What's the truth of the Kagome Kagome

Secret code that Master Kukai taught me.

Saburōgatake knows the secrets of Hokkesan Ichijōji Temple and Tachibana no Michiyo's tomb.

2020-08-31 16:06:06 | What's the truth of the Kagome Kagome


Monday, 31st of August, 2020

The distance from  Saburōgatake (三郎ヶ岳) to Hokkesan Ichijō-ji Temple (法華山一乗寺) founded by Hōdō Sennin (法道仙人) and to the tomb of Tachibana no Michiyo (橘三千代), Empress Kōmyō's mother (光明皇后の母), are 74 km each, the same distance. 

法The Hōdō Sennin is a Joe (定恵), and the illegitimate son of Emperor Kōtoku (孝徳天皇).

There are many tachibana trees planted at Hokkesan Ichijōji Temple.

Saburōgatake, the mountain that tells us the true locations of many emperors' tombs, also seems to know the secrets of Hokkasan Ijyo Temple and Tachibana no Michiyo's tomb.


Today is the birthday of Himiko (卑弥呼), born on August 31, AD 177.... The spirit lives on...

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The Terafight series definitely will spread throughout the world

2020-08-30 18:06:06 | What's the truth of the Kagome Kagome


Sunday, 30th of August, 2020

Yesterday and today, the 30th, we hold the Terafight Ambassador training in our office.

I can't write about it here, but it is meaningful content.

I'm also amazed.

And now I am preparing to spread the Terafight and the Terafight Core to the world.

In order to bring wonderful Terafight to the world, and also to spread it in Japan, the patent is very important.

Nowadays, information is getting out to the world, so patents are important to protect our business.

I had also applied for a patent for the Terafight Core in China, and I received a design order for a "Magnetic Treatment Device".

The concept of "talisman", that I have mentioned separately, does not seem to exist in the Chinese Patent Office, but the concepts of "exorcism" and "amulet (against evil)" seem to exist.

It seems that the concepts of "talisman" and "amulet (against evil)" are not the same for them. I received a document, saying "Please respond," along with my registration card.

I believe the "Terafight" series will definitely spread to the world.

I believe that my job is to prepare that you all will be able to expand your business worldwide, so I am submitting my patent applications to the world.

The pathological patent poverty is still in progress. 

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Health Seminar Yamaguchi Conference

2020-08-29 18:06:06 | What's the truth of the Kagome Kagome


Saturday, 29th of August, 2020

Last Saturday, the 22nd, I left from  Hōfu Station and arrived at Asa station (厚狭駅) in  Sanyō-Onoda City (山陽小野田市), just before 5:00 in the evening of the meeting time.

The purpose was to attend  ”the 14th  Health Seminar Yamaguchi Conference” which is a study of the Chishima Doctrine (千島学説) and the eve of that event.





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Visiting the town of Hōfu

2020-08-28 06:06:06 | What's the truth of the Kagome Kagome


Friday, 28th of August, 2020

On the 22nd (Sat), after visiting the Amidaji Temple, the Tōdaiji Betsuin Branch Temple (東大寺別院阿弥陀寺) the taxi driver took us to the Mōri's residence (毛利邸) and the remains of the Suō provincial capital (周防国府跡), on the way to  Suō Kokubunji Temple (周防国分寺).

After visiting the Kokubunji Temple, we temporarily dropped off in front of the torii gate of the  Hōfu Tenmangū Shrine (府天満宮). Then I asked him "Can we go to the Sabagawa River (佐波川)?", and after looking at the Sabagawa river(佐波川) for a while, we were able to get back to Hōfu Station in time.




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More and more people are finally getting to know about information of Neogaia and how great it is.

2020-08-27 06:06:06 | Zero Magnetic Field Generator Neogaia


Thursday, 27th of August, 2020

"What are the benefits of Neogaia for actors, Mr. President?" Mr. Yano asked me when I arrived at the office in the morning.

"I'm sure they will be very happy with it because it makes their bodies less tired," said I.

"What's happen?" I asked.

"An actor has ordered a Neogaia," answered Mr. Yano.


I hear that if singers hold Terafight over their lips or put lipstick through Terafight and use it, it expands their range.

I've had a lot of people from music production companies buy it in the past.


Hmmm...I heard that the Dalai Lama has a pink Terafight, earlier...but I don't know what he did with it.


Right now, Terafight and Neogaia seem to be moving a bit differently than they have in the past, probably due to the corona disaster.

"Mr. President, we don't have any more Neogaia in stock! " I was told...


We are now down to 2 in stock for the Neogaia 7000G-20.

We are very sorry, but we are waiting for 3 months to receive them.

(We do have other Neogaias in stock at the moment except for the 7000G-20.)

It takes 3 months as they are handmade one-by-one and to be checked the inspection by the Japan Water Works Association.

Now, more and more people are finally getting to know about the information of Neogaia and how great it is.

I am praying that we don't have an epidemic of Zika fever or dengue fever, which is transmitted by mosquito bites.

Someday we may find out that Neogaia and Terafight are effective against the corona as well.

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