
H. Rider Haggard ヘンリー・ライダー・ハガードが大好きです。

Ayesha, the Return of She 「女王の復活」・ウィキペディア(1)

2014-02-23 19:27:50 | 日記

Ayesha (novel)

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First edition cover pub. by
First edition cover pub. by "Ward Lock"
Author H. Rider Haggard
Country United Kingdom
Language English
Series Ayesha Series
Genre Fantasy, Adventure novel
Publisher Ward Lock
Publication date
Media type Print (hardback & paperback)
Pages 384 pp
Preceded by She
Followed by She and Allan

Ayesha, the Return of She is a gothic-fantasy novel by the popular Victorian author H. Rider Haggard, published in 1905, as a sequel to his far more popular and well known novel, She. It was serialised in the Windsor Magazine in 1904-5.

Ayesha, the Return of She 「女王の復活」は、彼のはるかにポピュラーでより有名な小説、「洞窟の女王」の続編として、1905年に出版された人気のあるビクトリア朝著者H・ライダー・ハガードの中世の空想の小説です。

Its significance was recognised by its republication by the Newcastle Publishing Company as the fourteenth volume of the celebrated Newcastle Forgotten Fantasy Library series in October 1977.


In the introduction, Sir H. Rider Haggard links the name Ayesha to Muhammad's wives, and the Arabic name (Arabic: عائشة, ʻĀʼishah, pronounced [ˈʕaːʔiʃa]), stating that it should be pronounced "Assha" /ˈɑːʃə/,[1] although the pronunciation A·ye·sha /ɑːˈjʃə/ is perhaps more common.

 イントロダクションでは、H・ライダー・ハガードサーは、発音されるべきであると述べて、ムハンマドの妻への名前アーイシャおよびアラビアの名前(アラビア:عائشة,[ˈʕaːʔiʃa]), 発音された[??a?i?a])をリンクします「Assha」/ˈɑːʃə/、[1]であるが、発音はA·ye·sha /ɑːˈjʃə/ が恐らくより一般的です。





1-1.In the book's prologue, the book's anonymous "Editor" receives a parcel. Opening it, he finds a letter from Horace Holly, with an enclosed manuscript containing a second memoir about She. There is also a second letter, from Holly's doctor, to whom Holly has entrusted his letter and manuscript, along with a wooden box, which contains an ancient sistrum. The doctor recounts how, when attending Holly in his last hours, he arrived at the house to find that Holly had risen from his deathbed and made his way to a local ring of ancient standing stones. Following him, the doctor glimpsed a manifestation that appears to Holly, but as the vision vanished, Holly had let out a happy cry and died.

1. 要約
1-1.In 本のプロローグ、本の匿名の「エディター」は小包を受け取ります。

1-2.When the narrative of Holly's manuscript begins, nearly twenty years have passed since their first adventure in Africa, but he and his ward Leo Vincey are convinced that Ayesha did not die. Following their dreams, they wander for years through Asia, eventually coming to "Thibet" (as it is spelled in the book). Taking refuge over winter in a remote lamasery, they meet the old Abbot Kou-En, who claims to recall a past-life encounter tales with a witch queen from the time of Alexander the Great. The Abbott tries to dissuade them from going on and warns them that, however beautiful, nothing is immortal, even if the Queen was born centuries ago in Ancient Egypt or remembers it from a past life. He believes the Queen is holding on to the distractions of life, which will lead them away from Enlightenment and peace, whether she is a demon, a fallen angel, or only a dream.

 1-2. ホリーの原稿の話が始まる場合、ほぼ20年がそれらのアフリカで最初の冒険以来過ぎました。しかし、彼および監視レオVinceyは、アーイシャが死ななかったと確信しています。
遠隔のラマ教寺院の中で冬にわたる避難をとって、それらはその年を取ったAbbot Kouエンに会います、この人は過去の生命の遭遇をリコールすることを主張する、アレクサンドロス大王の時間からの魔女女王との物語。

1-3.Despite the Abbot's warning, Leo is compelled to press on and Holly will not abandon his adopted son. When spring breaks, they travel out into the uncharted region beyond the monastery; after a perilous journey and many narrow escapes, they arrive in the city of Kaloon, which is ruled by the evil Khan Rassen and his imperious wife, the Khania Atene, who claim to be descendants of Alexander the Great's ancient Hellenist generals. The people of Kaloon live under an uneasy truce with the people who serve the Hesea, the Priestess of Hes, who dwells on the Mountain, a huge volcano that dominates the region, at the summit of which is a massive natural rock formation in the shape of an ankh. Atene declares her love for Leo, but the jealous and dissolute Rassen (who has been driven mad by the sorcery of Atene and her uncle, the wizard Simbri) wants to kill them.

