

Levy p.68麻疹

2020年08月29日 15時54分25秒 | Thomas Levy ビタミンCによる感染症と毒物の治療の本

Thomas Levy氏の著書に記載されている各種のウイルス・細菌に対するビタミンCの適用の記事の翻訳リストは、次のブログ記事にまとめてあります:

Thomas Levy ビタミンCによる感染症と毒物の治療の本の効果のまとめ


Levy p.68麻疹


Thomas Levy、ビタミンCによる感染症と毒物の治療の本

Curing the Incurable: Vitamin C, Infectious Diseases, and Toxins (英語) ペーパーバック – 2011/8

治癒不可能なものを治す: ビタミンC、感染症疾患、及び毒素

Thomas E. Levy  (著)




Measles (Curable and Preventable) 麻疹(治癒可能、予防可能)


The 21st edition of the Cecil Textbook of Medicine characterizes measles as an acute and highly contagious disease accompanied by fever, cough, runny nose, inflamed eyes, and a rash.


Although significant complications are relatively rare, measles can sometimes be fatal when the disease proceeds to a viral pneumonia or to a viral brain infection.


The Cecil Textbook of Medicine states that there is "no specific antiviral therapy" for measles, and bed rest remains the recommended treatment in the absence of complications.


Attempted prevention of measles by the use of the measles, mumps, and rubella (MMR) vaccine is the primary intervention offered by modern medicine for this disease.




Klenner (1953) dealt with the treatment of measles in the care of his own young daughters.


They contracted the disease during an epidemic in North Carolina during the spring of 1948,


Vitamin C therapy was started as soon as the diagnosis of measles was clinically certain,


Klenner was very confident that high doses of vitamin C would destroy the virus at any point, and he proceeded to see what smaller doses of vitamin C would do to the development of the disease,


Doses of 1,000 mg by mouth every four hours clearly improved the symptoms, although smaller doses were noted to allow the disease to progress.


When Klenner proceeded to administer 1,000 mg by mouth every two hours, all evidence of the infection was cleared within 48 hours,


However, discontinuation of the vitamin C at this point allowed the return of the disease.



Klenner was able to demonstrate that the measles could be symptomatically controlled but not eradicated by this pattern of vitamin C dosing for a period of 30 days.


(訳注: この記載は完全な間違い。クレナーの元論文にはこんなことは一言も書いていない。2人の娘の症状を観察した期間が30日だと言っているだけである。2人の娘が、同時ではなく、時間がずれて発症し、クレナーがCを投与して治療経過を観察したのが合計30日だと言っているだけである。)


At this point he again gave 1,000 mg every two hours around the clock for four days, and the infections were permanently eradicated.


Klenner noted that for "the first time a virus infection could be handled as if it were a dog on a leash."


This single clinical experiment conducted by Klenner probably best exemplifies that vitamin C simply must be given in high enough doses for a long enough period of time to effectively kill an invading virus.



Following the successful treatment of measles in his daughters, Klenner proceeded to treat new cases of measles with intravenous or intramuscular vitamin C.


He noted that he could achieve complete control of the disease within 24 to 36 hours after starting the treatment, with the response differing only because of variable doses and frequencies of administration.


Klenner also noted that his patients were able to develop complete immunity to recontracting measles even when he had intervened early and cured the disease before the rash was ever allowed to develop,



Klenner (1951, 1953) reported the case of a 10-month-old infant with reddened eyes and throat, high fever (105°F), cough, runny nose, and Koplik's spots.

クレナー(1951, 1953)は、赤い眼と喉、高熱(105F, 40.6℃)、咳、鼻水の垂れている鼻、コプリック斑のある10か月の乳児の症例を報告した。

Koplik's spots are essentially the typical rash spots seen in measles that appear on the mucous membranes inside the mouth prior to skin eruptions.


A 1,000 mg dose of vitamin C was given intramuscularly every four hours.


After only 12 hours the cough had subsided, the redeyes and throat had cleared, and the temperature had normalized.


However, Klenner wanted to see whether the fever was just fluctuating or actually responding to the vitamin C like an antibiotic.


No vitamin C was given over the next eight hours, and the fever went back to 103.4°F.


After vitamin C therapy was restarted, the fever promptly decreased, and the baby made a complete and rapid recovery.


No measles rash ever developed on the skin, and Klenner noted that over the next four years the baby did not contract measles.


This is consistent with an acquired immunity to the disease even though the disease never became completely expressed clinically,



Klenner also treated a 22-month-old baby with a similar clinical picture to the 10-month-old baby noted above.


This baby responded rapidly in the same manner to vitamin C therapy, and the parents insisted on hospital discharge after only 36 hours,


Apparently still infectious, the baby's brother and sister developed measles four days later, and the baby broke out with measles seven days later.


This again reinforces the absolute need to use enough vitamin C for a long enough period of time.


Paez de la Torre (1945) also reported good results treating measles with vitamin C.

