What's the truth of the Kagome Kagome

Secret code that Master Kukai taught me.

Himiko was in Okuharima!

2020-06-25 06:06:06 | 日記


Thursday, 25th of June, 2020

"Relationship between Harima and Yamataikoku Himiko"...
The number of people who view this page has increased these days.

Ah... The flood season is coming up again.

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Launch of Terafight Core Silver from July 1st

2020-06-24 06:06:06 | 日記


Wednesday, 24th of June, 2020

Assembling starts for the release of the new Core Silver.

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Sat. 4 Jul., we will hold 2nd edition of "Don't be afraid of the Coronavirus" at Umeda Sky Building

2020-06-23 06:06:06 | 日記


Tuesday, 23rd of June, 2020

The new coronavirus has settled down somewhat, but it will surely return with the Old Man Winter.

Let's ask Mr. Jun Naito, who has used Neogaia and Terafight more than anyone else, to tell us what we should do from now on.

Of course, I also would like to tell you all about the greatness of Terafight and Neogaia.

After the seminar, we will have a social gathering in the basement of the building.

Both at the March seminar and at the last seminar, the restaurants were deserted, and I could hear the silent sad voices of the shopkeepers.

I wish I could help them even only for a little.

For seminar application, please contact T.T.C.

Thank you, Mr. Mitsuya! Let's have a guffawing drink with a gulp again!

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Sunset sky

2020-06-22 18:06:06 | 日記


Monday,22nd of June, 2020

Yesterday, at the end of a pleasant and meaningful conversation in the morning and evening...a beautiful sunset sky.


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From Isanagoyama, Hiyoriyama, Dochu in Awa, and the Kitsunedani Yokoana group emerged!

2020-06-21 18:06:06 | 日記


Sunday, 21st of June, 2020

A benchmark mountain, Mt. Hiyoriyama (日和山) in Owase City, Mie Prefecture, emerged from the relationship between Mt. Isanagoyama (磯砂山), and tomb of Xufu (徐福), and tombs of Emperor Tenji (天智天皇) and Fujiwara no Fuhito (藤原不比等).

Connecting from tomb of Xufu (徐福) to tombs of Emperor Tenji and Fujiwara no Fuhito, and extending that connection is Mt. Hiyoriyama.

Tomb of Xufu, Mt. Hiyoriyama, and  tomb of Kukai(空海) nearly form a right-angled triangle of 2:1:√3.

Nose Myogengu (能勢妙見宮) Shrine, Mt. Hiyoriyama (日和山) and Dochu of Awa (阿波の土柱) form a Keplerian triangle.

Mt. Hiyoriyama (日和山), Dochu of Awa (阿波の土柱) and Kitsunedani Yokoana group (狐谷横穴郡) form a 2:1:√3 right-angled triangle.

These places tell us that they have great deal of significance.

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