1-3. 僧院長の警告にもかかわらず、レオは、押し進めることを強いられます。また、ホリーは彼の養子を遺棄しないでしょう。

1-4.Atene's rival, the mysterious Hesea, orders Atene to send Leo and Holly to her, or risk breaking their peace treaty. Atene vows to kill Leo, rather than let him go, but with the help of Rassen, they escape the city. However they soon realise that Rassen has betrayed them and is hunting them with his monstrous Death-Hounds. They make a dash to the foot of the mountain, where they are caught by Rassen, but after a desperate struggle they manage to kill the Khan and his hounds.

1-4. Ateneのライバル、不可解なHesea、彼女のもとへレオとホリーを送り出す、注文Ateneあるいはそれらの和平条約を壊す危険。

First edition illustration of Ayesha

1-5.As Leo and Holly ascend the Mountain they are intercepted by the people of Hes, who are then joined by a ghost-like Messenger, who leads them up the mountain. After they arrive at the vast temple-palace complex near the summit, they are taken into the presence of the veiled Hesea, who admits that she is the Messenger who guided them up the Mountain.

 1-5.As レオとホリーは、それらが遮られる山に登る‥‥Hesの人々(その後、ゴーストのようなメッセンジャー(この人は山を上へそれらをリードする)が誰に加わる)。

1-6.In accordance with ancient custom, Atene comes to the mountain temple for the funeral of Rassen. The Hesea now declares that she is indeed the reincarnation of Ayesha, and that Atene is the reincarnation of her ancient rival, Amenartas. To the horror of Leo and Holly, Ayesha reveals she has been reborn into the body of a wizened old crone, her beauty gone. Atene challenges Ayesha, but Leo declares his love for Ayesha, regardless of the form in which she appears. With his choice, the mysterious life-force within the volcano reaches out and engulfs her – when it clears, her former beauty and majesty has been restored.


1-7.Ayesha vows that if Leo still loves her, they will return to her ancient home in Africa. There they will both bathe in the Flame of Life, become immortal, and rule the world together. However she refuses Leo's entreaties to marry him right away, saying that they must wait for the change of seasons and the weather to clear, before they can travel.

1-7. アーイシャは、レオがまだ彼女を愛していれば、アフリカの彼女の古代の家へそれらが返るだろうと誓う。

1-8.While waiting out the winter, Ayesha writes her memories (which are the basis for the fourth book in the series, Wisdom's Daughter). Ayesha shows Holly and Leo how she commands mortals, spirits, and demons. She questions Holly at length about the modern world and expounds to him her plan that, once united with Leo, they will rule the world, conquering the existing Empires by flooding the world's gold supply with her alchemy. Appalled, Holly fears that Ayesha may succeed.

1-8. 冬を待っている間、アーイシャは彼女の記憶(それらはシリーズ、知恵娘中の4番目の本の根拠である)を書く。

1-9.Leo presses Ayesha to marry him without delay, but she is unwilling, insisting they must wait. Bored with his confinement, Leo goes hunting in the mountains but Ayesha, fearful for his safety, uses her psychic powers to watch him and sees that he and his men have been attacked by a leopard, and that Leo has been injured. When the party returns, the furious Ayesha sentences Leo's retainers to death, but Leo is horrified by her cruelty and prevails on her to spare them.

1-9. レオは、すぐに彼と結婚するようにアーイシャに強要する。しかし、それらが待つに違いないことを要求して、彼女は気が進まない。

 1-10.Soon after, Atene sends Ayesha an ultimatum, challenging her to battle. Ayesha marshalls her forces and marches out, but while they are camped at the foot of the mountain, Atene uses her magic to appear in the guise of Ayesha, luring Holly and Leo away from Ayesha's protection, and Leo is captured.

1-10. すぐに後に、Ateneは彼女に戦うように促して、アーイシャに最後通牒を送る。

1-11.Enraged, Ayesha declares that she will destroy Atene and rescue Leo. Although greatly outnumbered, she leads her men into battle, and when the two armies meet Ayesha reveals her power over the elements, summoning up a terrible lightning storm. In the ensuing holocaust, Ayesha obliterates Atene's army and lays waste to Kaloon, while her own army reaches the city without the loss of a single man.

1-11. 激怒して、アーイシャは、彼女がAteneおよび救助レオを破壊するだろうと宣言する。

1-12.When Ayesha and Holly burst into the room where Leo is confined, they discover that Atene has realised her utter defeat and taken poison. They see the wizard Simbri standing poised to kill Leo, but Ayesha paralyses him with her power, and Leo is released unharmed. Leo demands that Ayesha must give herself to him immediately, and she yields to his wish. They kiss, but Ayesha's power proves too great for his mortal body, and he dies in her arms. Ayesha then charges the wizard Simbri to go ahead into the realm of Death and carry a message to the departed spirits, and with these words Simbri falls dead where he stands.

