

Levy p.143連鎖球菌の感染No.2

2020年08月29日 15時39分42秒 | Thomas Levy ビタミンCによる感染症と毒物の治療の本

Thomas Levy氏の著書に記載されている各種のウイルス・細菌に対するビタミンCの適用の記事の翻訳リストは、次のブログ記事にまとめてあります:

Thomas Levy ビタミンCによる感染症と毒物の治療の本の効果のまとめ


Levy p.143連鎖球菌の感染No.2


Thomas Levy、ビタミンCによる感染症と毒物の治療の本

Curing the Incurable: Vitamin C, Infectious Diseases, and Toxins (英語) ペーパーバック – 2011/8

治癒不可能なものを治す: ビタミンC、感染症疾患、及び毒素

Thomas E. Levy  (著)




In a randomized double-blind trial looking at the effect of vitamin C on the clinical course of elderly patients hospitalized with acute respiratory infections (bronchitis and pneumonia), Hunt et al (1994) found vitamin C to be of benefit.


Using a fairly small amount of vitamin C supplementation (100mg twice daily), the authors found that the patients supplemented with vitamin C "fared significantly better" than those who received placebo.


All 57 patients in the study received their normal medication as well.



Otitis media, a middle ear infection commonly afflicting children, is commonly secondary to Streptococcus pneumoniae.


Ruskin (1938) reported on his striking success in treating such middle ear infections with vitamin C.


Although the infecting microorganisms were not reported, his clinical success was consistent.


In reporting on ten cases, Ruskin noted that the ten patients he treated over a one-year period "all showed signs of improvement within 12 hours and had resolved within four to five days."


He added that "the results were too striking" to even question "the therapeutic effect of the parenteral administration" of vitamin C.


All ten patients received intramuscular injections of vitamin C.



Rheumatic fever, as with other infectious diseases, has been found to be associated with low urinary excretion of vitamin C, which is an indication of overalllow body stores of the vitamin.


Abbasy et al. (1936) looked at 107 patients with active rheumatic fever and another 86 patients in the recovery and convalescent phase of rheumatic fever.

Abbasy et al(1936)は、活動性リウマチ熱を持つ107人の患者と、リウマチ熱の回復期および回復期にある86人の患者を調べました。

In both groups there was a significant deficit of urinary vitamin C relative to an uninfected control group of 64 individuals.


Most likely, it is the continued deficiency of vitamin C in the convalescing cases of rheumatic fever that makes them so liable to have active recurrences of the disease.


The authors pose the question of whether vitamin C deficiency is a cause or effect of the infective process.


The most accurate answer is that it is probably both a cause and an effect of the infective process.


The infective process will always consume more vitamin C, and, at least in the case of rheumatic fever, it appears that vitamin C deficiency directly predisposes to catching both primary rheumatic fever and recurrent rheumatic fever, and to sustaining the specific types of internal damage caused by rheumatic fever.




Streptococcal tonsillitis and streptococcal pharyngitis (throat infection) are conditions that can precede the development of rheumatic fever.


Coulehan et al. (1976) performed a double-blind, placebo controlled trial of vitamin C administration in a group of 868 children.


The authors found that fewer children receiving the vitamin C had positive throat cultures for beta-hemolytic streptococci than did the children receiving placebo.


The vitamin C administration was also noted to result in higher plasma vitamin C levels in the supplemented children compared to the placebo group.



Kaiser and Slavin (1938) found an overall higher incidence of streptococci in the tonsils of children who had lower blood levels of vitamin C.


Furthermore, the children with higher blood levels of vitamin C were found to have streptococcal bacteria that were less virulent (capable of producing clinical infection and disease) on their tonsils.


Specifically, 40% of the streptococci found in the children with the lowest vitamin C levels were virulent, as determined by injection into mice.


In the children with average vitamin C levels 30% were virulent, and only 10% were virulent in those children with above average levels of vitamin C.



streptococci were completely inhibited with vitamin C in 21 consecutive experiments, while in all instances the control bacteria without vitamin C grew freely



The authors also looked at vitamin C levels in tonsils that Were surgically removed.


