さつき 「日本国中お騒がせしてまっせぇ。 2000万円問題・・」
やよい 「そやねえ・・」
さつき 「年金危機になるんかいな・・?」
やとい 「金融庁にあまり期待せん方がええとちゃうか?」
さつき 「麻生とかいう漫画しか読まへん財務大臣、あれもけったいな人やなあ」
やよい 「けったいな人は前にも仰山いてましたねん・・」
さつき 「そうそう、仰山いてました」
やよい 「ここに小泉時代の総裁選レースの録音がありますねん」
さつき 「再生してや」
やよい 「総裁選のレースが、まもなく始まります」
さつき 「一人目は、『この前の貧乏神』や・・」
やよい 「二人目は、『変人』でんね・・」
さつき 「三人目は、『とにかく孫』や・・」
やよい 「四人目は、『ダミ声のどう喝屋』でんな・・」
さつき 「ちょと待てや・・、『変人』が派閥選挙は止めや・・いうて
やよい 「ほな、あの『サメ味噌派』から飛び出して一匹狼かいな。
(注)この前の貧乏神・・橋下、 変人・・小泉、 とにかく孫・・麻生、
ダミ声の恫喝屋・・亀井 サメ味噌派・・森派
さつき 「ファンファーレが鳴って、4頭が揃ってゲートインしました。
やよい 「ゲートが開いて各馬一斉にスタートしました。
さつき 「間もなく第1コーナーに差し掛かろうとしています・・」
やよい 「先行逃げきりを狙うのか、『この前の貧乏神』。
さつき 「マキコ飛び出す。マキコ飛び出す。
牝馬『マキコ』が『変人』に伴走して、応援し始めたぁ!! 」
やよい 「おーっと、牝馬『マキコ』が観客席に向かって何か吠えています。
さつき 「第3コーナーを回ってゆるやかなカーブになりました。
やよい 「二番手『変人』、トップとの差をジリッ・ジリッと詰めています」
さつき 「『とにかく孫』と『ダミ声の恫喝屋』は、遅れが目立ってきました。
やよい 「さあ、いよいよ第4コーナーにさしかかります。
これは、どうしたことでしょう!? 」
さつき 「意外な展開になってきました・・」
やよい 「これは驚きです!!
場内は地鳴りのような大歓声です!! 」
さつき 「第4コーナーを回って、最後の直線に入りました!
『変人』がいきなりトップに躍り出たぁ!! 」
やよい 「そのままぐんぐん『貧乏神』を引き離して、独走体勢に入ったぁ!! 」
さつき 「『変人』強い!! 『変人』強い!!
ゴールまであと30メートル!! あと10メートル!! 」
やよい 「『変人』1着!! 『変人』1着!!
これは新記録です!! 」
さつき 「いゃあ、驚きましたねぇ!!
やよい 「これほどの大差で圧勝するなど、
誰が予想したでしょうか!! 」
さつき 「おおかたは"鼻差の勝負"と読んでましたからねぇ・・」
やよい 「『貧乏神』のモナカ調教師も、顎然としたようすで
さつき 「時代の流れに、その大きなうねりに打ちのめされた・・
そんな感じにも見て取れます!! 」
やよい 「いやぁ・・、そこまで自覚してないでしょう・・」
さつき 「・・と云いますと、あまり解ってない・・?」
やよい 「はい。単なる作戦ミスと思ってるでしょうねぇ・・」
さつき 「どこでミスったか?とか、あいつのせいだとか・・」
やよい 「まあ、そんなところでしょう・・。
さつき 「まだ、場内の興奮は冷めやらず・・、といったところですが、
やよい 「ワテも作戦ミスやワ・・」
さつき 「なんでや?」
やよい 「ワテの買うた馬券、パーでんねん・・」
さつき 「なんでやね?・・馬連やったら楽勝やろ」
やよい 「単勝一点買いや。
さつき 「あほかいな・・」
"Presidential horse race relay"
Yes~ Welcome and welcome. Satsuki is good.
The season is autumn, and it's a good season.
Frog chorus, September bride...
Water manju, water yokan...
Well, the season has come.
Satsuki "I'm sorry for all the troubles in Japan. 20 million yen problem..."
Yayoi " Soyanee ..."
Satsuki "Is it going to be a pension crisis?"
Yatoi Do Chau and Gaee? "
Satsuki" Minister of Finance Hen only read comics or something Aso, there also packetizer person Ya I wish "
Yayoi" packetizer person is Ninen ... "had had great many even before
Satsuki" Oh yeah, I have had great many
Ta ” Yayoi “There is a recording of the presidential election race here in the Koizumi era.”
Satsuki “Play it back”
Yayoi “The race of the presidential election will begin soon.”