1-12. アーイシャとホリーが、レオが制限される部屋に乱入した時、それらはAteneが彼女の完全な敗北および得られた毒を悟ったことを発見する。

1-13.The distraught Ayesha takes Leo's body to the temple on the peak, where the flames rise up from the crater and consume their bodies. Holly is led down from the mountain and finds his way back to the lamasery.

1-13. 取り乱したアーイシャはピーク上で寺院にレオの体を持っていく。ここで炎は火口から上昇して上昇し、それらの体を消費する。

2.Literary history

2-1.Haggard dedicated the novel to his friend Andrew Lang.[2] Eighteen years pass between books, and in the characters’ lives.[3]

2. 文学史
2-1. ハガードは彼の友達アンドリュー・ラングに小説を捧げました。[2]18、数年は本の間に、および文字の生命で過ぎます。[3]

 2-2.It is set in Tibet, reincarnation being a familiar tenet of Tibetan Buddhism; however the back story is set in the ancient Mediterranean, of Egypt, Arabia, etc.


2-3.Haggard's daughter, Lilias, in her biography explained the origin of the names: 'She-Who-Must-Be-Obeyed' was a doll in the author's nursery. Ayesha was borrowed from Arabic, being traditionally one of Mohammed's wives’ names; a note by Haggard indicates that it should be pronounced "Assha");[1] Hes is an alternative name for Isis.[4]

 2-3. ハガードの娘、リリア、彼女の伝記の中で、名前の起源について説明した:


Montezuma's Daughter/The People of the Mist

2014-02-23 16:35:24 | 日記

Montezuma's Daughter

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First edition
(publ. Longman & Co.)

Montezuma's Daughter, first published in 1893, is a novel written by the Victorian adventure writer H. Rider Haggard. Narrated in the first person by Thomas Wingfield, an Englishman whose adventures include having his mother murdered, a brush with the Spanish Inquisition, shipwreck, and slavery. Eventually, Thomas unwillingly joins a Spanish expedition to New Spain, and the novel tells the fictionalized story of the first interactions between the natives and European explorers. This includes a number of misunderstandings, prejudice on the part of the Spaniards, and ultimately open war.


 During the course of the story, Thomas meets and marries the daughter of the native king (from whom the novel takes its title) and settles into life in Mexico. The war destroys his native family, and eventually Thomas gets revenge on the antagonist and returns to England. 


While in Mexico in 1891 researching for the book Haggard received news that his only son had died, which dealt him a lasting blow and badly affected his health.[1] Haggard himself recognised that Montezuma's Daughter was the last of his best work "for the rest was repetition so far as fiction was concerned".[2] Like many Victorian adventure novels, this one sometimes treats the natives as naïve and barbaric, a flaw Haggard explicitly points out in his main character. 



The People of the Mist

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The People of the Mist is a classic lost race fantasy novel written by H. Rider Haggard. It was first published serially in the weekly magazine Tit-Bits, between December 1893 and August 1894; the first edition in book form was published in London by Longmans in October, 1894.


The work's importance was recognized in December, 1973, by its revival by Ballantine Books as the sixty-third paperback volume of the celebrated Ballantine Adult Fantasy series.



1 Plot
2 Per ardua ad astra
3 References
4 External links


The People of the Mist is the tale of a British adventurer seeking wealth in the wilds of Africa, finding romance, and discovering a lost race and its monstrous god.


The penniless Leonard Outram attempts to redress the undeserved loss of his family estates and his fiancee by seeking his fortune in Africa. In the course of his adventures, he and his Zulu companion Otter save a young Portuguese woman, Juanna Rodd, together with her nursemaid Soa, from slavery.

彼の冒険の間に、彼およびズールー人の仲間カワウソは奴隷制度から、彼女の子守り女Soaと一緒に、若いポルトガルの女性(Juanna Rodd)を救う。

Leonard and Juanna are plainly attracted to each other, but prone to bickering, and their romance is impeded by the watchful and jealous Soa. The protagonists seek the legendary People of the Mist, said to possess a fabulous hoard of jewels. On finding them, they immediately become embroiled in the turbulent political affairs of the lost race, which is riven by a power-struggle between its king and the priests of its giant crocodile god. The heroic Outram can do little more than react to events. The action climaxes in a hair-raising escape by tobogganning a large flat stone down a steep glacier.


The World's Desire/Eric Brighteyes/Nada the Lily

2014-02-23 14:53:47 | 日記

The World's Desire

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The World's Desire is a classic fantasy novel first published in 1890 and written by H. Rider Haggard and Andrew Lang. Its importance was recognised in its later revival in paperback by Ballantine Books as the fortieth volume of the celebrated Ballantine Adult Fantasy series in January 1972.