Not surprisingly, the tonsils with the highest levels of vitamin C showed the lowest incidence of hemolytic streptococci presence.


The authors concluded that the decreased incidence of streptococcal bacteria in the tonsils of children with the higher levels of vitamin C in the tonsil tissue suggested that vitamin C had an inhibitory relationship on the proliferation of those bacteria in the body.


In the same paper, the authors also looked at the inhibitory effect of various dilutions of vitamin C on the growth of virulent hemolytic streptococci.




They found that the streptococci were completely inhibited in 21 consecutive experiments while in all instances the control bacteria grew freely.


Similar results were obtained with pneumococci bacteria, a pneumonia-causing strain of streptococcal bacteria.


Gnarpe et al. (1968) looked at the growth of different types of bacteria in urine.

Gnarpe et al(1968)は、尿中のさまざまな種類の細菌の増殖に注目しました。

They found that vitamin C had a killing effect ("bactericidal") on the one type of streptococcus tested (Streptococcus faecalis).

彼らは、ビタミンCがテストされた1つのタイプの連鎖球菌(Streptococcus faecalis)に殺害効果(「殺菌」)を持っていることを発見しました。


As with a number of other experimentally-produced diseases, the guinea pig, with its inability to produce vitamin C, has been especially useful in evaluating the treatment of streptococcal infections with vitamin C.


Streptococcal infections are often very virulentinguinea pigs.


Witt et al. (1988) reported that vitamin C-deficient guinea pigs were significantly more likely to contract severe streptococcal infections that often resulted in death.

Witt et al(1988)は、ビタミンCが不足しているモルモットが、しばしば死に至る重度の連鎖球菌感染症にかかる可能性が有意に高いことを報告しました。


Much earlier, Findlay (1923) had noticed a similar result with his guinea pigs.


He found that Scurvy-stricken (Scorbutic) guinea pigs appeared to cope as well as normal guinea pigs with small injections of pneumococci (a streptococcal bacteria).



However, when the numbers of injected microbes were slightly increased, the resistance of the scorbutic guinea pigs broke down more rapidly than that of the control group.


The control animals lived longer and had a more localized infection.


Findlay repeated this experiment with hemolytic streptococci and was able to find a dose of bacteria that killed the scorbutic animals while allowing the controls to survive, demonstrating a probable protective effect of vitamin C against the toxicity and lethality of streptococcal infection.


In rabbits, Locke et al. (1937) were able to demonstrate very elegantly that an intravenous injection of vitamin C about 10 minutes before an intravenous injection of pneumococcal bacteria was followed by a "substantial" increase in the ability of the animal to remove the bacteria from the blood.


In seven of 11 rabbits treated in this fashion, blood cultures showed no bacterial growth 30 minutes later, while nine out of 12 control animals not treated with vitamin C did demonstrate bacterial growth.

この方法で処理された11匹のウサギのうち7匹では、血液培養は30分後に細菌の増殖を示さなかった、 一方、ビタミンCで処理されていない12匹の対照動物のうち9匹は細菌の増殖を示しました。



This is a clear demonstration that vitamin C has a strong antibiotic-like effect on pneumococcal bacteria in the bloodstream.


In guinea pig studies, Rinehart and Mettier (1934) looked at the abilities of scurvy alone, scurvy combined with beta streptococcal infection, and the streptococcal infection alone to produce the types of heart valve and muscle lesions seen in human rheumatic fever.

モルモットの研究では、Rinehartと Mettier(1934)は壊血病単独、壊血病とベータ連鎖球菌感染症の組み合わせ、および連鎖球菌感染症だけで人間のリウマチ熱に見られるタイプの心臓弁と筋肉の病変を生み出す能力を調べました。

They found that the streptococcal infection alone in animals on an adequate diet usually produced "no significant lesions" in the heart valves, In scurvy alone, without the introduction of any infection, "definite atrophic and degenerative changes" were found in the connective tissue (collagen-containing) matrix forming the foundation for the heart valves.


