
H. Rider Haggard ヘンリー・ライダー・ハガードが大好きです。

機械翻訳のみ 「ソロモン王の洞窟」 第15章 GOOD FALLS SICK (1) 【平林初之輔 訳なし】

2014-04-04 05:39:30 | 日記

「ソロモン王の洞窟」 第15章 (1) 機械翻訳のみ

【平林初之輔 訳なし】

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After the fight was ended, Sir Henry and Good were carried into Twala's hut, where I joined them. They were both utterly exhausted by exertion and loss of blood, and, indeed, my own condition was little better. I am very wiry, and can stand more fatigue than most men, probably on account of my light weight and long training; but that night I was quite done up, and, as is always the case with me when exhausted, that old wound which the lion gave me began to pain. Also my head was aching violently from the blow I had received in the morning, when I was knocked senseless. Altogether, a more miserable trio than we were that evening it would have been difficult to discover; and our only comfort lay in the reflection that we were exceedingly fortunate to be there to feel miserable, instead of being stretched dead upon the plain, as so many thousands of brave men were that night, who had risen well and strong in the morning.

Somehow, with the assistance of the beautiful Foulata, who, since we had been the means of saving her life, had constituted herself our handmaiden, and especially Good's, we managed to get off the chain shirts, which had certainly saved the lives of two of us that day. As I expected, we found that the flesh underneath was terribly contused, for though the steel links had kept the weapons from entering, they had not prevented them from bruising. Both Sir Henry and Good were a mass of contusions, and I was by no means free. As a remedy Foulata brought us some pounded green leaves, with an aromatic odour, which, when applied as a plaster, gave us considerable relief.

But though the bruises were painful, they did not give us such anxiety as Sir Henry's and Good's wounds. Good had a hole right through the fleshy part of his "beautiful white leg," from which he had lost a great deal of blood; and Sir Henry, with other hurts, had a deep cut over the jaw, inflicted by Twala's battle-axe. Luckily Good is a very decent surgeon, and so soon as his small box of medicines was forthcoming, having thoroughly cleansed the wounds, he managed to stitch up first Sir Henry's and then his own pretty satisfactorily, considering the imperfect light given by the primitive Kukuana lamp in the hut. Afterwards he plentifully smeared the injured places with some antiseptic ointment, of which there was a pot in the little box, and we covered them with the remains of a pocket-handkerchief which we possessed.

Meanwhile Foulata had prepared us some strong broth, for we were too weary to eat. This we swallowed, and then threw ourselves down on the piles of magnificent karrosses, or fur rugs, which were scattered about the dead king's great hut. By a very strange instance of the irony of fate, it was on Twala's own couch, and wrapped in Twala's own particular karross, that Sir Henry, the man who had slain him, slept that night.

I say slept; but after that day's work, sleep was indeed difficult. To begin with, in very truth the air was full

"Of farewells to the dying
And mournings for the dead."

From every direction came the sound of the wailing of women whose husbands, sons, and brothers had perished in the battle. No wonder that they wailed, for over twelve thousand men, or nearly a fifth of the Kukuana army, had been destroyed in that awful struggle. It was heart-rending to lie and listen to their cries for those who never would return; and it made me understand the full horror of the work done that day to further man's ambition. Towards midnight, however, the ceaseless crying of the women grew less frequent, till at length the silence was only broken at intervals of a few minutes by a long piercing howl that came from a hut in our immediate rear, which, as I afterwards discovered, proceeded from Gagool "keening" over the dead king Twala.

After that I got a little fitful sleep, only to wake from time to time with a start, thinking that I was once more an actor in the terrible events of the last twenty-four hours. Now I seemed to see that warrior whom my hand had sent to his last account charging at me on the mountain-top; now I was once more in that glorious ring of Greys, which made its immortal stand against all Twala's regiments upon the little mound; and now again I saw Twala's plumed and gory head roll past my feet with gnashing teeth and glaring eye.

At last, somehow or other, the night passed away; but when dawn broke I found that my companions had slept no better than myself. Good, indeed, was in a high fever, and very soon afterwards began to grow light-headed, and also, to my alarm, to spit blood, the result, no doubt, of some internal injury, inflicted during the desperate efforts made by the Kukuana warrior on the previous day to force his big spear through the chain armour. Sir Henry, however, seemed pretty fresh, notwithstanding his wound on the face, which made eating difficult and laughter an impossibility, though he was so sore and stiff that he could scarcely stir.

