What's the truth of the Kagome Kagome

Secret code that Master Kukai taught me.

From Isanagoyama, Hiyoriyama, Dochu in Awa, and the Kitsunedani Yokoana group emerged!

2020-06-21 18:06:06 | 日記


Sunday, 21st of June, 2020

A benchmark mountain, Mt. Hiyoriyama (日和山) in Owase City, Mie Prefecture, emerged from the relationship between Mt. Isanagoyama (磯砂山), and tomb of Xufu (徐福), and tombs of Emperor Tenji (天智天皇) and Fujiwara no Fuhito (藤原不比等).

Connecting from tomb of Xufu (徐福) to tombs of Emperor Tenji and Fujiwara no Fuhito, and extending that connection is Mt. Hiyoriyama.

Tomb of Xufu, Mt. Hiyoriyama, and  tomb of Kukai(空海) nearly form a right-angled triangle of 2:1:√3.

Nose Myogengu (能勢妙見宮) Shrine, Mt. Hiyoriyama (日和山) and Dochu of Awa (阿波の土柱) form a Keplerian triangle.

Mt. Hiyoriyama (日和山), Dochu of Awa (阿波の土柱) and Kitsunedani Yokoana group (狐谷横穴郡) form a 2:1:√3 right-angled triangle.

These places tell us that they have great deal of significance.

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