In the animals with both scurvy and streptococcal infection, "striking lesions" of a "combined degenerative and proliferative" nature developed in the heart valves with "considerable frequency."


This terminology is especially significant, since the lesions of rheumatic fever seen in the heart and elsewhere throughout the body of the rheumatic fever patient have been described as initial areas of degeneration, sometimes involving tissue death (necrosis), followed by an inflammatory, "proliferative" phase.



Presumably one reason for the proliferative phase is to have multiplying cells help strengthen the supporting tissue matrix that has been depleted of collagen, which is the vital connective tissue that normally gives significant mechanical strength to the tissues containing it.


Recall that collagen is absolutely dependent on vitamin C for its synthesis.


As Rinehart and Mettier (1934) pointed out, it would appear that there is a primary degenerative pathological lesion seen in both human rheumatic fever and in scurvy combined with streptococcal infection in guinea pigs,

Rinehartと Mettier(1934)が指摘したように、ヒトのリウマチ熱とモルモットの連鎖球菌感染と組み合わさった壊血病の両方に、原発性の変性病変が見られるようです。

Furthermore, several guinea pigs developed similar lesions with just the scurvy and no added streptococcal infection.


Probably one reason why the severity of disease can seem to vary so widely from one host to another is that similar test conditions can produce different levels of pathological response to specific stresses depending on the initial vitamin C body stores, which also vary widely.



Rinehart and Mettier (1934) also looked at the effects of another organism, "B. Gertrycke," injected into two guinea pigs with scurvy.

Rinehartと Mettier(1934)は、壊血病の2匹のモルモットに注射された別の生物「B. Gertrycke」の影響も調べました。


Once again, some degree of the above mentioned degenerative/proliferative changes were seen in the mitral valves of both animals.




When the same organism was injected into guinea pigs with adequate vitamin C supplementation, the heart valves remained normal.


The authors Suggested that infections other than streptococcus had the potential to be especially damaging when combined with a severe enough deficiency of vitamin C.



Rinehart et al. (1934) also pointed out that scurvy alone Would produce a functional impairment in the joints of guinea pigs.


They found that the addition of streptococcal infection accentuated these joint changes, and joint lesions were also noted to be of a type consistent with rheumatic fever.


Furthermore, the authors noted that joint lesions were not caused by infection alone when adequate vitamin C was present in the diet.


Rinehart and Mettier (1933) and McBroom et al. (1937) also determined that acute Scurvy alone, without superimposed infection, Would produce rheumatic-like degenerative changes in the heart valves and heart tissue of guinea pigs.


Rinehart et al. (1938), however, noted that infection alone, "in the presence of an adequate diet, does not produce rheumatic-like lesions."


Stimson et al. (1934) were able to show that some guinea pigs kept vitamin C-deficient would show rheumatic heart lesions while being given only the toxin harvested from a streptococcal infection.

スティムソン等 (1934)は、連鎖球菌感染から採取された毒素だけを与えられている間、ビタミンC欠乏を保ったいくつかのモルモットがリウマチ性心臓病変を示すであろうことを示すことができました。


Rinehart et al. (1934) also pointed out that epidemiological data on rheumatic fever in humans gave strong support for the conclusions they reached on the experimental interactions between infection and varying degrees of vitamin C deficiency.


Campbell and Warner (1930) pointed that the malnourished, or "debilitated" child is the one most likely to develop rheumatic fever.

Campbellと Warner(1930)は、栄養失調または「衰弱した」子供がリウマチ熱を発症する可能性が最も高い子供であると指摘しました。

Certainly, such a child is more likely to be vitamin C-deficient.


They also noted that rheumatic fever has been a disease that predominantly affects the poor, another factor likely to be associated with poor nutrition and vitamin C deficiency.


Dalldorf (1933), using capillary resistance determinations, estimated a 35% to 66% incidence of "subclinical scurvy" among children from poor homes in New York.