The World's Desire is the story of the hero Odysseus, mainly referred to as "the Wanderer" for the bulk of the novel. Odysseus returns home to Ithaca after his second, unsung journey. He is hoping to find a "home at peace, wife dear and true and his son worthy of him".[1] Unfortunately, he does not find any of the three, instead his home is ravaged by a plague and his wife Penelope has been slain. As he grieves, he is visited by an old flame, Helen of Troy, for whom the novel is named. Helen leads him to equip himself with the Bow of Eurytus and embark on his last journey. This is an exhausting journey in which he encounters a Pharaoh who is wed to a murderess beauty, a holy and helpful priest, and his own fate.





Eric Brighteyes

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Eric Brighteyes
Author H. Rider Haggard
Country United Kingdom
Language English
Publication date

The Saga of Eric Brighteyes is the title of an epic viking novel by H. Rider Haggard, and concerns the adventures of its eponymous principal character in 10th century Iceland. The novel was first published in 1890 by Longmans, Green & Company. It was illustrated by Lancelot Speed.



1.Plot outline

Eric Thorgrimursson (nicknamed "Brighteyes" for his most notable trait), strives to win the hand of his beloved, Gudruda the Fair. Her father Asmund, a priest of the old Norse gods, opposes the match, thinking Eric a man without prospects. But deadlier by far are the intrigues of Swanhild, Gudruda's half-sister and a sorceress who desires Eric for herself. She persuades the chieftain Ospakar Blacktooth to woo Gudrida, making the two men enemies. Battles, intrigues, and treachery follow.

1. プロット・アウトライン
彼女は、2人敵を作って、Gudridaを口説くように首領Ospakar Blacktoothに説得します。


Haggard wrote the book in late 1888 following a trip to Iceland.[1]

 2. 背景

3.Pioneer genre

The novel was an early example (and Haggard's introduction implies it was the first) of modern efforts in English at pastiching Viking saga literature. It clearly shows the influence of the pioneering saga translations by William Morris and Eirikr Magnusson in the late 1860s. While it is perhaps not quite a match for Frans Gunnar Bengtsson's genre-defining 1941 novel Röde Orm (later expanded and better known as The Long Ships), Bengtsson had the advantage of being culturally closer to his sources. For saga pastiches originating in English, Eric Brighteyes set a standard of quality and fidelity to the saga style that remained unmatched until Poul Anderson's novel The Broken Sword, 60 years later.

3. パイオニア・ジャンル
それが恐らく全くフランス・グンナルBengtssonのジャンルを定義する1941年の新しいR?de Orm(その後拡張し、バイキング船として一層よく知られている)に匹敵する人でない間、Bengtssonは彼の出所に文化的に接近していることという長所を持ちました。

A curious effect of Haggard's successful emulation of the terse, pithy style of saga prose is that the idiom of this novel actually seems rather less dated in the early 21st century than Haggard's other work or the general run of Victorian adventure fiction. Improvements in our understanding of the Viking period have done surprisingly little to falsify Haggard's imagination of its setting, and the book should still hold appeal to any reader interested in the period.


Anthony Boucher and J. Francis McComas praised Eric Brighteyes, saying that "nothing has been written in English that matches this complete comprehension of the blend of the fury and mysticism that was that greatest of anomalies, the Viking."[2] Its significance was recognized by its republication by the Newcastle Publishing Company as the second volume of the celebrated Newcastle Forgotten Fantasy Library series in March, 1974.




Nada the Lily

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Nada the Lily
First edition (damaged copy)
Author H. Rider Haggard
Country United Kingdom
Language English
Subject Zulu people
Genre Historical
Publisher Longman & Co.
Publication date
Pages 295
Preceded by Allan's Wife & Other Tales
Followed by Marie

Nada the Lily is an historical novel by English writer H. Rider Haggard, published in 1892. It is said to be inspired by Haggard's time in South Africa (1875–1882).

The novel tells the tale of the hero Umslopogaas, the illegitimate son of the great Zulu king and general Chaka, and his love for "the most beautiful of Zulu women", Nada the Lily. Nada the Lily is unusual for a Victorian novel in that its entire cast of characters is South African and black. Chaka was a real king of the Zulus but Umslopogaas was invented by Haggard and also features in Allan Quatermain.


Nada the Lily は、1892年に公表された英国の作家H・ライダー・ハガードの時代小説。




1.Plot outline

Nada the Lily is set at the time of Chaka, the Zulu king, around whom much of the action turns, but essentially the book is the story of Umslopogaas, and of "his love for Nada, the most beautiful of Zulu women." They have been brought up as brother and sister but Umslopogaas is really Chaka's son. It is narrated by Mopo the father of Nada and doctor to Chaka, who has a claim on Chaka because he saved the life of Chaka and his mother when they were outcast wanderers.

During the course of the novel Umslopogaas teams up with Galazi the Wolf, who lives on Ghost Mountain and has power over the resident wolf pack. The story ends tragically when Nada, fleeing the wrath of Dingaan following the assassination of Chaka, takes refuge in a cave on the mountain. Galazi dies in her defence but the cave proves her tomb as she is unable to open the stone door she has closed behind her. (Umslopogaas appears again in Haggard's She and Allan and in Allan Quatermain he is an old man and dies heroically.)

