What's the truth of the Kagome Kagome

Secret code that Master Kukai taught me.

Praying to small stone shrine at Ruri Waterfall, from there on, there is real target Kukai's tomb.

2020-08-26 06:06:06 | What's the truth of the Kagome Kagome


Wednesday, 26th of August, 2020

When you pray at the Ruri Waterfall (瑠璃滝) at Amidaji Temple, the Tōdaiji Betsuin Branch Temple (東大寺別院阿弥陀寺), to a masonry small shrine, from there on, there is the tomb of Lord Kukai(空海), which was moved from Mt. Kōyasan (高野山).

The tomb has a cute fish-shaped contour line on it.

I have been to many shrines and temples in my life, but I have never seen the place where there were so many unique stone Buddhas of Master Kukai who has Gokosho (五鈷杵) on his chest.

I was surprised and happy to see them.


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The first place I wanted to visit in Hōfu was Amidaji Temple, the Tōdaiji Betsuin Branch Temple!

2020-08-25 16:06:06 | What's the truth of the Kagome Kagome


Tuesday, 25th of August, 2020

When I absolutely have to return to a station by a time set but I need to go around to see many places in limited hours, I made it a rule to definitely take a taxi.

"I have to catch the 3:53 train. I want to go to the Amidaji Temple, the Tōdaiji Betsuin Branch Temple (東大寺別院阿弥陀寺) first...."

"Do we have time to go to the  Tokuji (徳地), upstream from the  Sabagawa River (佐波川)? "...I asked.  

"We can't go to Tokuji," said the driver, " but let's go to the Tōdaiji temple, first."

He dropped me off in front of the Amidaji temple's Gate after looking at the city for the first time.

We checked the location map first, then decided to go to Kaizando (開山堂) and Ruri Waterfall (瑠璃の滝).

By the way, it was very hot, isn't it? And I didn't expect to do quite a bit of hiking.

The destination of putting our hands together at the Kaizando (開山堂) is the direction of 21 degrees on the compass glass.

The direction to pray at the Ruri waterfall on the right in the back of the Kaizando is 60 degrees.

Chōgen (重源)  knew after all. 

He knew exactly the thing which existed in this 60-degree direction....!! 



There is a great secret beyond that which we pray here!


It is the sign of the heart!   I'm happy to see this.


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Hōfu, the first city I ever set foot in

2020-08-24 06:06:06 | What's the truth of the Kagome Kagome


Monday, 24th of August, 2020

On Saturday, the 22nd, we arrived at 12:50 Hōfu Station (防府) at 12:50 on the 12:34 train from Shin-Yamaguchi Station bound for Iwakuni Station on the Sanyo Line.

We arrived at Shin-Yamaguchi Station at 12:03 by the Shin-Kobe 10:19 Sakura 551 train.

The 30% discounted fares that the Zipangu Club offers are a great help when we travel far away.

But... I feel strange about being made to think of myself as an elderly person imperceptibly.

I don't think of myself as an old person.


It is one of the pleasures of looking at the distant mountains from the car window, and when I find a sharp or distinctive mountain, I feel as if I am meeting the people of super-ancient times.

It's a one-way, but talking with mountains is really very relaxing experience for me.

This is the first time I have landed at the Hōfu station.

This is my first time in Hōfu city.

I have about three hours to make the most of it before I get on the train from Hōfu 15:53 to Shimonoseki on the Sanyo Line. 

First of all, I was looking at the tourist information board at the station. And then...

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The 10th session of the Terafight Ambassador Training Course is held on just after one week!

2020-08-23 18:06:06 | What's the truth of the Kagome Kagome


Sunday, 23rd of August, 2020

We live in a very difficult world.

It's precisely because of this time that we are hearing from more and more people who says "I want to know more about Terafight and Neogaia".

That's why we hold a Terafight Ambassador Training Course to tell you what we can't say or write about in our seminars and publications.

The dates are Saturday, August 29 and Sunday, August 30, 2020.

For more information, please contact T.T.C. Tel: 078-855-8817

Call for the 10th class of Terafight Ambassador Training Course.

Those who complete the course will obtain the qualification and the certificate that acknowledges you have mastered practical treatments and others using TERAFIGHT and the knowledge of TERAFIGHT that are necessary elements for the ambassador of T.T.C Co., Ltd.

We are waiting for and welcome to join us the people who wish to heal not only themselves but their families, friends, acquaintances, and the entire planet while earning an income by obtaining the ambassador status recognized by T.T.C Co., Ltd.

Let's join us in expanding the circle of TERAFIGHT.

Course: 14 hours

7 hours a day, 10:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. X 2 times a day
It will be held on consecutive Saturdays and Sundays.

Saturday, 29th of August and Sunday, 30th of August, 2020

Seminar Room of T.T.C Co.,Ltd.
4-1-1-401 Sakuraguchi-cho, Nada-ku, Kobe City, Hyogo Prefecture

Course content
(1) Structure and function of TERAFIGHT and Neogaia, Saburo Uemori
(2) Structure and function of the human body (an overview of Western and Oriental medicine), Takako Tanaka
(3) Practice and experience of TERAFIGHT treatment, Jun Naito
4) Psychological Considerations on Customer Service, Tsuneo Yano
5) Basic Knowledge of Taxation and Accounting in Business Development, Hiroe Asakura

Contents are subject to change.
There will be a certification exam at the end of the course.

Cost: 400,000 yen plus consumption tax...
Pre-payment of taxes, but you can also pay by credit card.
(Once paid, the amount is not refundable)
We will give you a gift at the first lesson.

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Mount Chigogabaka and the underground temple of Empress Kōmyō

2020-08-22 18:06:06 | What's the truth of the Kagome Kagome


Saturday, 22nd of August, 2020

Another thing that I associate from Umeda (梅田) and Umeda Shrine (埋田神社) is ...

the meaning of the Keplerian triangle of  Mount Chigogabaka (稚子ヶ墓山), the underground temple of Empress Kōmyō (光明皇后) and the Shoshazan Engyoji Temple (書写山円教寺).

I can imagine its meaning but I cannot describe it in detail here.

I feel the strangeness of the ancient religion.


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