パエズ デ ラ トレ(1945)も、ビタミンCで麻疹を治療する良い結果を報告した。

Kalokerinos (1976) reported the responsiveness of measles to vitamin C, and he added the importance of using the intravenous or intramuscular form of administration for optimal and reliable effect.





As mentioned earlier, measles can kill when it invades the brain or the lungs,


Klenner (1953) discussed the case of an eight-year-old boy who presented with encephalitis, a viral infection and inflammation of the brain, as a complication of measles and mumps.


The boy was notably drowsy and listless, and his mother related that the child's increasing stupor, which was associated with headache, had developed over the prior four or five days.


Although a very active child, he went to bed on his own with a temperature of 104°F.



Klenner immediately gave 2,000 mg of vitamin C intravenously, and since no hospital beds were available, the child was then sent home.

クレナーは直ちにビタミンC 2000mgを静脈投与し、病院のベッドが使用できなかったので、その子供を家に帰した。

After two hours, the child developed an appetite, began playing around the house, and for several hours looked as though he had completely recovered.


However, after six hours, his symptoms began to return.


About 18 hours after the initial vitamin C injection in the office, Klenner gave another 2,000 mg dose of vitamin C intravenously and added 1,000 mg to be given orally every two hours,

病院での最初のビタミンC注射の約18時間後、クレナーは2回目のビタミンC 2000mgの静脈投与を行ない、そして2時間毎に経口投与するために1000mgを追加した。

Consequently, the following day found the child free of fever and symptoms.


Wary of a relapse, however, Klenner gave yet another 2000 mg of vitamin C by vein and continued the oral regimen for another 48 hours,

しかしながら、再発を警戒して、クレナーはビタミンC 2000mgを静脈投与し、さらに48時間に渡り経口投与を続けた。


The child made a complete recovery, and never demonstrated any evidence of brain damage, even as long as five years later.


Such damage is very common after surviving encephalitis,


Klenner added that "similar cases" to this boy had shown even more rapid and dramatic responses when the vitamin C was given by injection every two to four hours,





Klenner (July 1949) also published some observations on the ability of vitamin C to protect those at risk from contracting measles during an epidemic.


Not unexpectedly, the primary consideration was dose.


Klenner found that 1,000 mg of vitamin C by injection every six hours gave complete protection.

クレナーは、6時間毎のビタミンC 1000mgの注射は、完全に保護したことを発見した。

However, as much as 1,000 mg given in fruit juice every wo hours did not provide complete protection.


This is further dramatic evidence that many of the so-called "megadoses" of vitamin C that are researched and published are very insufficient in the face of an enormous viral exposure,



Anything in gram (versus are insufficient in the face of an miligram) doses is considered megadose in much of the literature, even if it is only one or two grams (1,000 to 2000mg).


However, acute diseases, especially infectious ones, metabolize and utilize vitamin C at a seemingly astronomical rate.


Measles is an infectious disease especially notorious for causing nosebleeds.


Bleeding caused by the fragility of tiny blood vessels (capillaries) is also one of the characteristic findings in scurvy.


This bleeding tendency resolves very reliably and promptly after the first or second injection of vitamin C.


The overwhelming virus load seen in an acute case of measles may well often induce an acute case of scurvy, at least with regard to a greater likelihood of bleeding



Whenever a "maintenance" dose of several thousand milligrams of vitamin C still allows some infectious disease such as measles to take hold, vastly higher doses of vitamin C must still be immediately instituted to deal with the infection.


The fact that the disease took hold while the individual was faithfully taking several thousand milligrams of vitamin C daily does not negate a much higher dosing of vitamin C as the treatment of choice.



The immune function in patients with measles was also demonstrated to be enhanced by the administration of vitamin C.


Joffe et al. (1983) were able to demonstrate that vitamin C allowed for a more rapid recovery of certain lymphocyte subsets.


This information alone might not seem to be very significant, but it makes a lot of sense in the context of the clinical responses that Klenner reported.



Like polio and hepatitis, measles is one more disease that is completely curable by properly dosed vitamin C given by the proper route.





Also, when adequate doses are ingested regularly, measles can also be prevented.


Other vitamin supplementation is also a good idea.


Goskowitz and Eichenfield (1993) noted that an acute vitamin A deficiency can be seen in children with measles, usually associated with more severe disease.


However, because vitamin C can promptly cure a fully developed case of measles, the ability to prevent the infection is not nearly so important.


In fact, a valid argument can be made that contracting the disease, curing it with vitamin C, and then attaining the reSultant long-term immunity to the disease might be the most desirable way to proceed.


This is especially true since adequate vitamin C may not always be readily available and/or there may not be a doctor willing to dose it properly when the disease strikes,

適切なビタミンCは、常に容易には入手できない、及び/又は 麻疹になった時にビタミンCを適切に投与しようとする医師はいない可能性があるので、これは特に当てはまる。


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