
FOX新聞館ブログ版             香港・台湾・中国 NEWSコラム+不謹慎発言


2003-03-23 00:33:59 | 時事
> ホテルも可哀相ですね。広州から来た感染者の医学教授が
WHO team probing China virus link
(CNN Asia 2003.03.22 11:53HKT)
Outbreak began in Guangdong, WHO believes
---The central government is urged to provide more information about pneumonia infections on the mainland
(South China Morning Post 2003.03.22 China)
The central government was yesterday urged to disclose more information about pneumonia outbreaks on the mainland, as the World Health Organisation (WHO) said that the illness which has swept Hong Kong probably originated in Guangdong.
Minister of Health Zhang Wenkang will meet Hong Kong Chief Executive Tung Chee-hwa today to discuss measures to contain the outbreak which has infected more than 200 people in Hong Kong and spread around the world, killing at least 10.
WHO officials in Beijing yesterday said the outbreak probably started in Guangdong province. They said mainland authorities should help analyse the situation by providing a breakdown of infections in all provinces.
"The link has become far stronger [between Guangdong and Hong Kong]," said Beijing-based WHO representative Henk Bekedam. "I'd like to be careful with my language, but it is likely" that the outbreak originated in Guangdong.
The WHO plans to send a team of five foreign disease experts to the mainland from March 23 to 28. Alan Schnur, the WHO's communicable disease control team leader in Beijing, said the experts might proceed from government meetings in Beijing to conduct fieldwork in Guangdong if they found it necessary. WHO teams have not visited Guangdong to date.
Mr Schnur said mainland officials had not yet agreed to the WHO's request for provincial data on the outbreak.
He said the lack of such information made it hard to tell whether the virus had spread around China, including to Beijing where two pneumonia victims are rumoured to have died.
Mr Bekedam said the central government could follow Hong Kong's example in providing daily updates on the number of cases, without causing panic. "It has not led to a major panic and has given people faith in what's happening," he said.
The importance of strengthening communications between Hong Kong, the mainland and the WHO was underlined by Mr Tung yesterday.
The chief executive revealed he proposed a set of measures on cross-border co-operation on health matters when he met Mr Zhang in Beijing this week.
He will provide more details after a meeting with Mr Zhang in Hong Kong today.
"We have to understand we live in a borderless world. Infectious diseases can travel around the globe. We have to know we are vulnerable to such outbreaks," Mr Tung said.
But the Secretary for Health, Welfare and Food, Yeoh Eng-kiong, said the mainland should not be blamed for the outbreak. Dr Yeoh said the mainland health system was different from Hong Kong, where the flow of information was more co-ordinated.
"I think we should not pinpoint China. It is not fair or reasonable. What we know is that we have one doctor from Guangzhou who came here and we have linked four clusters to him," he said.
The doctor stayed in the Metropole Hotel in Mongkok, infecting an American-Chinese businessman who flew on to Hanoi, three Singaporeans, two Canadians and a 26-year-old Hong Kong airport worker who visited the ninth floor of the hotel.
The guests in turn sparked outbreaks of Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome (Sars), a form of atypical pneumonia, in their respective countries and in Vietnam.
The local man triggered the Hong Kong outbreak when he was admitted to Prince of Wales Hospital on March 5. A total of 203 patients had been admitted to hospital by yesterday, of whom 197 have Sars.


