

Levy p.61ウイルス性肝炎

2020年08月29日 15時55分39秒 | Thomas Levy ビタミンCによる感染症と毒物の治療の本

Thomas Levy氏の著書に記載されている各種のウイルス・細菌に対するビタミンCの適用の記事の翻訳リストは、次のブログ記事にまとめてあります:

Thomas Levy ビタミンCによる感染症と毒物の治療の本の効果のまとめ


Levy p.61ウイルス性肝炎


Thomas Levy、ビタミンCによる感染症と毒物の治療の本

Curing the Incurable: Vitamin C, Infectious Diseases, and Toxins (英語) ペーパーバック – 2011/8

治癒不可能なものを治す: ビタミンC、感染症疾患、及び毒素

Thomas E. Levy  (著)




Viral Hepatitisウイルス性肝炎 (Curable治癒可能 and Preventable予防可能)


Acute viral hepatitis, a serious infection of the liver, afflicts between 0.5 and 1.0% of the United States population annually,


Conservatively, this incidence of hepatitis translates to at least one million new cases every year.


The current medical textbooks still maintain that there are no specific curative therapies for this disease, and provide only nonspecific recommendations aiming to treat symptoms while avoiding whatever might aggravate the underlying process.


When the acute syndrome has not completely resolved or subsided on its own after a six-month period, the patient is generally considered by definition to have chronic hepatitis.


Roughly 2% of the United States population is felt to have chronic hepatitis,


Chronic hepatitis results in upwards of 10,000 deaths annually in the United States, and roughly another 1,500 patients with this disease survive to receive liver transplantation.



Acute viral hepatitis, which keeps many people sick for extended periods of time even if it does not result in chronic hepatitis, is easily and readily completely curable if treated promptly with adequate doses of vitamin C.


The effects of vitamin C on hepatitis patients who have already proceeded to the chronic stage is less well-defined, although Some evidence indicates that a high enough dose of vitamin C for a long enough period of time would probably resolve this disease as well in many of the cases,



Klenner (1974) considered vitamin C the drug of choice for viral hepatitis.


His general recommended dosing of vitamin C for hepatitis was 500 to 700 mg per kilogram of body weight, given every eight to 12 hours by vein.


He would also give at least another 10,000 mg daily by mouth in divided doses,



Routinely, a complete resolution of the hepatitis could be expected in two to four days.



On occasion, Klenner would achieve a cure of viral hepatitis with only oral vitamin C (as sodium ascorbate).


Presumably, such patients were less ill or more reluctant about being stuck with needles.


One case reported by Klenner was given only 5000mg of vitamin C in water or juice every four hours,


All signs and symptoms of the hepatitis were gone by 96 hours.


This involved a total of 120,000 mg of vitamin C by mouth over the four-day period.


(訳注: 1日30g、5gを4時間毎に6回、4日継続、合計120g)




Smith (1988) reported on further dramatic successes that Klenner had with viral hepatitis.


One 27-year-old male who was acutely ill with jaundice (yellowed eyes and skin), nausea, and 103°F temperature received a total of 270,000 mg of vitamin C intravenously and 45,000 mg of vitamin C orally over the next 30 hours.

ある27歳の男性は、現実に病気で、黄疸(黄色い目と皮膚)、吐き気、体温103F(39.4℃)であり、続く30時間にビタミンC 合計270gを静脈投与され、ビタミンC 45gを経口投与された。

After this relatively brief period of time, the patient stopped spilling bile in his urine, his temperature was no longer elevated, and he returned to work.


Another Klenner hepatitis patient, a 22-year-old male acutely ill with chills and fever, was treated over a six-day period.


He received a total of 135,000 mg of vitamin C intravenously and 180,000 mg of vitamin C orally.

彼は、ビタミンC合計 135gを静脈投与、ビタミンC 180gを経口投与された。

He, too, had resolution of his symptoms and went back to work.


Of particular interest was that this man's roommate also contracted hepatitis, but he had to remain in the hospital for 26 days with only bed rest as treatment.


