What's the truth of the Kagome Kagome

Secret code that Master Kukai taught me.

Serpent, Moses, and Toyouke no Ōkami

2020-06-10 06:06:06 | 日記


Wednesday, 10th of June, 2020

Mr. Takebe writes about the Hebi Iwa (蛇岩:snake rock)

So, I drew the figure below.

The three points of the two "Hebi Iwas (蛇岩)”, and Kojo-zan Onhayashi (古城山御林) in  Ikuno where there is an underground temple, draw a  basic form 2:1:√3 right triangle.

And the distance from the Hebi Iwa (蛇岩) in Wakayama to the Kojo-zan Onhayashi which enshrines Moses, and the distance to Toyouke Daijingu (豊受大神宮), outer shrine (外宮) in Ise are the same distance  128 km, and draw an isosceles triangle.

The "豊受" of  Toyouke no Ōkami (豊受大神) is pronounced also "Hōju" ="宝珠", and this is Moses.

Moses was an old man who has a serpent cane with a gourd.

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