Rinehart et al. also pointed out that the age incidence of rheumatic fever probably parallels the preexisting body stores of vitamin C in the patients.


The Cecil Textbook of Medicine asserts that acute rheumatic fever most commonly strikes between five and 15 years of age.

Cecil Textbook of Medicineは、急性リウマチ熱が最も一般的には5歳から15歳の間で発症すると主張しています。

Falk et al. (1932) pointed out that children between the ages of five and 14 years of age require approximately two times more vitamin C per kilogram of body Weight than adults to prevent "latent scurvy."

フォーク等 (1932)は、5歳から14歳までの子供は、「潜在的な壊血病」を防ぐために、成人よりも体重1キログラムあたり約2倍のビタミンCを必要とすることを指摘しました。

This is probably due to the Surge of active growth seen during these years.


The greater the requirement of vitamin C, the easier it is to fall short and induce a subclinical state of scurvy that increases susceptibility to rheumatic fever,



Further evidence that vitamin C deficiency is a primary risk factor for developing rheumatic fever comes from the seasonal incidence of the disease.


Rheumatic fever occurs commonly in late winter and early spring.


These are the same times of the year when vitamin C-rich fresh fruits and vegetables are least available, especially for the poor,



Geographic distributions of rheumatic fever incidence also support the idea that vitamin C helps to prevent the contraction of rheumatic fever.


Clarke (1930) asserted that in the "true tropics"rheumatic fever is not seen.



In such areas, even the poor and the otherwise malnourished still get most of their calories from fresh fruits and vegetables, and vitamin C deficiency is not a problem.


In thousands of patients, Clarke could not find one case of rheumatic fever in the tropics over a 30-year period.


Clarke further cites Rogers (1927), who was able to find evidence of only one case of rheumatic heart involvement in the 4,800 autopsies conducted over a period of 37 years in Calcutta, India.


In India, cabbage and a number of other green leafy vegetables are consumed frequently, and they are usually subjected to only minimal amounts of cooking that wouldlessen the content of vitamin C.



Rinehartet al. (1934) further pointed out that the symptoms of "latent Scurvy" and the "prerheumatic or early rheumatic state" are very similar and have much in common.


They asserted that children with either condition are often found to have "general under nutrition, fatigue, loss of appetite, loss of Weight, myopathy, nervousness, and anemia."


It may be that the two conditions are essentially the same, awaiting only a sufficient exposure to virulent streptococci bacteria in order to develop rheumatic fever.




Finally, Rinehart et al. (1934) asserted that preexisting infection plays an important role in the development of rheumatic fever.


Although the streptococcal infections, manifesting as tonsillitis, sinusitis, and other upper respiratory tract infections, are most commonly associated with the development of rheumatic fever, other organisms have been found to be associated with the disease.


Any state of infection further depletes the stores of vitamin C in the body, Rinehart and his co-authors suggested that both latent scurvy and infection are necessary for the development of rheumatic fever,


Mild scurvy with a severe infection, or more advanced scurvy with a mild infection both seem to promote the development of rheumatic fever.


The interaction of the two conditions assures an especially severe depletion of vitamin C.


Furthermore, the authors claim that the extent of each of the two conditions would help explain the known wide variability in clinical severity of any given case of rheumatic fever,


Streptococcal bacterial infections appear to be especially responsive to vitamin C therapy.


High enough doses can be expected to cure most streptococcal infections, although rheumatic fever has not clearly been shown to be curable.


However, the resolution of rheumatic fever is clearly accelerated by the administration of vitamin C, even at doses that are Well below those utilized by Klenner in other infectious diseases.


The evidence is also strong that streptococcal infections, including rheumatic fever, should be easy to prevent if enough vitamin C is taken on a daily basis,


The associated toxins seen with different streptococcal infections also seem to be readily neutralized by vitamin C, making it the ideal agent for treating streptococcal infections.


Antibiotic therapy can be utilized as well, but it is probably unnecessary in most cases,



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