Yassie Araiのメッセージ


Asanikki220316 Rakugo "Takanawa gate-way"高輪ゲートウェイ

2022-03-16 15:56:42 | 自分史

Asanikki220316 Rakugo  "Takanawa gate-way"高輪ゲートウェイ

This is a nice narrative art , Rakugo at a title of Takanawa gate-way.

A young husband found ,oneday morning,  a bundle of money at the sea shore walk. He was frighten and ran back home with it. He showed it his wife, so ......  what happened talk for the couple then?

This is a revitalized rakugo piece, from classic orgination of  Shibahama. It will be praised  as chronicle scene vitally at the day under our pandemic  days of now.

You are enchanted by a clear cut talking of typical down town tongue of Tokyo. 



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