About eight o'clock we had a visit from Infadoos, who appeared but little the worse—tough old warrior that he was—for his exertions in the battle, although he informed us that he had been up all night. He was delighted to see us, but much grieved at Good's condition, and shook our hands cordially. I noticed, however, that he addressed Sir Henry with a kind of reverence, as though he were something more than man; and, indeed, as we afterwards found out, the great Englishman was looked on throughout Kukuanaland as a supernatural being. No man, the soldiers said, could have fought as he fought or, at the end of a day of such toil and bloodshed, could have slain Twala, who, in addition to being the king, was supposed to be the strongest warrior in the country, in single combat, shearing through his bull-neck at a stroke. Indeed, that stroke became proverbial in Kukuanaland, and any extraordinary blow or feat of strength was henceforth known as "Incubu's blow."

Infadoos told us also that all Twala's regiments had submitted to Ignosi, and that like submissions were beginning to arrive from chiefs in the outlying country. Twala's death at the hands of Sir Henry had put an end to all further chance of disturbance; for Scragga had been his only legitimate son, so there was no rival claimant to the throne left alive.

I remarked that Ignosi had swum to power through blood. The old chief shrugged his shoulders. "Yes," he answered; "but the Kukuana people can only be kept cool by letting their blood flow sometimes. Many are killed, indeed, but the women are left, and others must soon grow up to take the places of the fallen. After this the land would be quiet for a while."

Afterwards, in the course of the morning, we had a short visit from Ignosi, on whose brows the royal diadem was now bound. As I contemplated him advancing with kingly dignity, an obsequious guard following his steps, I could not help recalling to my mind the tall Zulu who had presented himself to us at Durban some few months back, asking to be taken into our service, and reflecting on the strange revolutions of the wheel of fortune.

"Hail, O king!" I said, rising.

"Yes, Macumazahn. King at last, by the might of your three right hands," was the ready answer.

All was, he said, going well; and he hoped to arrange a great feast in two weeks' time in order to show himself to the people.

I asked him what he had settled to do with Gagool.

"She is the evil genius of the land," he answered, "and I shall kill her, and all the witch doctors with her! She has lived so long that none can remember when she was not very old, and she it is who has always trained the witch-hunters, and made the land wicked in the sight of the heavens above."

"Yet she knows much," I replied; "it is easier to destroy knowledge, Ignosi, than to gather it."

"That is so," he said thoughtfully. "She, and she only, knows the secret of the 'Three Witches,' yonder, whither the great road runs, where the kings are buried, and the Silent Ones sit."

"Yes, and the diamonds are. Forget not thy promise, Ignosi; thou must lead us to the mines, even if thou hast to spare Gagool alive to show the way."

"I will not forget, Macumazahn, and I will think on what thou sayest."

After Ignosi's visit I went to see Good, and found him quite delirious. The fever set up by his wound seemed to have taken a firm hold of his system, and to be complicated with an internal injury. For four or five days his condition was most critical; indeed, I believe firmly that had it not been for Foulata's indefatigable nursing he must have died.

Women are women, all the world over, whatever their colour. Yet somehow it seemed curious to watch this dusky beauty bending night and day over the fevered man's couch, and performing all the merciful errands of a sick-room swiftly, gently, and with as fine an instinct as that of a trained hospital nurse. For the first night or two I tried to help her, and so did Sir Henry as soon as his stiffness allowed him to move, but Foulata bore our interference with impatience, and finally insisted upon our leaving him to her, saying that our movements made him restless, which I think was true. Day and night she watched him and tended him, giving him his only medicine, a native cooling drink made of milk, in which was infused juice from the bulb of a species of tulip, and keeping the flies from settling on him. I can see the whole picture now as it appeared night after night by the light of our primitive lamp; Good tossing to and fro, his features emaciated, his eyes shining large and luminous, and jabbering nonsense by the yard; and seated on the ground by his side, her back resting against the wall of the hut, the soft-eyed, shapely Kukuana beauty, her face, weary as it was with her long vigil, animated by a look of infinite compassion—or was it something more than compassion?