Satsuki "
Yayoi" second person, "weirdo" Den I ... "
Satsuki" third person is, "anyway grandchildren" and ... "
" the four people eyes, "dummy voice of intimidation shop" Yayoi Den'na ... "
Satsuki "Cho and wait and ...," weirdo "factions election is say stop and ...
De ... jumped faction"
Yayoi "Hona, lone wolf Bunch jump out from that" shark miso school ".
Omoro Narisoya Na..."
-------------------------------------------------- ------------------
(Note) The God of Poorness... Hashishita, Weirdo... Koizumi, Anyway, Grandchild... Aso, the
voice of Dami's voice... Kamei Shark Miso School・Mori School
--------------------------------------------- -----------------------
Satsuki "Fanfare rang and four of them were gated in together. According to
the expectation of many people, it was "God of poverty". I
think it's going to be a fight for "Weirdo" ..."
Yoyo "The gates opened and all horses started at the same time. The
leader was "The God of Poorness before this," forgetting the last defeat, and started again.
number two is "eccentric", followed by a "Anyway grandchild", "dummy voice of intimidation shop"
has continued.
Satsuki "you are about Sashikakaro soon the first corner ..."
Yayoi aim to "cut preceding escape Or, "The poor god before this.
" "Weirdo" is attached right after that."
Satsuki "Makiko jumps out. Makiko jumps out. The
mare "Makiko" started running alongside "Weirdo" and started cheering!!"
Yayoi "Oops, the mare "Makiko" is barking at the audience seats
... I don't really mean "Odabtsu-sama..."
----------- ------------------------------------
(Note) Makiko Makiko Tanaka
------------------------------------------ -----
Satsuki "It turned into a gentle curve around the 3rd corner.
The "poor god" at the beginning, did you see a little tiredness,
Pomade's mane has been disturbed ?
" ”, I'm closing the gap with the top.”
Satsuki ““Anyway grandson” and “Dummy voice threatening shop” have become noticeable delays.
The difference with the preceding group has widened . ・”
Yayoi “Now, it's about time to turn to the fourth corner.
Oops, the audience has turned into a cheering party for the “Weirdo”
!! , has sent a large cheer to "weirdo"!
This will be what the!? "
Satsuki" has become the surprising expansion ... "
Yayoi" This is a surprise !!
hall is like a rumbling It's a big cheer!!”
Satsuki “I went around the 4th corner and entered the last straight line!
I went from the second place to the outside and suddenly the “Kinjin” jumped to the top!!”
Yayoi "I just pulled the "poor god" apart and entered the self-supporting posture!!"
Satsuki ""Weirdo" is strong !! "Weird" is strong !!
30m to the goal!!
10m !!" Yayoi " Weird's 1st place!!'Weird's 1st place!! We
made a big difference to the 2nd place's "God of poverty", and now we're running in front of the goal!! With
the clock at hand, it's 2 minutes 9 seconds 8.
This is a new record I !! "
Satsuki" Iyaa, Hey !! I was surprised
in front of the goal of a straight line, "eccentric" is outstanding strength
gave me showing off ... "
such as landslide victory in the Yayoi" so much great difference ,
Who would have expected it!"
Satsuki "I didn't read "Most of the time","
Yayoi "The Monaca trainer of "The God of Poorness"
trembles in his mouth. "
(Note) Monaca ... Nonaka (Chief Secretary)
----- ----------------------------
Satsuki to the flow of the "era, ... it was overwhelmed by the large swell
you could see even in such a feeling !!”
Yayoi “No, I don’t know about it…”
Satsuki “I don’t really understand that…” or
good “Yes. ... "
Satu Ki: "Where did you make a mistake? It was because of him..."
Yayoi "Well, that's right.
That is the limit of the thinking circuit of the backers.”
Satsuki “I 'm still excited about the excitement in the hall...” But as you can
see, the spring G1 “Governor Chair Captain” ,
the "weirdo" is stunning race, won the laurels.
So, you end the horse racing live coverage in this area, "
Yayoi" Wate also strategy mistakes and word ... "
Satsuki" Why or? "
Yayoi buy the" Wate was betting, a do Ninen ... "Per
Satsuki" Why Ya ne? Yaro romp Once Ya' ... Valentin "
Yayoi" one point buying win and.
Man'ne ... "poured all this month of salary
Satsuki" Ahokaina ... "
you How many...
Yes~ Welcome and welcome. Satsuki is good.
The season is autumn, and it's a good season.
Frog chorus, September bride...
Water manju, water yokan...
Well, the season has come.
Satsuki "I'm sorry for all the troubles in Japan. 20 million yen problem..."
Yayoi " Soyanee ..."
Satsuki "Is it going to be a pension crisis?"