1. プロット・アウトライン


2.Historical basis

Parts of the story are closely based on actual historical events and on folktales recorded by Bishop Henry Callaway and others. 'Mopo' is based in part on a man called Mbopa who was involved in the assassination of Shaka; however Umslopogaas, Galazi and Nada are wholly invented characters.

The real-life Zulu kings Shaka and Dingane are major characters and the book is set around the time of real events such as the assassination of Shaka, the Weenen Massacre (the subject of Haggard's later novel Marie), the Battle of Italeni, the Battle of Blood River and the coming to power of Mpande kaSenzangakhona (Panda), the third king of the Zulus.

2. 歴史上の基礎

現実のズールー人の王(シャカとDingane)は主なキャラクターである。また、本は、シャカの暗殺、ウィーネン大虐殺(ハガードの後の新しいマリーの主題)、Italeniの戦い、ブラッド川の戦い、およびMpande kaSenzangakhona(パンダ)、ズールー族の3番目の王を政権を握ることのような実際の出来事の時間の頃にセットされる。

3.Cultural influence

The name "nada"is an Arabic word for the dewdrops in the morning and, as such, a poetic metaphor for the concept of generosity, another possible translation of the same word.[1]

It's also probable that the name is a reference to the Portuguese word meaning "nothing" because Haggard was introduced to that idiom while living in South Africa.[2] After a final scramble we ended up sitting on her head while Mdluli told me what he knew of the mountain, its history & the Zulu meaning of Tshaneni. "But why Nada the Lily?" he asked me. "Nada is not a Zulu name." No it's not. It's Portuguese. Nada's grandfather was a white man, "a Portuguese from the coast."


3. 文化的影響
最終の後に‥‥よじ登る‥‥彼が何のことを知っていたかMdluliが私に伝えた一方、我々は結局彼女の頭を審理した‥‥山、その歴史& Tshaneniのズールー人の意味。


She: A History of Adventure「洞窟の女王」」 (1889 novel)

2014-02-23 09:40:32 | 日記



She: A History of Adventure

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She: A History of Adventure
She title page.jpg
Title page of first book edition of She
Author H. Rider Haggard
Illustrator E.K. Johnson (Graphic)
Maurice Greiffenhagen & C.H.M. Kerr (1888 ed)
Country United Kingdom
Language English
Series Ayesha Series
Genre Fantasy
Publisher Longmans
Publication date
Media type Print (serial, hardback, paperback)
Pages 317 (1887 hardback)
Followed by Ayesha, the Return of She
SHE (1st Edition Cover) 1887

She, subtitled A History of Adventure, is a novel by Henry Rider Haggard, first serialised in The Graphic magazine from October 1886 to January 1887. She is one of the classics of imaginative literature, and as of 1965 with over 83 million copies sold in 44 different languages,[1] one of the best-selling books of all time. Extraordinarily popular upon its release, She has never been out of print. According to the literary historian Andrew M. Stauffer, "She has always been Rider Haggard's most popular and influential novel, challenged only by King Solomon's Mines in this regard".

「She洞窟の女王」(副題A History of Adventure冒険の物語)

The story is a first-person narrative that follows the journey of Horace Holly and his ward Leo Vincey to a lost kingdom in the African interior.


There, they encounter直面する a primitive原始時代 race of natives and a mysterious white queen, Ayesha, who reigns as the all-powerful "She女王", or "服従しなければならぬお方She-who-must-be-obeyed". In this work, Rider Haggard developed the conventions of the Lost World sub-genre, which many later authors emulated.[2]




 She is placed firmly in the imperialist literature of nineteenth-century England, and inspired〉〔ある感情思想を〕起こさせる 抱かせるby Rider Haggard's experiences of South Africa and British colonialism. The story expresses numerous racial and evolutionary conceptions of the late Victorians, especially notions of degeneration and racial decline prominent during the fin de siècle. In the figure of She, the novel notably explored themes of female authority and feminine behaviour. It has received praise and criticism alike for its representation of womanhood.

物語は、前のビクトリアンの多数の人種・進化の概念(特にfin de siècle(世紀末)に顕著な退化および人種の衰退についての概念)を示します。

fin de siècle
アクセント・音節fin de siè・cle 発音記号/fˈændəsiékl/
【名詞】[the fin de siecle] (フランスなどで文芸方面退廃的傾向強く現われた) (19)世紀末 (cf. ninety 
【形容詞】【限定用法の形容詞】1世紀末の.2退廃的な[フランス語‘end of the century' の




A young Cambridge University professor, Horace Holly, is visited by a colleague, Vincey, who reveals that he will soon die and proceeds to tell Holly a fantastical tale of his family heritage.



He charges Holly with the task of raising his young son, Leo (whom he has never seen) and gives Holly a locked iron box, with instructions that it is not to be opened until Leo turns 25. Holly agrees, and indeed Vincey is found dead the next day.


