

Lost 3-14 "Expose" 【その2】

2007年04月04日 | TV: Lost




Nikki: Hey, Dr. Arzt.
Arzt: Oh, hi.
Nikki: You're a scientist, right?
Arzt: And an educator, yes.
Nikki: What are you doing with all this stuff?
Arzt: Oh, well, er... since we got here I've discovered twenty new species. I'm gonna be the next Charles Darwin.
Nikki: (ガラス瓶の1つを手に取る)
Arzt: Ah... er... that is... er... Latrodectus regina. Very dangerous. They call it the Medusa Spider. Her pheromones are very strong. One whiff and every male of the species would be here in seconds. Not unlike you, I guess.
Nikki: So you're probably too busy to help me then.
Arzt: Me? No. No, not... not at all. I'm fine... er... I can help you. What can I do you for?
Nikki: Well, I'm trying to find my luggage and... since the plane broke apart over the jungle, I was wondering if you knew about trajectories and stuff.
Arzt: Ha! Do I... do I know about trajectories? Allow me to draw you a map, madame.


Paulo: Are you sure we should be listening to a high school science teacher?
Nikki: Junior high... and yes. What's your problem with Leslie, anyway?
Paulo: Leslie?
Nikki: Oh, you're jealous!
Paulo: Of him? Never.
Nikki: Yeah, his spiders turn me on so much I had to sleep with him to get the map.
Paulo: I wouldn't be surprised. You slept with Zukerman.
Nikki: I did that for us!
Paulo: Okay, I'm sorry. I just... I don't trust that guy. We should've gone to Ethan. He would've helped.


Nikki: Paulo, look.
Paulo: Another plane. Looks like it's been here a while.
Nikki: Go up there. Maybe there's a radio or some...
Paulo: Are you insane?! If I go up there, that thing's gonna fall.
Nikki: You're not gonna fall.
Paulo: What? Do you want me to die? Come on, let's keep going.


Nikki: What is that?
Paulo: Okay, let's do it. Let's check it out.
Nikki: Whoa! So... our carry-on bag fell from the sky, opened a manhole, crawled inside, and closed the doors behind itself? You don't wanna climb up to a plane, but, now, you wanna climb down a ladder into a dark tunnel. I don't think so.




Hurley: It's like Baywatch, only better. It's about Autumn and Crystal, two strippers that solve crimes with the help of their suave, smooth-talking club owner, Mr. LaShade.
Sawyer: How'd I miss that one?


Hurley: No way! Mr. LaShade was the Cobra?!
Charlie: Is that supposed to mean something?
Hurley: Dude, the Cobra's this big bad guy. He's been shrouded in mystery for four seasons.


Hurley: They had a walkie-talkie?
Sawyer: Every damn one of those bastards on the other side of the island had one exactly like this hanging from their belts.
Charlie: So how did Nikki and Paulo get one?
Sawyer: I'll tell you how. They were working with the Others.



Nikki: Hey, what's going on?
Shannon: Kate and her two boyfriends found a case of guns that fell out of the plane, but they decided they didn't really need to tell the camp.
Kate: Look, the case is locked. The key is around Jack's neck, alright? I promise you they're safe.
Arzt: Ha! You're all out of control. The pigs are walking, eh? The pigs are walking!
(※「The pigs are walking!」: George Orwell著の『Animal Farm』より。)


Nikki: It's just water, Paulo. Stop being such a wuss and dive in.
Paulo: Why me?
Nikki: Well, as you had no trouble reminding me, I slept with Howie Zukerman... so the least you could do is go for a swim. And Kate said they found the case on the bottom.
Paulo: Let me ask you something.
Nikki: What?
Paulo: If you didn't need me to find that bag, would we still be together?
Nikki: That bag is worth eight million dollars. Just dive in, Paulo.




Hurley: Okay... so they had a walkie-talkie. You think they were working with the Others? Like... how?
Sawyer: Like Michael.
Charlie: If that's the case, then why'd they kill Nikki and Paulo?
Sawyer: Who knows why those people do anything? What matters is they could be out there right now waiting to get us.
Hurley: I don't know, dude. I was with the Others like... two weeks ago. They're on the total other side of the island.
Sun: Then who dragged me into the jungle? The Others came into our camp... they grabbed me, put a bag over my head. And if I hadn't gotten away, they would've killed me.
Sawyer: Look, you all stay here. Let me see if I can see any sign of 'em. I'll do a perimeter sweep.
Hurley: Where'd you get the gun?
Sawyer: Got it off one of them.
Hurley: And when were you gonna let us know?
Sawyer: I guess right now.
Hurley: What exactly is a perimeter sweep?



Locke: Nice night. What ya doing?
Paulo: Nothing.
Locke: It looks like you're digging a hole. Every man's entitled to his secrets, Paulo, but can I give you a piece of advice?
Paulo: Please, John.
Locke: You should put the shovel away and save yourself some trouble.
Paulo: Why is that?
Locke: Things don't stay buried on this island. The beach is eroding. Winter is coming. High tide. Whatever it is you're hiding, make sure you pick a spot that won't wash away.

このエピソードを見終わった後に「Things don't stay buried on this island.」というセリフを振り返ると、意味ありげに思える?




Juliet: Is that him? Shephard?
Ben: Yes.
Juliet: He's cute. Why are we doing this? Shephard will never agree to do the surgery.
Ben: No, I can convince him to do it.
Juliet: How?
Ben: The same way I get anybody to do anything. I find what he's emotionally invested in and I exploit it.
Juliet: (一瞬、「あたしもそうされた」と思い出した?) So... what? We just grab all three of them? Ford and Austen, too?
Ben: No, they need to come to us.
Juliet: And how do we make that happen?
Ben: Michael, of course.




Hurley: No offense, dude, but, as far as superpowers go, yours is kind of lame.


Desmond: I do know she was with your mate this morning.
Hurley: My mate?
Desmond: I saw her with your boy Sawyer. The dead girl, Nikki.
Hurley: He said he didn't know her.
Desmond: Then why was she yelling at him?

(※「mate」⇒ デズモンドは「友だち/仲間」というつもりで言ったのだが、ハーリーは「つがい/伴侶」という意味に取ったようだ。イギリス英語とアメリカ英語のニュアンスの違いが出ていて面白い。)






2 コメント

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パウロ (ジョウ)
2007-04-05 01:43:19


ウォーキー・トーキー (kenn)
2007-04-04 09:35:39


