
米、中国企業の監査基準を厳格化、上場廃止も 対中圧力は金融市場に飛び火(東京新聞より)

米、中国企業の監査基準を厳格化、上場廃止も 対中圧力は金融市場に飛び火






財務省提言、基準未達で上場廃止 市場分断で双方痛手


以下のブルームバーグの記事で「監査報告書」とあるのは、原文を見るとaudit work papersとなっており、「監査調書」の方が正確です。




U.S. Moves to Tighten Disclosure Requirements for Chinese Listings(ブルームバーグ)

The President’s Working Group on Financial Markets said Thursday that in order to trade on a U.S. exchange, companies must grant American regulators access to their audit work papers. The group hasn’t determined how to enforce the guidelines, said a senior Treasury Department official who briefed reporters on the condition of anonymity. While the final penalty would be removal from U.S. exchanges,


Other suggestions include requiring “enhanced and prominent” disclosures by public companies of the risks tied to investing in China and new reports from fund managers about their exposure to such companies.


President’s Working Group on Financial Markets Releases Report and Recommendations on Protecting Investors from Significant Risks from Chinese Companies

In response to President Trump’s June 4 Memorandum on Protecting United States Investors from Significant Risks from Chinese Companies, the President's Working Group on Financial Markets (PWG) today released a report making five recommendations. These recommendations are designed to address risks to investors in U.S. financial markets posed by the Chinese government’s failure to allow audit firms that are registered with the Public Company Accounting Oversight Board (PCAOB) to comply with U.S. securities laws and investor protection requirements.


The PWG recommends that the SEC take steps to implement the five recommendations outlined in the report. In particular, to address companies from jurisdictions, such as China, that do not provide the PCAOB with sufficient access to fulfill its statutory mandate (“Non-Cooperating Jurisdictions,” or “NCJs”), the PWG recommends enhanced listing standards on U.S. exchanges. This would require, as a condition to initial and continued exchange listing, PCAOB access to work papers of the principal audit firm for the audit of the listed company. Companies unable to satisfy this standard as a result of governmental restrictions on access to audit work papers and practices in NCJs may satisfy this standard by providing a co-audit from an audit firm with comparable resources and experience where the PCAOB determines it has sufficient access to audit work papers and practices to conduct an appropriate inspection of the co-audit firm. To reduce market disruption, the new listing standards could provide for a transition period until January 1, 2022 for currently listed companies.



The other recommendations include requiring enhanced and prominent issuer disclosures of the risks of investing in certain NCJs such as China; enhancing registered fund disclosures for funds exposed to issuers from NCJs; encouraging or requiring registered funds that track indexes to perform greater due diligence on an index and its index provider; and issuing guidance to investment advisers with respect to fiduciary obligations when considering investments in NCJs.









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