Holly raises the boy as his own; when the box is opened on Leo's 25th birthday they discover the ancient and mysterious "Sherd of Amenartas", which seems to corroborate Leo's father's story.


Holly, Leo and their servant, Job, follow instructions on the Sherd and travel to eastern Africa but are shipwrecked.


They alone survive, together with their Arab captain, Mahomed;


after a perilous journey into an uncharted region of the African interior, they are captured by the savage Amahagger people.


The adventurers learn that the natives are ruled by a fearsome white queen, who is worshiped as Hiya or "She-who-must-be-obeyed". The Amahagger are curious about the white-skinned interlopers, having been warned of their coming by the mysterious queen.



[形]1 ((形式・おどけて))恐ろしい, おぞましい;見るも恐ろしいa fearsome reputation as a sexist|性差別主義者だというおぞましいうわさ.2 ((略式))巨大な, ばかでかい, とてつもない.3 おく病 ...


Billali, the chief elder of one of the Amahagger tribes, takes charge of the three men, introducing them to the ways of his people. One of the Amahagger maidens, Ustane, takes a liking to Leo and by kissing him and embracing him publicly, weds him according to Amahagger customs. Leo, likewise, grows very fond of her.

Billali tells Holly that he needs to go and report the white men's arrival to She. In his absence, some of the Amahagger become restless and seize Mahomed, intending to eat him as part of a ritual "hotpot". Realising what is about to happen, Holly shoots several of the Amahagger, killing Mahomed in the process; in the ensuing struggle Leo is gravely wounded, but Ustane saves his life by throwing herself onto his prostrate body to shield him from spears. All seems lost as the Amahagger resolve to kill Ustane along with the white men but Billali returns in the nick of time and declares that the three men are under the protection of She. Leo's condition, however, worsens and he nears death as Ustane faithfully tends to him.

They are taken to the home of the queen, which lies near the ruins of the lost city of Kôr, a once mighty civilisation that predated the Egyptians. The queen and her retinue live under a dormant volcano in a series of catacombs built as tombs for the people of Kôr. There, Holly is presented to the queen, a white sorceress named Ayesha. Her beauty is so great that it enchants any man who beholds it. She, who is veiled and lies behind a partition, warns Holly that the power of her splendour arouses both desire and fear, but he is dubious. When she shows herself, however, Holly is enraptured and prostrates himself before her. Ayesha reveals that she has learned the secret of immortality and that she possesses other supernatural powers including the ability to read the minds of others, a form of telegnosis and the ability to heal wounds and cure illness; she is also revealed to have a tremendous knowledge of chemistry, but is notably unable to see into the future. She tells Holly that she has lived in the realm of Kôr for more than two millennia, awaiting the reincarnated return of her lover, Kallikrates (whom she had slain in a fit of jealous rage). Later, when Holly inadvertently and secretly discovers Ayesha in her hidden chamber, he learns that she may have some degree of power to reanimate the dead.

The next evening She visits Leo to heal him. But upon seeing his face, she is stunned and declares him to be the reincarnation of Kallikrates. She saves him and becomes jealous of Ustane. The latter is ordered to leave Leo and never to set her eyes on him again. Ustane refuses, however, and Ayesha eventually strikes her dead with magic. Despite the murder of their friend, Holly and Leo cannot free themselves from the power of Ayesha's beauty and Leo becomes bewitched. In explaining her history, Ayesha shows Leo the perfectly preserved body of Kallikrates, which she has kept with her, but she then dissolves the remains with a powerful acid, confident that Leo is indeed the reincarnation of her former lover.

In the climax of the novel, Ayesha takes the two men to see the pillar of fire, passing through the ruined city of Kôr into the heart of the ancient volcano. She is determined that Leo should bathe in the fire to become immortal and remain with her forever, and that together they can become the immortal and all-powerful rulers of the world. After a perilous journey, they come to a great cavern, but at the last Leo doubts the safety of entering the flame. To allay his fears, Ayesha steps into the Spirit of Life, but with this second immersion, the life-preserving power is lost and Ayesha begins to revert to her true age. Holly speculates that it may be that a second exposure undoes the effects of the previous or the Spirit of Life spews death on occasion. Before their eyes, Ayesha withers away in the fire, and her body shrinks. The sight is so shocking that Job dies in fright. Before dying, She tells Leo, "Forget me not. I shall come again!"





King Solomon's Mines・・Allan Quatermain

2014-02-23 07:43:22 | 日記


King Solomon's Mines

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King Solomon's Mines
First edition
Author H. Rider Haggard
Country United Kingdom
Language English
Series Allan Quatermain Series
Genre Lost World
Publisher Cassell and Company
Publication date
Pages 320
Followed by Allan Quatermain

King Solomon's Mines (1885) is a popular novel by the Victorian adventure writer and fabulist Sir H. Rider Haggard. It tells of a search of an unexplored region of Africa by a group of adventurers led by Allan Quatermain for the missing brother of one of the party. It is the first English adventure novel set in Africa, and is considered to be the genesis of the Lost World literary genre.