For two days we thought that he must die, and crept about with heavy hearts.

Only Foulata would not believe it.

"He will live," she said.

For three hundred yards or more around Twala's chief hut, where the sufferer lay, there was silence; for by the king's order all who lived in the habitations behind it, except Sir Henry and myself, had been removed, lest any noise should come to the sick man's ears. One night, it was the fifth of Good's illness, as was my habit, I went across to see how he was doing before turning in for a few hours.

I entered the hut carefully. The lamp placed upon the floor showed the figure of Good tossing no more, but lying quite still.

So it had come at last! In the bitterness of my heart I gave something like a sob.




あざが苦痛であるかのしかし、彼らは私たちにサー·ヘンリーの、グッド傷のような不安を与えていない。良い、右、彼は大量の血液を失っていた、そこから彼の「美しい白い脚、 "の肉質部分に穴を持っていた。そしてサー·ヘンリーは、他のが痛いと、 Twalaの戦い-AXによって与えあごの上に深いカットを、持っていた。幸いにもグッドは非常にまともな外科医であり、そうすぐに薬の彼の小さなボックスが徹底的に傷を清めた、今後のあったように、彼は原始Kukuanaによって与えられた不完全な光を考慮して、かなり満足のいく最初のサー·ヘンリーの、その後彼自身をステッチするために管理小屋ランプ。その後彼は、多々鍋小箱にあったそのうちのいくつかの消毒軟膏で負傷した場所を、塗りつけ、そして我々は我々が保有するポケットハンカチの遺跡でそれらをカバーした。

一方Foulataは、私たちが食べるにはあまりにも疲れたために、私たちにいくつかの強力なスープを準備していた。この私たちは飲み込まれ、その後死んだ王の偉大な小屋が点在し、壮大karrosses 、または毛皮の敷物の山に身を投げた。サー·ヘンリー、彼を殺した男が、その夜寝ていることを、運命の皮肉の非常に奇妙なインスタンスによって、それがTwala自身のソファの上で、 Twala自身特にkarrossに包まれた。


死者のためとmournings 。 "

あらゆる方向からの夫、息子、兄弟の戦いで死んた女性の嘆きの音が来た。彼らは、 12000以上の男性、またはKukuana軍のほぼ五のために、泣き叫んだことも不思議ではその恐ろしい闘争で破壊されていなかった。それは戻らないだろうことは人のために横になって彼らの叫びに耳を傾ける悲痛だった。そしてそれは私がさらに男の野望にその日行った作業の完全な恐怖を理解した。沈黙だけ私がその後発見したように、我々の直接後方の小屋から来た長い突き刺し遠吠え、で数分おきに壊れていた長さになるまで、深夜に向けて、しかし、女性の泣いて不断には、それほど頻繁に成長した、死んだ王TwalaかけGagool 「キーンという」から進んだ。



約8時は、我々は彼がいた - のための彼の努力の戦いで、彼は彼は徹夜していたことを知らせてくれましたが、もっと悪い - タフな古の戦士が登場しますが、少しInfadoosからの訪問があった。彼は私たちを見て喜んでいたが、はるかに良いの条件で悲しみ、そして真心を込めて手を振った。私は彼が人間以上の何かであるかのように彼は、畏敬の念のようなものでヘンリーを扱っていること、しかし、気づいた;我々はその後分かったように、実際、偉大な英国人は、超自然的存在としてKukuanaland全体に見えた。だれも、兵士が言った、彼が戦ったように戦っていないかもしれない、または、そのような労苦と流血の日の終わりに、王であることに加えて、最強の戦士になるはずだった、 Twalaを、殺害された可能性国は、単一の戦闘で、一気に彼の雄牛ネックを通じてせん断。確かに、そのストロークがKukuanalandにことわざとなり、強度のいずれかの異常な打撃や偉業を今後と呼ばれていました」 Incubuの一撃。 "

InfadoosはすべてTwalaの連隊がIgnosiに提出していたし、そのような提出物は辺境国の首長から到着し始めていたことも私たちに語った。サー·ヘンリーの手でTwalaの死は、外乱のすべての更なる可能性に終止符を入れていた。 Scraggaのための彼の唯一の合法的な息子であったので、王位へのライバル請求者が生きて残ってありませんでした。