Klenner treated another male hepatitis patient over a six day period with a total of 170,000 mg of vitamin C intravenously and 90,000mg orally.


During this six-day period, the patient's SGOT (a liver function test abnormalin acute hepatitis) had gone from 450 to 45(very high to near-normal).



Smith also reported on a case of chronic hepatitis that Klenner treated successfully.


This 42-year-old male had already been treated unsuccessfully with steroids over a seven-month period.


Although Klenner wanted to treat this patient much more aggressively, he was wary that some of the other doctors on the hospital staff would eventually deny the patient any vitamin C therapy if too large a dosing regimen of vitamin C was ordered.


Nevertheless, he still managed to administer 45,000 mg of vitamin C intravenously three times a week and 30,000mg of vitamin C orally daily for about five months, finally achieving resolution of the disease,

しかしながら、彼は1週間に3回ビタミンC 45gを静脈投与し、ビタミンC 30g/日の経口投与を約5か月間続け最終的にこの疾患を解消させた。

Chronic hepatitis will generally prove more difficult to completely eradicate than acute hepatitis with vitamin C therapy, even though the acute viral form of this disease is virtually always a completely curable disease if treated promptly and vigorously with vitamin C.


As you may surmise from the above information, Klenner Would always use his clinical expertise in determining how vigorously to treat his patients with vitamin C.


He prescribed vitamin C by general guidelines according to clinical and temperature responses,


Part of the reason for this clinical approach pertains to how deficient the patient was in vitamin C body stores before the disease ever took hold.


Any given patient can require far more vitamin C than a seemingly comparable patient if the body stores of the two patients were not comparable in amount prior to the onset of the infection.

2人の患者の体内貯蔵が、感染の開始前の量が同じでないならば、あらゆる投与された患者は、見かけ上同等な患者よりもはるかに多くのビタミンCを必要とする可能性がある。(訳注: 意味が良く分からない文章)

However, patients with chronic active hepatitis have decreased blood vitamin C levels and laboratory indicators of increased oxidative stress (Yamamoto et al., 1998), and this indicates that some vitamin C supplementation is always appropriate in such patients,



Other clinicians have achieved clinical successes similar to those of Klenner in the vitamin C treatment of acute viral hepatitis, and often much less total vitamin C was administered.


Dalton (1962) reports on a 20-year-old female presenting with the typical clinical picture of acute hepatitis.


For the first three days of her illness, while she received only complete bed rest as her primary treatment, little clinical improvement was seen.


However, she was then started on a series of vitamin C injections, and Over the remaining six days of her hospitalization received a total of six 2000 mg vitamin C injections.

しかしながら、彼女はその後、一連のビタミンC注射を開始し、残りの6日間の入院期間内に、ビタミンC 2000mgの注射を合計6回受けた。

After only the second injection, she remarked that she no longer had the feeling of "being sick."


Although she remained hospitalized for several more days, she wanted to go home the next day,


Dalton, a medical doctor, commented that this case was the most dramatic recovery from hepatitis that he had ever observed.


Even though the patient appeared to be completely cured of hepatitis, she did require a longer period of treatment with vitamin C than Klenner typically needed with his higher dosing regimen.




A dentist, Orens (1983), reported on his personal experience with hepatitis B.


By taking a combination of 25,000 mg of vitamin C intravenously and 20,000 mg orally Orens had a near-normalization of extremely elevated liver enzymes (SGOT, SGPT, and LDH) over only a five-day treatment period.

ビタミンC 25g静脈投与と20g経口投与の組み合わせにより、オレンスは、極めて上昇した肝臓酵素(SGOT, SGPT, LDH)をたった5日間の治療期間でほぼ正常化した。

Orens also indicated that he only took vitamin C for a period of 10 days.


Although Orens was originally advised by his physician that he might be out of the dental office for a period of six to 12 weeks, he was back to working full-time by the end of his 10-day course of vitamin C.


By the time two additional months had passed there was a total normalization of his liver function tests.


