What's the truth of the Kagome Kagome

Secret code that Master Kukai taught me.

Konpira Shrine, Matsuo Temple and Mt. Miyayama

2020-06-16 06:06:06 | 日記


Tuesday, 16th of June, 2020

The main office of the Shinto shrine was had a seismic effect! "Kompira-san" leaves, and the news that "the main office is extremely disrespectful to His Majesty the Emperor".

The temple where Konpira Daigongen (金毘羅大権現) is enshrined is Matsuoji Temple (松尾寺) of the Koyasan Shingon sect.

Speaking of Matsuo Temple, Matsuodera (松尾寺) Fudarakusen (補陀落山) in Yamato Koriyama, Nara Prefecture, where the tomb of Soga no Irika (蘇我入鹿) is located.

Strangely enough, "Miyayama (宮山)", in Misaki-Cho, Okayama Prefecture, is exactly located at the point that forms 2:1:√3  with the two temples of Matsuo (松尾寺).

I don't think the relation of this figure is a coincidence. It seems to have a deep meaning.

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