Yatoi Do Chau and Gaee? "
Satsuki" Minister of Finance Hen only read comics or something Aso, there also packetizer person Ya I wish "
Yayoi" packetizer person is Ninen ... "had had great many even before
Satsuki" Oh yeah, I have had great many
Ta ” Yayoi “There is a recording of the presidential election race here in the Koizumi era.”
Satsuki “Play it back”
Yayoi “The race of the presidential election will begin soon.”
Satsuki "
Yayoi" second person, "weirdo" Den I ... "
Satsuki" third person is, "anyway grandchildren" and ... "
" the four people eyes, "dummy voice of intimidation shop" Yayoi Den'na ... "
Satsuki "Cho and wait and ...," weirdo "factions election is say stop and ...
De ... jumped faction"
Yayoi "Hona, lone wolf Bunch jump out from that" shark miso school ".
Omoro Narisoya Na..."
-------------------------------------------------- ------------------
(Note) The God of Poorness... Hashishita, Weirdo... Koizumi, Anyway, Grandchild... Aso, the
voice of Dami's voice... Kamei Shark Miso School・Mori School
--------------------------------------------- -----------------------
Satsuki "Fanfare rang and four of them were gated in together. According to
the expectation of many people, it was "God of poverty". I
think it's going to be a fight for "Weirdo" ..."
Yoyo "The gates opened and all horses started at the same time. The
leader was "The God of Poorness before this," forgetting the last defeat, and started again.
number two is "eccentric", followed by a "Anyway grandchild", "dummy voice of intimidation shop"
has continued.
Satsuki "you are about Sashikakaro soon the first corner ..."
Yayoi aim to "cut preceding escape Or, "The poor god before this.
" "Weirdo" is attached right after that."
Satsuki "Makiko jumps out. Makiko jumps out. The
mare "Makiko" started running alongside "Weirdo" and started cheering!!"
Yayoi "Oops, the mare "Makiko" is barking at the audience seats
... I don't really mean "Odabtsu-sama..."
----------- ------------------------------------
(Note) Makiko Makiko Tanaka
------------------------------------------ -----
Satsuki "It turned into a gentle curve around the 3rd corner.
The "poor god" at the beginning, did you see a little tiredness,
Pomade's mane has been disturbed ?
" ”, I'm closing the gap with the top.”
Satsuki ““Anyway grandson” and “Dummy voice threatening shop” have become noticeable delays.
The difference with the preceding group has widened . ・”
Yayoi “Now, it's about time to turn to the fourth corner.
Oops, the audience has turned into a cheering party for the “Weirdo”
!! , has sent a large cheer to "weirdo"!
This will be what the!? "
Satsuki" has become the surprising expansion ... "
Yayoi" This is a surprise !!
hall is like a rumbling It's a big cheer!!”
Satsuki “I went around the 4th corner and entered the last straight line!
I went from the second place to the outside and suddenly the “Kinjin” jumped to the top!!”
Yayoi "I just pulled the "poor god" apart and entered the self-supporting posture!!"
Satsuki ""Weirdo" is strong !! "Weird" is strong !!
30m to the goal!!
10m !!" Yayoi " Weird's 1st place!!'Weird's 1st place!! We
made a big difference to the 2nd place's "God of poverty", and now we're running in front of the goal!! With
the clock at hand, it's 2 minutes 9 seconds 8.
This is a new record I !! "
Satsuki" Iyaa, Hey !! I was surprised
in front of the goal of a straight line, "eccentric" is outstanding strength
gave me showing off ... "
such as landslide victory in the Yayoi" so much great difference ,
Who would have expected it!"
Satsuki "I didn't read "Most of the time","
Yayoi "The Monaca trainer of "The God of Poorness"
trembles in his mouth. "
(Note) Monaca ... Nonaka (Chief Secretary)
----- ----------------------------
Satsuki to the flow of the "era, ... it was overwhelmed by the large swell
you could see even in such a feeling !!”
Yayoi “No, I don’t know about it…”
Satsuki “I don’t really understand that…” or
good “Yes. ... "
Satu Ki: "Where did you make a mistake? It was because of him..."
Yayoi "Well, that's right.
That is the limit of the thinking circuit of the backers.”
Satsuki “I 'm still excited about the excitement in the hall...” But as you can
see, the spring G1 “Governor Chair Captain” ,
the "weirdo" is stunning race, won the laurels.
So, you end the horse racing live coverage in this area, "
Yayoi" Wate also strategy mistakes and word ... "
Satsuki" Why or? "
Yayoi buy the" Wate was betting, a do Ninen ... "Per
Satsuki" Why Ya ne? Yaro romp Once Ya' ... Valentin "
Yayoi" one point buying win and.
Man'ne ... "poured all this month of salary
Satsuki" Ahokaina ... "
you How many...