Bauer and Staub (1954) also reported that acute viral hepatitis responded positively to 10,000 mg of vitamin C a day, accelerating the resolution of symptoms and shortening the overall duration of the illness,

バウアーとシュタウブ(1954)も、急性ウイルス性肝炎はビタミンC 10g/日に対してポジティブに反応した、症状の解消を加速し、病気の全般的期間を短縮したと報告した。

Kirchmair (1957, 1957a, 1957b) similarly reported that 10,000 mg of vitamin C daily for only five days markedly improved the clinical status of 63 children with acute hepatitis.

キルヒマイル(1957, 1957a, 1957b)は同様に、ビタミンC 10g/日、たった5日間は、急性肝炎の63人の子供の臨床状態を著しく改善したと報告した。

The vitamin C was administered either intravenously, by rectal infusion, or both.


The jaundice was noted to clear more rapidly, and hospitalization times were cut roughly in half.


Swollen livers were noted to subside much more quickly as well.


Baetgen (1961), again using 10,000 mg of vitamin C a day, reported similar excellent clinical responses in 245 children with acute hepatitis.

バエトゲン(1961)も、ビタミンC 10g/日を使用し、急性肝炎の245人の子供で、類似した素晴らしい臨床反応を報告した。


Calleja and Brooks (1960) reported on a case of acute hepatitis treated with intravenous vitamin C.


A liver biopsy on this patient revealed that he already had cirrhosis (chronic scarring) of the liver with superimposed acute hepatitis.


The cirrhosis was attributed to long-term heavy alcohol intake.


A 5000mg dose of vitamin C was given intravenously daily for 24 days.


On this regimen the patient had a dramatic clinical response.


His anemia (low blood count) resolved, and his white blood cell count and analysis returned to normal.


He gained Weight, recovered his appetite, and lost all of the abdominal fluid that he had been accumulating due to the progressive failure of his liver.


His only liver function test that did not normalize with the treatment was the one that reflected the irreversible cirrhosis part of this liver disease.


Perhaps most significant was the complete resolution of the inflammatory changes on a repeat liver biopsy.


Such changes classically accompany acute hepatitis and end up persisting to some degree whenever chronic hepatitis subsequently develops.


Of further interest is that this study utilized much smaller doses of vitamin C compared to those used by Klenner.


Nevertheless, a complete clinical success was eventually achieved.





Cathcart (1981) is another physician who has repeatedly witnessed the ability of vitamin C to easily eradicate the infecting virus in acute viral hepatitis and achieve a complete clinical cure.


He reported that he never had a single case of acute viral hepatitis fail to respond to properly dosed intravenous vitamin C.


Cathcart also noted that he has never observed any of his vitamin C-treated acute hepatitis patients subsequently develop chronic hepatitis.


He noted that the acutely elevated liver enzyme levels (SGOT and SGPT) typically started dropping dramatically after only the first intravenous administration of vitamin C.


He also noted that the yellowing effect of the associated jaundice would take four to five days to clear, well after the patient feels better.


He attributed this to an actual staining of the skin by the excessive amounts of bilirubin that circulate in the blood during acute hepatitis,


Cathcart lamented in his writings that he was simply confounded by the fact that such an inexpensive, simple, nontoxic, and extraordinarily effective therapy was not routinely used for a disease that disables and/or kills so many people worldwide.

カスカートは彼の著作で、このような安価、簡単、非毒性、驚くほど有効な治療が、世界中の非常に多くの人々に障害を与え  及び/又は殺す疾患に対して日常的に使用されない事実に困惑させられ、残念に思っていた。


Further evidence for the ability of vitamin C to destroy hepatitis causing viruses can be found in the Work of Morishige and Murata (1978).


From 1967 to 1973 hospitalized patients who received whole blood transfusions also received anywhere from 2,000 to 6,000 mg of vitamin C daily after the transfusions were given.