Allan Quatermain

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Allan Quatermain
Allan Quatermain character
Thure de Thulstrup - H. Rider Haggard - Maiwa's Revenge - Fire, you scoundrels.jpg
Allan Quatermain, having waited until the last minute, orders his men to fire in this illustration by Thure de Thulstrup from Maiwa's Revenge (1888)
Created by H. Rider Haggard
Portrayed by Sean Connery (The League of Extraordinary Gentlemen)
Gender Male
Occupation Hunter
Nationality British

Allan Quatermain is the protagonist of H. Rider Haggard's 1885 novel King Solomon's Mines and its various prequels and sequels. Allan Quatermain was also the title of a book in this sequence.




The character Quatermain is an English-born professional big game hunter and occasional trader in southern Africa, who supports colonial efforts to spread civilization in the Dark Continent, though he also favours native Africans having a say in their affairs. An outdoorsman who finds English cities and climate unbearable, he prefers to spend most of his life in Africa, where he grew up under the care of his widower father, a Christian missionary. In the earliest-written novels, native Africans refer to Quatermain as Macumazahn, meaning "Watcher-by-Night," a reference to his nocturnal habits and keen instincts. In later-written novels, Macumazahn is said to be a short form of Macumazana, meaning "One who stands out." Quatermain is frequently accompanied by his native servant, the Hottentot Hans, a wise and caring family retainer from his youth. His sarcastic comments offer a sharp critique of European conventions. In his final adventures, Quatermain is joined by two British companions, Sir Henry Curtis and Captain John Good of the Royal Navy, and by his African friend Umslopogaas


Appearance and character

The series spans 50 years of Quatermain's life, from 18 to 68; at the start of the foundation novel King Solomon's Mines, he has just turned 55. Physically, he is small, wiry, and unattractive, with a beard and short hair that sticks up. His one skill is his marksmanship, where he has no equal. Quatermain is aware that as a professional hunter, he has helped to destroy his beloved wild free places of Africa. In old age he hunts without pleasure, having no other means of making a living.


About Quatermain's family, little is written. He lives at Durban, in Natal, South Africa. He marries twice, but is quickly widowed both times. He entrusts the printing of memoirs in the series to his son Harry, whose death he mourns in the opening of the novel Allan Quatermain. Harry Quatermain is a medical student who dies of smallpox while working in a hospital. As Haggard did not write the Quatermain novels in chronological order, he made errors with some details. Quatermain's birth, age at the time of his marriages, and age at the time of his death cannot be reconciled to the apparent date of Harry's birth and age at death.


 H. Rider Haggard ヘンリー・ライダー・ハガード

Chronology of works


2014-02-23 07:34:26 | 日記


Chronology of works

  • King Solomon's Mines (1885)
  • Allan Quatermain (1887)
  • She (1887)
  • Cleopatra (1889)
  • The World's Desire (1890); co-written with Andrew Lang
  • Eric Brighteyes (1891)
  • Nada the Lily (1892)
  • Montezuma's Daughter (1893)
  • The People of the Mist (1894)
  • "The Wizard" (1896)
  • Stella Fregelius: A Tale of Three Destinies (1903)
  • The Brethren (1904)
  • Ayesha: The Return of She (1905)
  • Moon of Israel (1918)
  • When the World Shook (1919)
  • She and Allan(1921)


    出典: フリー百科事典『ウィキペディア(Wikipedia)』
    移動: 案内検索

    サー・ヘンリー・ライダー・ハガード(Sir Henry Rider Haggard,1856年6月22日 - 1925年5月14日)は、イギリスファンタジー作家冒険小説家。暗黒大陸と呼ばれた時代のアフリカなど人跡未踏の秘境を舞台とした秘境探検小説を主に著した。代表的な作品に『ソロモン王の洞窟』やその続編群(アラン・クォーターメインもの)、『洞窟の女王』・『女王の復活』の「She」シリーズがある。表記はハッガードとも。





    1880年、イギリスに帰りマリアナ・マージストンと結婚、夫人と協力して駝鳥の飼育場を経営し、かたわら農政研究に打ち込んだ。この方面の著作として『田園英国"Rural England"』(1902年)『貧民と土地"The Poor and the Land"』(1905年)がある。[1]これらの功績が評価されて、後に英国政府からナイトに叙勲された。1884年、ロンドンで弁護士事務所を開き、弁護士として働きながら創作を始めるが、この方面の仕事にはあまり熱心になれず、同年、処女作『夜明け"Dawn"』を発表する。これはイギリスが舞台の普通小説で、あまり評判にはならなかった。なお、夫人との間には四児をもうけている。

