What's the truth of the Kagome Kagome

Secret code that Master Kukai taught me.

Natadera Temple and Hakusan Shrine... Taicho also knew well the secret of Jesus Christ.

2020-06-05 06:06:06 | 日記


Friday, 5th of June, 2020

Natadera Temple (那谷寺), Jesus Christ's tomb, and Yoroizaki (鎧崎)draw an isosceles triangle.

As vertices that draw isosceles triangles with a common base, there are, from the north,Shirahige Shrine (白鬚神社), Kuwamidera Temple (桑実寺), Mt. Mitsukuriyama (箕作山) (Kawaya Zen Temple (瓦屋禅寺), Tarobogu Shrine (太郎坊宮)), and Manjuji Temple (萬壽寺).

Heisenji Hakusan Shrine (平泉寺白山神社), Jesus Christ's tomb, and Otomeiwa (乙女岩) also draw an isosceles triangle.

In the same way, as vertices that draw isosceles triangles with a common base, there are Hiradake (比良岳), Mikami Shrine (御上神社), Mt. Handosan(飯道山),  Gyojaiwa (行者岩). 

And... Mercy!     There is the cross shaped mountain (698m) made  in the mountains of Kutsukinakamaki, Takashima City, Shiga Prefecture!!

The two figures below show the prood that Taicho (泰澄) also knew well the secret of Jesus Christ.

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