What's the truth of the Kagome Kagome

Secret code that Master Kukai taught me.

Tatsuta Taisha teaches Himiko's tomb and a number of ancient tombs related to Great King Jesus!

2020-11-07 06:06:06 | What's the truth of the Kagome Kagome


Saturday, 7th of November, 2020

I received the email below from Ms. Makiura, who led me to the Tamaki Shrine (玉置神社) last Saturday. The Tatsuta Taisha Shrine (龍田大社) mentioned in the email teaches us about the many ancient tombs of the Jesus Great King loyal family.

After visiting Tanzan Shrine (談山神社)the Tatsuta-Taisha Shrine (龍田大社)  in Sangō Town was on my mind and visited the shrine. 

I found out for the first time, when I went there, that this is the shrine where Prince Shotoku prayed to the moon when he built Horyu-ji Temple (法隆寺).


I am looking forward to seeing you again.


 I hope you are in good health.


              2nd, November


The Tatsuta Taisha Shrine (龍田大社) is designed to put hands together towards the Goshiki-zuka tomb (五色塚古墳) in Tarumi-Ku, Kobe.

And the distance from the Goshiki-zuka tomb to Himiko's tomb and to the Tatsuta Taisha Shrine is 59 km each, which are the same distances, and the three points draw an isosceles triangle.

そして、Tatsuta Taisha Shrine, Himiko's tomb, and Mt. Ryuseki-san draw a right triangle that forms a part of a regular pentagon. 

Mt. Ryuseki-san (竜石山) is a huge pyramid and is also the tomb of Himiko and is also the tomb of Himiko and her clan members.

From now on, I would like to call Mt. Ryuseki-san "Ryuseki-san Pyramid". 

Thank you very much, Makiura-san.

Today, I'm in Tokyo!

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