    1885年、読書界の話題となっていたスティーブンソンの『宝島』に対抗意識を燃やして、わずか六週間で書いた『ソロモン王の洞窟"King Solomon's Mines"』が、出版と同時に『宝島』以上の評判となり、売上でもそれを凌ぐ結果となった。この小説の成功により、ハガードは作品の題材を探るべく世界各地を訪れる。アイルランドなど北欧、エジプト、イスラエル、メキシコ、インカ帝国などで、それらを舞台とした秘境冒険小説を次々と発表し、新作が出る度に読者に好評をもって迎え入れられる。その間、失業者再雇用委員会の委員長就任、農業改良運動家、社会活動家としての名声も高まった。しかし晩年はハガード流の冒険小説も飽きられ、作品にアラン・クォーターメン(『ソロモン王の洞窟』の主人公で、以後十六編に登場している。)の名が出ないと採用されない状態にもなる。農政問題での活動にも疲れ、作家としても一時の隆盛から遠のき、版元ロングマンズ・グリーン社創立二百年式典で作家代表として祝辞を述べた後、倒れ1925年に世を去った。68歳没。


    ハガードの秘境探検小説は、後続のファンタジー作家に多大な影響を与えた。今では全く顧みられない『夜明け』をはじめとする現代小説は、完成させるのに数ヶ月も推敲を重ねるのが普通であったが、評判となった秘境小説の大半は、数週間という驚異的な速度で書かれたものが多い。『洞窟の女王"She;A History of Adventure"』を執筆する時、ハガードは腹案も下書きも何一つ用意せず、六週間で書き上げたとのことである。[2]そのハガードに高い評価を与えたのは文豪ヘンリー・ミラーで、その著『わが読書』において「もっとも親近性のある尊敬すべき作家」と評している。さらに『迷宮の作家たち』という評論でも、ハガードについて一章を割いて論じており、『洞窟の女王』を「驚嘆すべき書」と絶賛している。[3]またシャーロック・ホームズの作者、コナン・ドイルも「空想やスケールの点ではハガードに及ばぬかもしれないが、作品の質と思想の面白さにおいてはハガードを凌ぎたい。」[4]とまで言わせるほどハガード作品は当時の人々に熱狂的に迎えられた。


    ハガードファンが最も愛好する作品が、アッシャが初登場した『洞窟の女王』であるが、二度目に登場するのは『女王の復活"Ayesha;The Return of She"』で、十八年後の執筆であった。


    • The Witche's Head(1884)
    • 『ソロモン王の洞窟』(King Solomon's Mines ,1885)創元推理文庫、大久保康雄訳
    • 洞窟の女王』(She: a History of Adventure ,1887)創元推理文庫、大久保康雄訳
    • 『二人の女王』(Allan Quatermain ,1887)創元推理文庫、大久保康雄訳
    • 『アランの妻』(Allan's Wife;and Other Tales ,1887)『マイワの復讐・アランの妻』創元社、大久保康雄訳
    • 『マイワの復讐』(Maiwa's Revenge ,1888)『マイワの復讐・アランの妻』創元社、大久保康雄訳
    • 『クレオパトラ』(Cleopatra ,1889)創元推理文庫、森下弓子訳
    • The World's Desire(1890)アンドルー・ラングとの共著
    • Eric Brighteyes(1891)
    • 『モンテズマの娘』(Montezuma's Daughter ,1893)創元社、大久保康雄訳
    • Allan the Hunter;A Tale of Three Lions(1898)
    • Black Heart and White Heart;and Other Stories(1900)
    • 『女王の復活』(Ayesha The Return of She ,1905)創元推理文庫、大久保康雄訳
    • 『黄金の守護精霊』(Benita An African Romance ,1906)創元推理文庫、菊池光訳
    • The Morning Star(1910)
    • Marie(1912)
    • Child of Storm(1912)
    • The Wanderer's Necklace(1914)
    • The Holly Flower(1915)
    • The Ivory Child(1916)
    • Smith and the Phoraohs;and Other Tales(1916)
    • Finished(1917)
    • Moon of Israel; A Tale of the Exodus(1918)
    • 『古代のアラン』(The Ancient Allan ,1920)国書刊行会、山下諭一訳
    • She and Allan(1921)
    • Wisdom's Daughter;The Life and Love Story of She-who-must-be-obeyed(1923)
    • Heu-Heu;or the Monster(1924)
    • The Treasure of the Lake(1926)
    • Allan and the Ice-Gods(1929)



    1. ^ 創元推理文庫『ソロモン王の洞窟』(第29版)巻末「解説」(大久保康雄
    2. ^ 洞窟の女王、創元推理文庫、P398
    3. ^ ヘンリー・ミラー・コレクション9、水声社、P159
    4. ^ ソロモン王の洞窟、創元推理文庫、P376
    5. ^ 二人の女王、創元推理文庫、P397


