り戻す


2006-06-15 | 英語学習日記


EJ George Clooney のインタビュー         30分
HM 3ラウンド~ スキット2つ オーバーラップ→シャドウイング  20分           
HM ボキャビル練習帳 スキットオーバーラップ→シャドウイング チャンツシャドウイング 
ポッドキャストで見つけた動物行動学イントロ          30分

                             計 1時間50分

理系テキスト                       5ページ                              





Red Dragon

2006-06-15 | English Diary

I watched Red Dragon.
This is one of the "Hannibal Lecter" series written by Thomas Harris. In the original piece, this is the first one. But, in the movies, this is the last one.

I thought the first one (of the mivie series) is the best in this series. It is fantastic because it draw the characters in detail and created the well-defined story. This is the real detective movie.
On the contrary, in the "Red Dragon," it was hard to understand the mind of characters and sometimes it suddenly changed scenes. I thought it is not the detective movie but the movie of panic.

Of course, if you like those kind of movies, you can enjoy it. But, as for me, I like a well-constructed movie, so I  got a little bit depressed. For example, Though it is the series of "Hannibal Lecter" (played by Anthony Hopkins .He is wonderful!", he was not very important character in this movie.

Perhaps, the movie producers considered same thing and decided the second one in the novels made the first product in the movie.

Final point I would say is it may be a good movie if you don't compare with the same series. As for me, if I don't compare these ones, I think this is an interesting movie.

final pont one would say 最後に言っておきたいこと