1967年から1973年に入院患者が全血輸血を受け、ビタミンC 1日2000mgから6000mgの範囲のどれかを投与された(訳注:これは経口投与)。

Twelve cases of hepatitis were seen in a group of 170 patients who received little or no vitamin C after their transfusions (incidence.7%), and only three cases of hepatitis were seen in a group of 1,367 patients who received 2000 mg or more of vitamin C daily after their transfusions (incidence 0.2%).


With even higher doses of vitamin C, especially if given intravenously, this incidence of post-transfusion hepatitis should be virtually zero.


Knodell et al. (1981) published data claiming to refute the positive data outlined above.


However, the vitamin C dosing administered by these investigators continued only 16 days after the transfusions as contrasted to almost six months by Morishige and Murata.



Also, Morishige and Murata gave their patients substantially larger daily doses of vitamin C for this longer period of time.


Unfortunately, the scientific literature on vitamin C, both past and present, continues to attempt to debunk the many incredible clinical effects of vitamin C on various conditions by conducting studies that use much smaller doses for much shorter periods of time.


Furthermore, few debunking studies ever use the highly effective intravenous administration of vitamin C, at any dose.

さらに、少数の偽りであることを証明しようとする研究は、非常に効果的な静脈投与のビタミンCをあらゆる投与量で使用している。(訳注: 静脈投与のCでも効かないという捏造をやっている)


Russian investigators, using much smaller doses of vitamin C in their viral hepatitis patients than the curative doses noted earlier, nevertheless documented significant improvements in laboratory test results.


Komar and Vasil'ev (1992) administered only 300 or 400 mg of vitamin C daily along with several other vitamins (B3, B6, and B12).

コマルとバシリエフ(1992)は、幾つかの他のビタミン(B3, B6, B12)と共に、1日たった300または400mgのビタミンCを投与した。

They noted significant improvements in levels of immune proteins in the blood as well as in the function of immune cells,


Vasilev et al. (1989) had earlier made the same finding using only 300 mg of vitamin C daily for two to three weeks.


Vasil'ev and Komar (1988) also determined that this same dose of vitamin C clearly resulted in a more rapid recovery of the depressed T-lymphocyte levels seen in acute viral hepatitis.


Part of the reason for vigorous vitamin C therapy in acute hepatitis is that the disease process itself rapidly utilizes the existing body tissue stores and blood levels of vitamin C present prior to the disease.




This increased rate of vitamin C utilization is actually seen in all infectious diseases and virtually all non-infectious medical diseases.


Dubey et al. (1987) looked at the plasma levels of vitamin C in patients with viral hepatitis and found those levels to also be significantly decreased.



The scientific evidence has clearly established that acute viral hepatitis can be easily cured when enough vitamin C is administered in the early stages of the disease.



This early treatment also provides strong assurance that the acute hepatitis will not just appear to spontaneously resolve while actually evolving into the long-term infection of chronic hepatitis, which can sometimes occur in acute hepatitis untreated by vitamin C and given only supportive care.


The symptoms of chronic hepatitis nearly always respond Well to vitamin C therapy, and some cases of chronic hepatitis may actually be curable if enough vitamin C is given for a long enough period of time.


However, clearly supporting data for the cure of chronic hepatitis by vitamin C could not be found and probably has yet to be definitively gathered.



The data on the decreased incidence of post-transfusion hepatitis in patients taking enough daily vitamin C is also compelling evidence that a high enough daily dose of vitamin C should ensure that acute viral hepatitis is a completely preventable and curable disease.


Although less readily apparent, a very significant benefit of properly dosed vitamin C would be the elimination of any need or reason to vaccinate people against hepatitis.


This would further protect the population from any of the negative consequences that are sometimes seen with such vaccinations,

さらにこのことは、時々そのようなワクチン接種で見られるあらゆる負の結果(訳注; 副作用)から、人々を保護するだろう。

Klenner also had striking success in the effective symptomatic treatment and eventual cure of virtually all viral diseases that he treated with vitamin C.


More viral diseases, only some of which Klenner had the opportunity to treat with vitamin C, will now be addressed and discussed separately,





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