私はIgnosiは血液を介して電源に泳いしたと述べた。古いチーフは彼の肩をすくめた。 「はい」と彼は答えた。 「しかしKukuanaの人々は実際、多くが殺される。時には彼らの血を流すことで、クールに保つことができますが、女性は残し、他の人はすぐに落ちたの場所を取るために成長しなければなりません。この後の土地は静かになりますしばらくの間。 "

その後、朝の過程で、我々は、その眉王室の王冠が今結合させた上で、 Ignosiから短期訪問がありました。私は王の威厳、彼の手順に従って、こびへつらうガードとともに進む、彼を意図したように、私は、私の心にいくつかの数ヶ月前ダーバンで私たちに自分自身を提示していた背の高いズールーをリコール私たちのサービスに入れなければ尋ねると、反射助けることができなかった運命の輪の奇妙な回転に。

「あられ、王よ! "私は上昇し、言った。

「はい、 Macumazahn 。王が、最終的にあなたの3右手のマイトによって、 「即答だった。

すべてがうまくいって、彼によると、あった。彼は人々に自分自身を示すために、 2週間後に大きなごちそうを手配することを望んだ。


「彼女は土地の悪の天才である」と彼は答えた、「私は彼女を殺すものとし、彼女とのすべての魔女の医師が!彼女は、彼女は非常に古いではなかったとき何も覚えていないということであれ生きてきた、彼女はそれが誰であるか常に魔女ハンターを訓練して、上記の天の目の前で土地が邪悪になりました。 "

私は答えた"しかし、彼女は多くを知っている"; 「それは、それを収集するよりも、知識、 Ignosiを破壊する方が簡単です。 "

「それはそうです」と彼は思慮深く言った。 「彼女と彼女は、王が埋葬され、サイレントワンズが座っている偉大な道路が実行されると、どこへ、 「三魔女、 「あそこの秘密を知っている。 "

「はい、ダイヤモンドがあるではないあなたの約束、 Ignosiを忘れ、 。あなたはあなたが道を示すために生きているGagoolを余裕なたとしても、鉱山に私たちを導く必要があります。 "

「私は、 Macumazahnを忘れてはいけませんし、私はあなたがsayの二人称単数現在形かに思うだろう。 "

Ignosiの訪問後、私は良い見に行って、彼は非常にせん妄が見つかりました。彼の傷が設定した熱が彼のシステムをしっかりホールドをとっているため、内部の損傷を合併しているように見えた。 4または5日間、彼の状態は、最も重要だった。確かに、私はそれが、彼が死亡している必要がありますFoulataの不屈の介護のためにされていないことをしっかりと考えています。

女性は女性、以上のすべての世界では、何でも自分の色である。しかし、どういうわけかそれが不自然なほどの男のソファの上で夜と昼、曲げ、ゆっくり、迅速病気部屋のすべての慈悲深い用事を行い、微細で訓練病院の看護師と本能この薄暗い美しさを見て好奇心旺盛だった。最初の夜または2のために私は彼女を助けようとした、と彼の剛性は彼が移動することができるようにサー·ヘンリーは、すぐでしたが、 Foulataは焦りと私たちの干渉を産み、最終的に我々は彼女に彼を出ると主張し、私たちの運動が行われていることを言って私は本当だったと思う、これは彼は満足。昼と夜、彼女は彼を見て、彼にチューリップの種の球根からジュースを注入したここで彼の唯一の薬、牛乳で作られたネイティブの冷却ドリンクを、与えて、彼の上に沈殿するのハエを維持し、彼に傾向があった。それが私たちの原始的なランプの光で夜の後の夜に現れたように私は今、全体像を見ることができます。良い投げに行ったり来たり、彼の特徴は衰弱、彼の目は庭で大きくて明るい、とジャバーナンセンス輝く。そして彼の側で地面に座って、無限の慈悲またはの外観によるアニメーション小屋、ソフト目、形の良いKukuanaの美しさ、彼女の顔、それは彼女の長い徹夜であったように疲れた、の壁に休んで、彼女の背中だったそれ同情以上の何か?



「彼は生きるだろう "と彼女は言った。




